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Headlines Are Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Municipal Politicians Invoke “Ostrich Act of 1967” And Placidly Wait Until Both Sides Go Away

“Land transfer tax too vital, committee told”

Toronto Star

“Land transfer tax impacting housing market
Real estate board urges quick phase-out”

Toronto Star

Not Only That, But They Probably Think The Horns On Their Heads Are The Height Of Fashion!

“Greens think more supply raises prices”

National Post

No Problem: Convince The Conservatives That Theatre Is An Essential Service, And They’ll Legislate The Strikers Back To Work

Okay, Maybe A Small Problem…

“Stratford opening threatened by job action”

Toronto Star

Is It Tuesday Already?

“New Science Fiction Novel Explores Grim Future”

Albany Times Union

Of Course – The Blue Spiky Hair Was Really Getting Old

“Red-haired Anne returns. Is that a good thing?”

Globe and Mail

Market In Haste, Recall At Leisure

“E. coli recall shows system’s flaws
Centralized processing of food cost effective, but carries real risks”

Toronto Star

“Samsonite recalls suitcases worldwide”

Globe and Mail

“Hand sanitizer recalled due to bacterial contamination”

– CP24 Web site

Baby food may have gone ‘off'”

Globe and Mail

“Gills onions recalled in Listeria scare”

Toronto Star

“Chrysler expands Jeep Liberty recall”

Globe and Mail

“BMW recalling 367,000 cars in U.S.”

Globe and Mail

“B.C. salmon farms on alert for outbreak
Virus forces one farm on Vancouver island to cull 560,000 fish”

Toronto Star

“Toyota recalling 700,000 vehicles”

Globe and Mail

Peonies – Is That What The Kids Are Calling Them These Days?

“Don’t let droopy peonies bring you down”

Toronto Star

Hoping Pushiness Doesn’t Turn Opportunity In Fiasco

“Canada negotiates hard for inclusion into trade talks”

Globe and Mail

For A Five Million Dollar Golden Parachute, I’ll Selflessly Volunteer

“‘Fall guy’ needed for $7.5-billion copper deal”

Toronto Star

But, Since YOU Don’t, Don’t

Debt isn’t always evil if you know how to use it to accumulate wealth”

National Post

How Can Toronto Consider Itself A World Class City When Our Murderers Aren’t Even As Proficient As Seattle’s?

“Hero tosses stools at cafe killer
Actions spares customers’ lives as six die in Seattle shooting rampage”

Toronto Star

“Police withhold information on suspect who killed 1, wounded 6 in Eaton centre shooting spree”

Toronto Star

Real Men Don’t Beat Kitsch

“Theatre of the hammer & sickle
In Quebec and Greece, communist kitsch still exists. But it is centred on the act of protest, not on any coherent dream of a utopia to come”

National Post

Wouldn’t Digging Up His Body Get Messy?

“Trudeau is the best hope for a Liberal revival”

Globe and Mail

Premier Makes Pure Woolly Headed Argument

“Students ‘hurting Quebecers’
Charest warns protesters to steer clear of next weekend’s Grand Prix”

Toronto Star

According To 1950s Noir Knock-offs, The Division Sin Is The Worst Of


“Neo-Nazi fugitive exposes divisionsin Greek society”

Globe and Mail

Because Two Foot Tall People Eat Less And Need Smaller Living Spaces, So They Won’t Mind As Much When The Provincial Government Cuts Their Salaries

“‘Working hard’ to shrink boards”

Toronto Sun

Hopefully, They Will Use Their Time In Jail To Learn How To Spell
Then, Perhaps They Could Teach Star Headline Writers Some Grammar

Shooting: Victim, alleged assailant belonged Sic Thugs”

Toronto Star

And, Executives Keep Their Pay


Globe and Mail

It Depends: Which Line Are We Pretending Exists This Week?

“Has Syria crossed the line with Houla massacre?”

Toronto Star

Like Food…And Shelter

“Rethink what makes a fulfilling retirement”

Globe and Mail

Celebrity Giveth And Celebrity Taketh Away

“Miley and Liam are engaged”

Toronto Star

“Debra Messing files for divorce”

Toronto Star (across the page)

You Only Realized That NOW?

“Ideology, partisan warfare changing GOP, Jeb Bush says”

Globe and Mail

Is It Thursday Already? Because, We Had A Prior Engagement On Tuesday…

“A Turning Point in Europe”

New York Times

Greecing The Skids…

“Greeks choose stability”

Toronto Star

“This could be the best time to visit Greece”

Toronto Star

It’s Not What You Think: Bimbo Is Actually Spanish For”Drug Mule”

“Bimbo slows down after shopping spree”

Globe and Mail

And, We Have Just The Cattle To Do It!

“Europe needs a prod”

Toronto Star


“Measuring EVIL
Putting a precise figure on the horrors of humanity”

National Post

Making A Choice And Sticking It To Readers Stick

“Johnny Depp splits with Vanessa Paradis split”

Toronto Star

Under The Surface It’s All Playful Dolphins And Proprietary Hardware

“On the Surface, Microsoft gets gadget market right”

Globe and Mail

What A Bleak World They Must Live In

“Plenty of people don’t view sex as entertainment”

Toronto Star

However, Getting Rid Of Laws Does Seem To Lower Them

“Laws don’t raise living standards”

National Post

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