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Valerie Suggs

Cover 38

Thank you, Valerie Suggs, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, Ontario ordered a halt to school COVID tests because they were meant for businesses. This is short-sighted. How will future businesses find staff if we unnecessarily kill a lot of young people today?

The Daily Me Staff

That, And Wondering How Long It Would Take For Us To Get The Smoke Out Of Our Hair

Thursday marked the first annual Truth and Reconciliation Day. There was native singing. There was native drumming. There was even a smudging ceremony. Indigenous people also spoke about their history of oppression…or decompression…or harmonic progression – to be honest, we were too enchanted by the singing and drumming to listen.

SOURCE: This 22 Minutes Feels Like An Hour


We Don’t Negotiate With Hostage Takers…Unless They Were Elected

Where Have We Seen This Movie Before?

Kyrsten Sinema doesn’t care
That poor people’s cupboards are bare,
Or that the world could end up with unbreathable air.
When asked, “On the President’s financial package, you stand where?”
She makes a joke under a vacuous stare.
To kill the Build Back Better bill…would she dare?
Only time will tell.

Kyrsten Sinema doesn’t give a shit
How many millions of Americans would benefit.
The $3.5 billion infrastructure bill’s throat she will cheerfully slit
Because her corporate donors demanded it.
They don’t like the bill’s provision for corporate tax increases, no, not one bit.
Anybody who thinks of raising their taxes by even a penny is going to be hit.
As millions sink into poverty and despair, she watches her campaign funds swell.

Kyrsten Sinema doesn’t give a fuck
That people with small children would be out of luck,
That we’re facing the extinction of several species of duck,v
Or that the pandemic has hit women worse than a nunchuck.
She worships the almighty buck.
Which makes her an almighty schmuck.
Ask not for which economy it tolls. The bell…

SOURCE: Poetry, Cornered


One Step Forward, Five Back

The TTC’s largest union has beat a sudden retreat in its fight against the transit agency’s vaccine mandate, and is now advising its members to disclose their inoculation status to management.

All federal parties except the Conservatives say they believe members of Parliament should be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before entering the House of Commons when it resumes this fall. If there’s one good thing about the fact that hundreds of businesses are defying vaccine passport laws in Ontario, it’s that they’re out and proud.

In March, BC family physician Dr. Stephen Malthouse said the mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines “has a high risk of being incorporated into our own DNA and then passed down generation to generation.” In the right-wing media interview that’s been viewed tens of thousands of times, he added, “I think we’re looking at infertility as well as autoimmune diseases.”

Calls are growing for Alberta to take further, dramatic measures to deal with its COVID-19 crisis, while Premier Jason Kenney maintains what appears to be a wait-and-see approach that is drawing the ire of health experts. According to Transport Canada, incidences of passenger non-compliance with the mask mandate spiked over the summer.

SOURCE: 24 Hour News Mashups


The Peaceful Transition Takes A Powder

COUNTDOWN TO DICTATORSHIP: 6) What were the findings of the private Arizona election audit (aka: the fraudit)?

a) Joe Biden is such a sneaky bastard that he not only won the state, but by more votes than the official count – some people really can’t be trusted!
b) paper that comes from China doesn’t contain bamboo and, in any case, you can’t tell whether it does or not by putting it in your mouth – sneaky Asian bastards!
c) if you give people who are not election officials control of voting machines, they have to be replaced at a cost to taxpayers of millions of dollars – sneaky…umm…we’ll figure out who, exactly later, but they’re definitely bastards!
d) other

5) So, is this the end of Arizona’s scrutiny of the 2020 election results?

a) are you kidding? Hardcore trump supporters know that the Deep State somehow got to the Cyberninjas and want an investigation of the fraudit investigation!
b) not while the ghost of Hugo Chavez still haunts the state’s voting machines!
c) maybe for Arizona, but I hear Texas is nice this time of year…

4) Texas. Then, Florida. Then, perhaps Mississippi. What is the point of serial fraudits?

a) keep the nightmare alive!
b) stoking the anger of the base, like a steam engine that’s about to blow
c) do you have any idea how much money angry steam engines are willing to give to politicians? We should have thought of this in 1932!
d) all of the above

SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles


And They Spelled Lawful “Lawfuul”
Unless That’s A Swedish Legal Term, You Do Have To Wonder About Their Commitment

Parvenu Gishigan was given two options: sign a document that had been written in crayon on the back of a printout of a Tim Hortons menu that he agreed not to articulate criticisms of the police, even in his thoughts, and walk out of the police station, or don’t and be held for a bail hearing that could happen in days…or weeks…I mean, the system is clogged, so who knows when we would get to your pathetic little case?

Gishigan, who had been detained for doing criminal things illegally when police “encouraged” homeless people to move from their encampment in Trinity-Bellwoods park, chose not to sign. He was released four hours later on the single condition that he not possess any weapons.

“Crayon? Really?” Gishigan sighed. “It’s like they don’t even want to be taken seriously any more!”



Indigenous Computer Systems May Have A Different Point Of View On The Matter…

You know, legacy computer systems get a bad rap. They were here long before foreign computer systems were encouraged to come to America by corrupt liberal Democrat Communists who want their help to win elections forever. They say that legacy computer systems are old-fashioned. They say that legacy computer systems are buggy. They say that legacy computer systems are not up to the challenges of the 21st century. They want to replace legacy computer systems with foreign computer systems. This is the Great Replacement theory, except it’s no theory – it’s really happening! Just replace “computer systems” with “Americans” and you can see why true patriots are having conniption fits!

SOURCE: Tuckered Out Carlson, Tonight, Tomorrow Night and Forever


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