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The Daily Me Staff

Democracy! On! The! March!
Unfortunately! In! The! Wrong! Direction!

The extreme right is making inroads in many countries, including Sweden, Eastern Europe, Italy and Canada. A party with neo-fascist roots, the Brothers of Italy, has triumphed in Italy’s snap general elections, setting up Giorgia Meloni as the country’s first far-right leader since the fall of Benito Mussolini. If things weren’t bad enough already, imagine a Russia that is meaner, more menacing – and bigger, to boot.

“Far-right extremism in Canada is an ecosystem of overlapping ‘clusters,’ including legacy hate-groups, anti-government movements, anti-immigration groups, gender-based violent extremism, and transnational neo-fascist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist movements,” as the Globe reported recently, quoting a university study. The rising star of Europe’s far right more recently summed up her values in a now-famous chant at a 2019 rally: “I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, I am Christian… No one will take that away from me.” “The referenda are over. The results are obvious,” wrote Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, on the Telegram instant messaging service. “Welcome home to Russia!”

SOURCE: 24 Hour News Mashups


At Least It Wasn’t The Sex Pistols Version Of “God Save The Queen”
The Prime Minister Has Some Discretion!

1) What did Prime Minister Trudeau the Younger do while in London for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth to so vex the British tabloids?

He sang 15 seconds of “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

2) What would possess him to sing as the Queen’s body lay in state?

Actually, it was after the funeral, at a bar where he was relaxing with friends.

3) Oh. Why did the British press have a problem with that?

They thought he should have sung the monarch’s favourite Queen song, “Fat Bottomed Girls.”

SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles


What About Trout?
Why Wasn’t Trout Part Of Your Analysis?
When Prepared Right, Trout Can Be A Tasty Part Of Any Metaphor

So many things about the civil suit brought against President Trump and his business by Attorney General Letitia James are fishy that cats from all of the boroughs of New York are drawn to her office. Perhaps the most coddish, the absolute zenith of hake, the mountaintop of tuna is that his children, Ivanka, Eric and the exquisitely named Don, Jr., were also named in the lawsuit. His children! His innocent children – they’re barely in their forties! What could they possibly know about the world? Aside from the fact that they were intimately involved in the day to day running of different parts of the Trump empire, they had nothing to do with the family business! The vast enterprise was run by the dozen or so other people who worked there!

SOURCE: Turducken Carlson This Late Afternoon


The Looser The Translation, The Tighter The Grip Of The State

Twenty-two year-old Mahsa Amini died in custody after she was arrested by Iran’s “morality police” for allowing stray hairs on her head to be seen peeking out of her hijab. The official cause of death was “heart attack;” translated from the original Farsi, the term means “being beaten to death in a ‘re-education’ jail.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis watched the unfolding tragedy with great interest, commenting, “A government can do that? Really? Can somebody get the Ayatollah on the phone for me? I think we have a lot to talk about!

SOURCE: The Baghdad Post


Pol Perfects Jedi Mind Fuck

In an interview on Fox News, former President Donald Trump has claimed that he can declassify documents just by thinking about it. When asked about the process of declassifying documents, he huffed, “There is a process. It is known as ratination…raticalizinationing…thinking, Sean. The process is called thinking.”

Critics of Trump have scoffed at this assertion. They shouldn’t. He made tens of millions of people believe he won the 2020 election just by waving his hand and saying, “These were not the votes you were looking for.”

SOURCE: Deadline News Network


When It Comes To Settling, Everybody’s Allen

YOU WANT: a life as witty and clever as Annie Hall.

YOU’LL SETTLE FOR: a life as challenging but rich as Hannah and Her Sisters.

YOU’LL GET: a life as sour and unpleasant as Stardust Memories.

SOURCE: The Amazing Chocolate Yummies Blog


And Remember: You Have No Right To Criticize The Outcome If You Don’t Vote
Of Course, You Have No Right To Criticize The Outcome If You DO Vote, Either
Enjoy Your Freedom

LEFTY HIPP-STARR: As you may have heard, Russian forces have held referenda in four areas of Ukraine that it controls over whether they should secede and join Russia. For an analysis of those votes, we go to Steve Khaki-Pants at the Bog Bored.

STEVE KHAKI-PANTS: Thanks, Lefty. It’s pretty clear that Russia has won the referendum by a 94 per cent margin, 97% to 3%. Now, I would caution you that only 15 per cent of the votes are in, so this could change. Russian assimilation of occupied parts of Ukraine could get as much as 98.3% of the vote, or it could drop down to a record 96.8 per cent. The situation is still very fluid.

HIPP-STARR: So, the results could change?

KHAKI-PANTS: I don’t think so. The results were never in doubt from the moment Russia announced that it was holding the referendum. We’re only talking about margins of victory, here.

HIPP-STARR: I see. Are there any bellweather areas that we should be looking at?

KHAKI-PANTS: A lot of people are keen on Donetsk, where a Russian puppet-government is likely to ignore the ballots completely and announce a 100% yes result, but I’m watching Kherson – we’ll see if heavily armed military officers forcing people to vote will have any effect on the outcome of the referendum there.

HIPP-STARR: Hard to see how it can’t. Steve, I notice that sometimes you refer to percentages with the symbol for per cent and sometimes with the term itself. Is there any significance to that?

KHAKI-PANTS: Ah. Sorry about that, Lefty. I guess I just get choked up when reporting on countries fighting to keep democracy alive!

SOURCE: The Lefty Hipp-Starr Show


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