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Puns, Huns and Pre-ovened Buns

All other things being equal, all other things are never equal…
I don’t really like fables, but I’m not above throwing out Aesop to the fans…
You could say that my Russian family were part of the Naymanklatura…
I know I shouldn’t eat bread, but I just can’t help myself! I guess I’m just a gluten for punishment…
It is a known fact that most facts are not known…
Jason told me he played a string instrument, but, go ahead, make a lyre out of him…
Footage of the hairier Harrier was an airer error…or…err…
It’s not plagiarism – it’s writing while under the influence…
I haven’t met the actress Christine yet, but better Lahti than never…
Gay rights activists speak poofter power…
Les Pages aux Folles: nothing to sell, and all of the powers of persuasion to sell it with…
Making fun of bad movies over breakfast: cheese with chides…
People who don’t like dada, surrealism or abstract expressionism should stay away from the Irritate Modern…
The onus on Honus was greater than the impetus of Cletus…
I hate to Prius, but what is your position on hybrid cars?
I read Tom Dispatch for the Turse writing…
Are the rows in the stadium reserved for friends and family of the comic the tiers of a clown?
I have trouble sleeping because my mind is usually racing when I lie down. What I need is a hyper-allergenic pillow…
Les Pages aux Folles: poetry in notion…
Sometimes, when I’m watching anime, I think the world is a Dragon Ball Z of confusion…

My favourite chick flick director/natural drug: Nora Pinephrine…
My favourite French flick director/battery terminal: Jean-Jacques Anode…
My favourite kitchen utensil/1960s singer: Spatula Clarke…
My favourite incense/medical practitioner: Patchouli Adams…
My favourite stoner comedian/multi-hulled sailboat: Cheech Catamaran…
My favourite revolutionary playwright/shack: Vaclav Hovel…
My favourite Greek appetizer/cartoon character: Calamari Worth…
My favourite playwright/mossy lifeform: Edward Algae…
My favourite actor/part of the legal process: Johnny Depposition…
My favourite metallurgical heat treatment/solo rock star? Anneal Young. Oh, you didn’t like that pun? How about my favourite metallurgical heat treatment/first man on the moon? No? My favourite metallurgical heat treatment/power trio rock drummer? You know, the more you complain, the worse they get…

I would have more Percy Faith if only I had less Charley Pride…
The drug dealer’s credo: if he’s broke, don’t fix him…
Hey! My Web site may be cute, but it’s nobody’s IP!
You don’t like Middle Eastern food? Oh, for pita’s sake…!
Is a diet where you have to limit your sweets a chocolate bar?
Given the toll playing loud music takes on musicians’ hearing, Def Leppard members may not be leopards, but…
I like winter sports, but the ski’s the limit…
The world isn’t sick, but it may be geocaching a cold…
Never trust a letter that begins: “Dear Xing…”
Is buying a sexbot an attempt to auto mate your life?
Abandon hype all ye who enter…
Alas at last I’ll ask a lass’ alias…
The Web site that revolutionized revolution!
Gore Vidal: the great white male?
He got a BJ eating PBJ in his PJs while watching PBS…
Remember: the opposite of amok is koma…
I wanted to wear more comfortable shoes, but it’s a slipper slope…
Fight the power up!
Les Pages aux Folles is proud to announce that it is the official online sponsor of the Reality Principle…
Correct me if I’m right, but…
When it comes to comics, it helps to always ask yourself: was this strip really necessary?
Because the Beckham bacon beacon beckons!
Les Pages aux Folles: one sigh fits all…
That is one sexy succubus!
A boss who ties his shoelaces in a noose to intimidate his employees is a lasso-and-so…
Go…and spin no more…
Little Red Riding Hood came to a fork in the path in the forest, forcing her to deal with the good copse, bad copse problem…
Alcoholism is not a life goal…
Humour for people who just don’t see the humour in it…
I wanted to believe in the audacity of hope, but I thought bitter of it…
As they always say: numbers never lie, and liars never…uhh…number…
Punchlines without setups #237: Lorna Doonesbury…
If Bauhaus hadn’t existed, Goths would have had to create them…
Ooh, baby! – I love it when you go meta!
The current state of the economy: intensities in tent cities…
Excuse me while I get my sushi boots on…

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