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The Daily Me – Jeff’s Killing


Thank you, Jeff’s Killing, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. DID YOU KNOW: that Nostradamus predicted that a small object would ram the moon, sending it crashing into the earth causing a massive dust storm that would destroy the possibility of all life on the planet forever, and that NASA is planning to do exactly that?

The Daily Me Staff

Beware Low Bigotry Masquerading As High Principle

For the crime of republishing the Danish cartoons about Mohammed in his magazine Western Standard, the fascist government of Canada is forcing Ezra Levant to attend “sensitivity training” sessions. Or, should we say, “politically correct brainwashing” sessions?

Okay, Canada isn’t China, where controversial authors can find themselves thrown in jail for decades or summarily executed so their body parts can be sold on the black market. Canada isn’t even Latin America, where saying the wrong thing in print can get you kidnapped by military death squads, tortured and dropped by the side of the road with a bullet in the back of your head.

But…sensitivity training? I mean, really. If we want to be fucking insensitive, that’s our absolute right in a supposedly free and democratic society.

SOURCE: Bigots Without Borders

Are Republicans Admitting They Don’t Outnumber Democrats Now?

A recent study purported to show that American conservatives are having more children than democrats, which would suggest that it is only a matter of time before conservatives outnumber liberals. There is, of course, a fatal flaw in this logic: it assumes that children develop the politics of their parents. However, as most parents know, children, especially teenagers, tend to adopt the politics opposite that of their parents! Thus, the only reasonable conclusion is that the higher birth rate among conservatives will lead to more liberals.

SOURCE: The Postington Wash

Yes, And The Rest Of Us Would Like You To Stop Now

MONDAY: Am I the only one who wonders why the premises of the Homeland Security Department are now guarded by a private security firm?

TUESDAY: And, while I’m at it, am I the only one who thinks it’s weird that the United States is considering using nuclear weapons against Iran in order to deter it from developing nuclear weapons?

WEDNESDAY: Okay, so, I’m watching TV and this commercial comes on for a soft drink. (Can I say Pepsi?) Jimmy Fallon and Parker Posey are drinking…the soft drink and doing some bizarre dance that looks like some painful disease has eaten away at their nervous systems and they’ve completely lost control of their limbs. Now, I’m probably the only one, but is completely losing control of your limbs a real good selling point for a soft drink?

THURSDAY: Am I the only one who’s noticed how lame it is to start observations with “Am I the only o –” Oh…

FRIDAY: Did you know that there’s a word for the little thing on the underside of your tongue that anchors it to the bottom of your mouth? I didn’t know that. I have no idea what the word is, but at least I know what it means…

SATURDAY: Hey! How come the top of your mouth is called the roof of your mouth, but the bottom isn’t called the floor of your mouth?

SUNDAY: Would it be fair to say that Lot’s wife was the salt of the earth?

SOURCE: Random Thoughts and Blood Clots Home Page


Why Is It That Canadian Policies Are Just American Policies Ten Years Later And Only Done In Half Measures?

“The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he [Saddam Hussein] can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”

– Condoleezza Rice, America’s dime store Machiavelli, September, 2002

“We’re fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here.”

– George W. Bush, nobody’s idea of Machiavelli, 2004 (and 2005, and…)

“Must we wait for terrorists to appear in Vancouver, Montreal or Ottawa before we recognize the very real threat they represent for our security? An effective strategy to counter an opponent is to carry the struggle to his own territory. It is unwise to sit and wait for his next move.”

– Stockwell Day, Canada’s dime story Machiavelli, April 2006

SOURCE: No Comment Quotes


Because Franco-Mexican Copros Die At The Box Office

So, the French movie The Child is about a guy who sells his son, and the Mexican movie Battle In Heaven is about a couple that kidnap a child. I’ve got an idea: why don’t the French couple just give the Mexican couple their baby? Wouldn’t that solve everybody’s problems with a minimum of mayhem?

SOURCE: Imaginary Movie Database

Ah, Young Love

Top nine reasons Canadian Foreign Minister Peter McKay may not have been the best choice to meet with Condoleezza Rice:

9. McKay’s bedroom shrine to Rice has grown so big that he has to sleep in the guest room.
8. He spits up his food whenever her name is mentioned.
7. After the breakup of his relationship with Belinda Stronach, he wasn’t above begging for a mercy…uhh…a mercy – umm, I’m afraid this joke will have to wait for the unrated DVD
6. Two words: inverted knees.
5. The first thing he said to her when they met was: “Do you want to sign my chest? Please? PLEASE?”
4. The Prime Minister’s Office vetoed with extreme prejudice what he actually wanted the first thing he said to her to be.
3. In Cabinet meetings, McKay wouldn’t stop repeating: “Who’s the luckiest MP in the country? Eh? Who’s the luckiest MP?”
2. When first told he would be meeting Rice, McKay’s eyes widened and turned into two big hearts.
1. Who is Peter McKay?

SOURCE: Late Tonight with David Lenoman

Yes, I’m Willing To Use Obscure Word Puzzles To Make A Political Point, And I’m Not Ashamed To Admit It!

By changing one letter at a time, turn Canada’s past image into Canada’s future image.


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SOURCE: Politics For Dummies

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