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Cover 39

Dealing With Extremists Is The Holocaust Of Democracy

Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was absolutely right to compare Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s request that the GOP House members prove they’ve been vaccinated before dropping the chamber’s mask mandate to the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. Wearing a mask makes it harder to breath, just like Zyclon-B did.

The analogy breaks down a bit when you consider that Speaker Pelosi wasn’t singling out a single group of people: she wanted every member regardless of race, creed or NRA membership to prove they had been vaccinated. It breaks down even further when you realize that wearing a mask was the punishment, not having your business attacked by angry mobs or having your rights taken away from you by angry legislators or being herded into ghettos by angry police forces or…

Hunh. When it comes down to it, Taylor-Greene isn’t very good at the whole analogy thing, is she?

Taylor Greene is obviously not opposed to wearing masks, as her basket of deplorables image indicates. But, like any self-respecting six year-old, she refuses to do it just because an adult tells her it will be good for her and the people around her. Especially the people around her. Also like a six year-old, she says outrageous things she knows will offend people because she enjoys the attention.

There’s a reason six year-olds aren’t allowed to run for public office.

Sisters In Stupid

Comparing Marjorie Taylor Greene to Ilhan Omar, as Meghan McCain did on The View, makes perfect sense. Just as Omar did when she was widely criticized for them, Taylor Greene has apologized profusely for her antisemitic remarks.

What, she hasn’t? Well, that’s not too bad, since no other Republicans have recently made antisemitic remarks, especially not the last man they elected President. What what? Several Republicans, including Donald Trump, have made antisemitic remarks?

Republicans generally really are bad at the whole analogy thing, aren’t they?

McCain’s statement wasn’t exactly a condemnation of Taylor Greene, although it wasn’t exactly a defence of her, either. It was more a “look over there – no, not there, a little to the left – more – more – lefter – lefter – yes, there! Everybody does bad things, so people on my side shouldn’t be singled out for them!”

I wonder how her Jewish friends feel about that.

McCain is flat out wrong if she has any illusions Taylor Greene felt the slightest sadness over being stripped of her committee assignments. Being on a committee was, like, work, man! That’s not what she went to Washington to do! Not being on a committee means Taylor Greene has more time to troll Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the halls of Congress.

And, what’s that all about?

Who Was That Unmasked Man?

Oh, It Was Just Ted…

When he was lead guitarist for a band called the Amboy Dukes, Ted Nugent played on a song called “Journey to the Centre of the Mind.” In recent years, such a journey in his mind would take less time than a walk to the fridge from the kitchen sink (and would be far less satisfying).

I remember COVID-3. Benjamin Franklin said that the only cure was a liberal (not in the political sense) application of leeches. Thomas Paine was convinced that suffering was good for the soul (hence his name…Thomas), so everybody should be exposed to the diseasae. Surgeon General Kay Kaiser claimed that it was a scientifically proven fact that the most effective cure for COVID-3 was dancing to swing music.

Don’t believe me? Look it up on Wiwipedia. What? You looked it up on Wiwipedia, and nothing in the previous paragraph is true? Oh. Well, then, I suppose I will have to come up with a different reason for the name of the novel (because everybody has a book in them, even deadly microorganisms) coronavirus.

How’s this? It’s named COVID-19 because it was discovered in 2019? There never were COVIDs-1 through 18!

It’s as good a theory as any.

Look, I like a good politicization of public health as much as the next man (as long as the next man is Marjorie Taylor Greene), but, in its desperation to attack vaccinations and mask wearing, the not-so-free (it actually comes at a great cost) radical right has been making as much sense as naming a raccoon to be Solicitor General. And, everybody in the basket of deplorables knows that raccoons are better suited to the position of head of Health and Human Services!

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