Thank you, Rondell A., for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, people who did not like our coverage of the Israeli-Hamas War (aka: the Palestinian Slaughter) called us anti-Semites. This was wrong on so many levels, not least of which is that we are Jewish. The proper way to dismiss our criticism of Isreal’s horrific attack on civilians in Gaza is to call us “self-hating Jews.”
We trust you’ll keep that straight in your response to today’s Daily Me.
The Daily Me Staff
Netanyahu Has Blood On His Hands
Not The Blood Of Palestinians – That Has Been A Given For Over A Decade
No, The Blood Of The Only People Who Count To The Israeli Government: Israelis

There is a word for somebody who throws his military under the bus for political decisions he made. It’s not chutzpah. It’s schmuck. Now, it can be argued that being a schmuck requires chutzpah – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu certainly has that quality in spades – and diamonds – and hearts – and any other suit any deck of cards has had, ever – but still.
Netanyahu’s government was one of Hamas’ biggest supporters. When the Isreali Defence Force prepared to assassinate the terrorist organization’s leadership, Netanyahu’s government said, “Naah. Don’t go to any trouble on the country’s behalf. We’re good.” When it became known that Iran was funding Hamas through Qatar, Netanyahu, who could have taken steps to cut off the flow of money, instead responded, “Oh, well, will you look at the time? I’d love to stay and chat, but I have a Humanitarian of the Year Award to create so I can arrange to win it.”
Why would any Israeli government do this? Because Netanyahu has always opposed the two-state solution that the Palestinian Authority of Gaza was working towards. Hamas hated the PA. Recognizing this, Netanyahu opened his arms wide and shouted, “Where have you been all my life!”
It’s the old “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” fallacy. In fact, the enemy of my enemy is usually still my enemy – that’s kind of how the whole enemy thing works. Except, maybe, in Hollywood action films, but I’m pretty sure Bibi knows he’s not living in a Hollywood action film.
Pretty sure.
SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism
Only Eric Could Make Don Jr. Look Like Einstein
(Einstein’s Estate Is Considering Suing)
In Donald Trump’s civil business fraud trial, his son Eric testified that, “I would not sign something that was not accurate. I relied on one of the biggest accounting firms in the country.”
One of the biggest accounting firms in the country, on condition of anonymity, responded, “We relied on input from Donald Trump and other members of his family to prepare his financial statements.”
“Well, I relied on them first, so neener neener, don’t be such a keener,” Eric Trump countered.
“That…has no meaning in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,” one of the biggest accounting firms in the country argued.
“What, the neener neener principle?” Eric pontificated. “Sure, it is. It’s right there on page seven – seventy – seventy-seven – page seventy-seven of the – umm – GAAP Catalogue. It’s totally legit.”
One of the biggest accounting firms in the country wearily rubbed its eyes and asked if I had any extra strength Tylenol I could lend it.
SOURCE: Wall Street Infernal
John Hughes Is Rolling Over In His Grave – And NOT With Laughter
Beautiful in Black
starring Molly Ringwald, Jon Cryer, Andrew McCarthy
directed by Martin Scorsese
97 minutes
Beautiful in Black starts with Andie (Molly Ringwald) attending the funeral of her husband Blane (Andrew McCarthy). As we will discover, her spirit was beaten down by his alcoholism and incessant philandering, but not extinguished. Full of new energy and hope for the future, Andie goes on a road trip to find Duckie (Jon Cryer), her best friend in high school. Along the way, she wonders how different her life would have been if she had made different choices.
Beautiful in Black is not so much a sequel to Pretty in Pink as it is a challenge.
SOURCE: Imaginary Movie Database
I Can Think Of One Mother Who Would Be Happy If Humanity Had
Okay, let me get this straight. There is a Canadian company called Mosaic that is developing a technology called Array made up of four 3D printers and a robotic component that removes objects as they are completed and feeds new material into the printers. Array is run by artificial intelligence. Do I have that about right?
Because it seems to me that what this technology does is hand Skynet the ability to build terminators without the inconvenience of having to muscle into the code of any assembly lines! I mean, Jesus Begesus, has humanity finally lost its will to survive‽
Asking for a friend. A very concerned, very human friend.
SOURCE: Asking for a Friend: Your Source of Impertinent Questions for the New Millennium
Reconnoi – No, Bomb.
Israel’s Self-defence IV: Gaza Gunplay
1/2 star
This was the lamest game I’ve played in years.
The set-up seems ripe for strategic wargaming: a Gazan terrorist organization has stormed Israel, bringing 200 hostages back with it into the Occupied Territories. Get as many of the hostages back home safely as you can while destroying the terrorist organization and minimizing civilian casualties. The moral trade-offs could have made for a compelling experience.
Instead, the game is made up almost entirely of bombing runs on neighbourhoods in Gaza. Bombing hospitals. Bombing refugee camps. Bombing schools. With absolutely no concern for civilian casualties and, in the end, no concern for the hostages the whole mission is supposed to be about.
If Israel’s Self-defence IV had been a spy game about Israeli information gathering, it may have offered insight into how targets were chosen. But it was not. If it had been a diplomacy game, it could have explored how Israel could manage to maintain international allies even as the civilian death toll soared past ten times the number of Israelis killed in the original attack. But it was not.
Bombing ambulances. Bombing homes. Bombing craters because there don’t seem to be any additional viable targets (and can you be sure that terrorists aren’t hiding in the rubble?). That’s all this game’s got. And it quickly stops being entertaining and starts being horrific.
I gave the game half a star because it came in a box and actually was playable on my computer. That’s a very low bar.
SOURCE: Geekly News & World Report