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Our Way or the Far Way

Cover 38

Thank you, Our Way or the Far Way, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, we couldn’t help but notice that a lot of media outlets have been using the phrase “went down the rabbit hole” lately, especially when described MAGA true believers and the murderers in their midst. This is an insult to Lewis Carroll and those of us who grew up with his writing. A more precise analogy would have been possible if Alice had gone down the rabbit hole, radicalized 40 per cent of the cards and encouraged them to violently overthrow the red queen in order to install Alice as the leader even though she had no right to be, leading to one of the cards shooting up the mad hatter’s tea party with a semi-automatic rifle. Obviously, that’s not how the novel goes (although, public domain being what it is, we have no doubt somebody is already hard at work writing such a version).

We enjoy a good metaphor as much as the next person (as long as the next person isn’t Brenda Brundtland-Govanni – guuuuaaahhhh!), but we are a little anal when it comes to precision. Journalists might want to keep the limits of metaphors in mind the next time they foist an unwieldy metaphor on the unsuspecting public!

The Daily Me Staff

8. “So…Can You Believe How Many Idiots Have Gone Down The Rabbit Hole Of MAGA Conspiracy Theories?”

Seven conversation openings a liberal should avoid if meeting their partner’s family for the first time over the holidays:

1. “So…how many COVID shots have you had so far?”
2. “So…as my friend Rebecca recently said about her wife Lisa…”
3. “So…President Biden has really turned the economy around, hasn’t he?”
4. “So…you won’t believe what Lawrence O’Donnell was saying last night!”
5. “So…who does Clarence Thomas think he’s fooling?”
6. “So…have you heard about the latest crazy shit going down in Florida?”
7. “So…how much jail time to do you think Donald Trump is going to face?”

SOURCE: The Web Page of Lists


Democracy At Asterisk

You know what they say: don’t vote. It only encourages them.*

* Unless they’re trying to suppress your vote. In which case, vote. Vote despite all the obstacles they throw in your way. Vote with all your heart and energy. Vote like hell! It drives. Them. Crazy!

SOURCE: The Amazing Chocolate Yummies Blog


That Having Been Said, The Curve They’re Behind Is Gorgeous!

The latest fashion trend among the trendily fashionable is to not wear pants in public. BVDs. Thongs. Tidy whiteys. Anything goes, as long as it’s not pants.

This may be the first time that fashionistas are actually behind the curve; after all, ordinary people have been going to work virtually without wearing pants for years!

SOURCE: Fashion Crimes TV



“On Mayorkas’ watch, over 14,000 pounds of fentanyl was seized in fiscal year 2022 at our southern border. That is an all-time record high.”

– Lauren Boebert explains why she is calling for Secretary of Homeland Security Alexander Mayorkas’ impeachment

SOURCE: No Comment Quotes


Fortunately, Musk Is Musing About Raising The Limit To 4,000, Which Would Allow The AI To Write A Manifesto
Of Course, Anybody Else On The Platform Could Write A Manifesto, Too
It’s Just Another Example Of The Internet Giving With One Bandwidth And Giving Away With The Other

In order to avoid Twitter becoming a free-for-all hellscape where anything can be said with no consequences, Elon Musk has decided that the organization should address hate speech, child exploitation, suicide, self-harm and other problems on the platform by disbanding the Trust and Safety Council, which advises it on issues of hate speech, child exploitation, suicide, self-harm and other problems.

240 characters are not enough to express the Absurd Ironyometer’s dismay.

SOURCE: Big Alex’ Domesday Countdown Page


Outraged Republicans In Congress Vowed They Would Find Out Who Was Responsible For The Leak
They May Have Been A Bit Confused As To How To Best Apply THAT Stock Response

The Keystone pipeline sprung a leak last week, spilling approximately 14,000 barrels of oil into a Kansas creek. Executives for TC Energy Corporation, which runs the pipeline, promised immediate action.

True to their word, within seconds the company deployed over 250 people to clean up the mess. The lobbying contingent should all have arrived in Washington by tomorrow.

SOURCE: Earth Worst! Journal


British Government Making Progress On Developing A Credible Economic Strategy
A Magic 8-Ball Is A Better Place To Get Government Policy From Than Boris Johnson’s Ass

A recent poll found that only 32 per cent of the British population hate immigrants more than they love being able afford to eat, while a majority (56 per cent) favour being able to afford food. This is perhaps not a surprise, given that, since Brexit, their ability to afford to eat has declined precipitously, while the number of immigrants in the country has remained stable.

“I, uhh, suppose I should do something about that,” stated Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. “Let me…aah…consult my Magic 8-Ball and get back to you.”

SOURCE: Daily Semaphore


A Lot Of People Would Be Willing To Overlook Political Contradictions For Enough Rice Pudding

A right-wing surrogate was being interviewed by a mainstream business journalist.

“The Department of Justice is slow to arrest corrupt crypto-currency crook Sam Bankman-Fried,” the surrogate claimed, “because he is a major donor to the Democrat party.”

“By his own admission, he gave similar amounts to both parties,” the journalist objected. “The difference was that he publicly gave to the Democrats but he secretly gave to the Republicans.”

“Democrats won’t arrest Bankman-Fried because he is a major donor to their party,” the surrogate repeated.

The journalist, slow to learn, pointed out that, “Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas and is expected to be extradited to the United States to face charges.”

Without blinking an eye, the surrogate responded, “The Department of Justice was quick to arrest Bankman-Fried. It’s clearly because the Democrats didn’t want him to testify before Congress, as he was scheduled to do the next day. They were obviously afraid of what he might reveal about them if he was allowed to testify.”

The journalist frowned. “Surely, this contradicts what you just said!”

“There are no contradictions,” the surrogate concluded. “There is only rice pudding.”

SOURCE: Everyday Zen


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