Thank you, Daniel Took a Train!, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, we wondered how we could get a “this link is unsafe” warning on Twitherd for the link to our web site. All the cool sites have them! We tried everything. We claimed that George Soros was responsible for psoriasis. No response. We argued that Walt Disney was actually Satan (remember the Sorcerer’s Apprentice? It was a training manual!). Nothing. We argued that Donald Trump was actually a direct descendant of Jesus, whose bloodline had been protected by the Knights Templar for millennia. Crickets. Is Elon Musk so stupid that he doesn’t know objectionable content when he sees –
Ah. There we go. We’re not really sure why we were given this honour, but we will do our best to live down to it.
The Daily Me Staff
Great Songs Make Terrible Swan Songs

Be vewy vewy qwiet – we’we hunting childwen.
Tired of thoughts and prayers (and aren’t we all?), Tennessee State Representative William Lamberth found a new way of responding to children protesting gun violence. New and repulsive.
If your question is serious, how about a bb gun Bill? You could lose an eye, but you aren’t likely to lose your life. Or maybe a cap pistol? In a worst case scenario, you could start a fire and burn your hand. Still not dead.
Or, and I throw this out there secure in the knowledge that your NRA contributions-soaked brain will not be able to process the thought, how about children not getting shot at all‽ Ah, I see your eyes glazing over – pardon me for even suggesting the possibility.
The carnage will stop when Americans love their children more than their guns. Unfortunately, in the Basket of Deplorables, they’ve pencilled that in for the twelfth of never.
SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism
War! What Is It Good For? Circulation!
PUNDITS: We’re approaching the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. We now know that the Bush administration lied about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction. Why has nobody in the Bush administration faced consequences for basing a devastating war on lies?
ME: This was you in the run-up to the war: SMASH HIM! BASH HIM! WAR! WAR! WAR! WAR! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!
PUNDITS: Oh, yeah. There was that.
SOURCE: Bill’s Bitter Pills
To Be Fair To The Governor…Is To Give Him A Benefit Of The Doubt He Doesn’t Give Others
Mere days after three young students and three adults were shot at a school, Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law allowing Floridians to carry a gun without a permit. To be fair to the Governor, he shouldn’t be accused of insensitivity: any day he would have signed the bill would have been a few days away from a mass shooting somewhere in the United States.
SOURCE: USA Whenever
Hard Right Meets Soft Ball
Excerpt from the Sechzig Minuten interview with Marjorie Taylor Riefenstahl:
LISLE STAHL: Let’s get right to it, shall we?
MARJORIE TAYLOR RIEFENSTAHL: That’s what I’m here for.
STAHL: You have been accused of supporting the beer hall putsch of 1923. How do you respond to that?
RIEFENSTAHL: The beer hall putsch was the action of patriots. If I had been part of it – and I am admitting no legal culpability, here – I would have been proud to have been part of a movement to take back our country.
STAHL: I see. In the past, you have said that Jews were responsible for Germany’s current economic crisis –
RIEFENSTAHL: No, I didn’t. (graphic: newspaper articles where Reiffenstahl claims Jews were responsible for Germany’s economic crisis)
STAHL: The articles are still publicly available.
RIEFENSTAHL: But that’s not what I said.
STAHL: Okay. You have been accused of using extreme rhetoric. Don’t you think your message would be more effective if you toned it down a bit?
RIEFENSTAHL: How can you tone down the truth? Jews are sexually degenerate scum who corrupt our children.
STAHL: Wow. Okay. Umm…but do you have to put it so…bluntly?
RIEFENSTAHL: Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice.
SOURCE: Drew’s Transcript-o-rama
Bill Murray’s Cameo At The Beginning, Shouting “They’re Here Already! You’re Next!”, Was Cinematic Genius!
Groundhog Day
directed by Jordan Peele
starring Idris Elba, Tessa Thompson, Bill Murray
Remaking popular films and television series seems to be a signal that Hollywood is creatively bankrupt. However, once in a while a project is taken on by a director who makes an old property relevant to a modern audience. Jordan Peele taking on Groundhog Day is a great example.
Idris Elba plays a small-time television journalist who is sent to report on the annual appearance of a groundhog; instead, he gets caught up in a mass shooting. Over and over again. Sometimes it’s at a shopping mall, sometimes a synagogue, sometimes a high school, but it’s the same shooter and the same number of people die, and the events soon start to blur together. Can Elba stop the mass murders and return to linear time? Is Groundhog Day even a comedy any more?
SOURCE: Imaginary Movie Database
The Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Governor
This Week in Demagoguery
The Tennessee State House voted to expel Justin Pearson and Justin Jones, two black members who actively supported gun safety protests.
In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis declared that what happened in Tennessee could not be taught in history classes in the state.
At the same time, the Tennessee State House declined to expel a white member, Gloria Johnson, even though she had engaged in exactly the same behaviour as the two black members who were expelled.
Florida Governor DeSantis added social studies to history as a class in which the incident could not be taught.
The vote exposed the racism of many members of the Tennessee State House’s Republican super-majority. After the expulsion, Pearson and Jones shared some of the racist epithets Republicans had privately said to them.
Florida Governor DeSantis added political science, materials science, geometry, trigonometry, shop, home ec and gym to the list of classes in which the incident couldn’t be taught. Then, just to be on the safe side, he added kindergarten nap time to the list.
SOURCE: Disassociated Press
To Be Fair, It’s Worked For Him So Far…
Donald Trump’s response to being arraigned: “Lie. Lie. Lie. Threat. Lie. Self-pity. Threat. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie.”
SOURCE: Politics For Dummies