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Eustace P. Duckamok

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Thank you, Eustace P. Duckamok, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, we heard the song “McArthur Park” and wondered what the big whup was. If you’ve lost the recipe to the cake that you left out in the rain, just go onto teh interwebz and find it again Or, find a version of the one you like that’s even better. Or, stop being so set in your ways and try and find a new one to love. Honestly, old people!

The Daily Me Staff

A Manchin Is Not A Home

Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell is courting Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (which is exactly as icky as it sounds). Why would McConnell believe that Manchin is open to the possibility of joining the Republicans? Just compare Manchin’s record on Build Back Better or electoral reform to that of the average Republican:

Joe Manchin Republican
Out of touch with people they’re supposed to represent
Claims people will misuse social safety net spending to buy drugs
Cites personal slights while claiming to act on principal
Shifting position on a matter of national urgency
Willing to go against policy they initially supported when expedient
Ignores personal profit while claiming to act on principal
Makes definitive policy statement on Fox News
Supports legislation that benefits majority of constituents
Beholden to major campaign donors

Hmm. The conclusion is clear: the Democrats have to continue to negotiate with Manchin in the hope that he is bargaining in good faith and that something can be worked out. Somehow.

SOURCE: Politics For Dummies


Yep, That’s Pretty Much The Way It Works
Unless You Plan On Attending Social Gatherings In A Helicopter

“It will be over my dead body.”

– former Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin on getting the COVID vaccine

SOURCE: No Comment Quotes


Only The Steps That Would Save Lives

According to right wing politicians, Covid went from being a hoax to being something that everybody will just have to get used in their day-to-day lives. Am I missing something, or did they skip a step or two?

SOURCE: Bill’s Bitter Pills


Don’t Make Assumptions About Me: Headlines Are Always In Bold Faced Type

If you’re a Republican politician tethered, however weakly, to reality, you really only have two courses of action: miserably mumble the talking points prepared by right wing think tanks and echoed by right wing media to support whatever position former President Donald Trump is taking this morning; or proudly proclaim the talking points prepared by right wing think tanks and echoed by right wing media to support whatever position former President Donald Trump is taking this afternoon.

Republican Senator Ron Johnson is somebody who enthusiastically cannonballs into the deep end of the pool, unconcerned that it is filled with toxic swamp water. (That’s the second option for the connection-impaired among you.)

Let me be clear: mouthwash will protect you against COVID about as well as a tissue paper shirt will protect you against a bullet. To avoid the right wing arguing that a tissue paper shirt will protect you against a bullet, let me be even more clear: not at all! Mouthwash will give you absolutely no protection against the coronavirus!

But, that’s always the way, isn’t it? When you try to talk sense to somebody who lives in the Basket of Deplorables, you end up speaking in bold faced type!

SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism


Can You Believe Kevin McCarthy Wanted This Guy To Be ON The Commission?

“I have nothing to hide.”

– Jim Jordan about testifying before the 1/6 Commission then

“I have nothing to say.”

– Jim Jordan about testifying before the 1/6 Commission now



He Has Already Determined That Coal Is The Most Cost-effective Stocking Stuffer, So Expect No Pleasant Surprises for Christmas

“Santa’s accountant is also making a list and checking it twice”

Globe and Mail

SOURCE: Billy-Bob’s International House O’ Headlines


This Is Why The United States Can’t Have Nice Things

Why 35 to 40 per cent of the American population refuses to get vaccinated:

SOURCE: The Medical-Industrial Complex


Clue? More Like Clueless!

UK negotiators have repeated a threat to unilaterally suspend parts of the Brexit settlement with the European Union if the issue of Northern Ireland isn’t resolved to its satisfaction. The EU shrugged; England’s economy would suffer much worse if it reneged on its settlement obligations.

The EU is playing three-dimensional chess. What game is the UK playing? Scrabble? Clue? Go Fish? All three at once? We would say that this is going to end badly, but there appears to be no end in sight. It is unfortunate that “drag on interminably badly” is not a common idiom.

SOURCE: Daily Semaphore


What Do You Get For The Prime Minister Who Has Never Wanted For Anything?

42) Match the gift that the Prime Minister received for Christmas and his birthday (same thing, really) in 2020 with the number of people who gave it and the message the gift was meant to convey:

a) pair of socks
b) container of Speaking Moisture lip balm
c) Star Wars Stormtrooper figurine

i) 1
ii) 4
iii) 2

I) if they ever stop fighting amongst themselves, the Conservatives will eat you alive – grow a spine! (Preferably one that actually hits things it shoots at, but the country will take what it can get)
II) mouthing empty platitudes that don’t make it into your legislative agenda can be tough – keep your mouth in good shape on the off chance that you will say something meaningful
III) Canada has a cold climate – stay warm

no number – 42 pretty much says it all) One of the gifts the Prime Minister received was toilet paper with Donald Trump’s face on each sheet. Eww! Why would anybody give him that? Like, seriously, why?

a) to remind him of the torture he no longer has to endure
b) to remind him that the torture he no longer has to endure is just one stolen election away from returning
c) to remind all of us that, despite our reputation as kindly, peaceable folk, there is a dark, sadistic streak in the Canadian psyche

SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles


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