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Again With The Crazy, Stella?

Cover 38

Thank you, Again With The Crazy, Stella?, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And then, a man went into a store and shot 13 people, killing ten of them. The man was a person of pallor, almost all of his victims were people of pigment. Almost immediately, the Republisphere, whose dudgeon is permanently set to 11, decided that he was an emotionally disturbed individual who did not represent any political movement. By which, of course, they meant their political movement – as far as members of the Republisphere were concerned, he may very well have been driven to violence by the depravity of the left (and how is it that they haven’t had their poetic licence revoked yet?).

Here’s the rub though (and don’t use it barbecuing a steak unless you enjoy shoe leather that tastes of sulphur): how many lone wolf mass murderers must there be before the Republisphere is willing to allow for the possibility that there is something more than personal psychopathology going on?

The Daily Me Staff

The Stopped Heart Was The Key To Knowing It Was All Over –
The Brain Had Been Dead Since Birth

Madison Cawthorn’s political career has died in a flame-out of epic proportions. It was one and a half years old. There were many contributing factors to the career’s premature demise. Asserting that the January 6 Capitol rioters were left-wing anti-fascist agitators rather than frenzied Trump supporters caused the career to break a wrist. Voting against relief packages the benefits of which he then touted to his constituents back home resulted in a small bruised knuckle. Trying to bring a gun into Congress gave the career a black eye. Driving with a revoked licence wa\s a blow to its solar plexus. Claiming he had been invited to an orgy in Washington and seen public figures doing drugs stopped the heart of the career dead.

The career is survived by bitterness and political acrimony. Mourners are asked to overthrow the United States government in the career’s memory.

SOURCE: Obits ‘R Us



Irony Would Give A Heavy Sigh, But It Wasn’t Sure The Gesture Would Be Taken As Intended

If Russia loses the special military action in Ukraine, our brave sons and daughters will be sent to concentration camps set up by the west where they will be sterilized so they don’t reproduce.

The political rot in the world is everywhere! Emmanuel Macron is a Nazi. Angela Merkel? So much a Nazi! Boris Johnson? As Nazi as they come! Joseph Biden? The head Nazi – the nastiest of the Nazis!

For the good of the fatherland, we must send all of the captured Ukrainians to concentration camps where they will be sterilized so they don’t reproduce.




Information Is What You Didn’t Know
Misinformation Is What You Knew (That Was Wrong)
Disinformation Is What You Didn’t Know But What Resonated With Your Deepest, Darkest Fears

The Disinformation Governance Board, a part of the Department of Homeland Security that was supposed to combat online disinformation, has been put on hold after false information about Nina Jankowicz, the expert tasked with leading the agency, was used to destroy its credibility.

Clearly, it failed at its first task.

SOURCE: Cleveland Wheeler Dealer



It’s Not Exactly The Raven/Writing Desk Analogy, But What Is These Days?
What Is?

Is a human woman a sea turtle? Assuming Montana Senator Steven Daines had actually seen a female body, he would know that it is not (unless, I suppose, he had never seen the body of a sea turtle, a problem that could easily be solved by the application of a little National Geographic). I would hazard a guess that he has never seen a sea turtle behind the wheel of a family sedan (although, given his paleo-politics, it’s possible he has never seen a woman there, either). Perhaps he hallucinates seeing sea turtles pushing shopping carts down the aisles of WalMart looking for diapers for their post-born babies.

One thing he believes is clear from his comment during a debate on a Senate bill affirming Roe v. Wade: women, like sea turtles, have no agency. Sure, they look good in the environment and are good to have around in some abstract sense, but their only purpose is to have babies, not opinions. Personal autonomy and the right to make decisions about their bodies are just so much noisy sea turtle gibberish.

The comparison is very much an apples and supersonic aircraft situation. But in the Basket of Deplorables, analogies are like spent toner cartridges in the playpen of a three year-old who has been indulged with too much sugar.

SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism



Lady Liberty Has A Pretty Good Explanation
But She Wasn’t Mentioned In The Constitution, So It’s No Wonder You Won’t Pay Any Attention To Her

Joel Pollak
“Replacement theory” would be less of a problem if it did not offer a compelling explanation of why Democrats are trying to open the southern border to as many migrants as possible and offer them a “path to citizenship” and voting. Note: no one ever provides a better explanation.

SOURCE: Ending Trending Web Site



She Obviously Believes That Liberals Should Be Vaccine But Not Heard

A North York doctor who claimed that half of people who get COVID vaccines will die and compared fighting vaccine mandates to resisting Nazis, is being investigated for charging as much as $300 for letters exempting people from having to get jabbed. A typical exemption letter issued by her office read:

______Guy_____ is a guy who has a health condition that makes it inadvisable for him to get a COVID vaccine. I could tell you what the condition is, but then I would have to kill you. Ha ha. Hee hee. Ooh, boy, I slay me! But seriously, I can’t tell you what the condition is because of pesky patient-doctor privilege, but, honestly, if you knew what it was, you would weep. You would shed so many tears they would flood the Gobi Desert! That’s a lot of lachrymosity! So please let ______Guy_____ into your restaurant/shopping mall/sporting event/movie theatre/other _______________ without being vaccinated because hasn’t he already been through enough?

SOURCE: The Medical-Industrial Complex



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