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Gord Help the Deplorables

They say that Gord made human beings in his image. Gord help him if that’s true.

We like to think that religious people are good people. We like to think that hard work is rewarded with success and the best before date is more of a suggestion than a hard and fast rule, too. Harsh? Okay, maybe. Most religious people are good people. But for those who are not, the road to the basket of deplorables is paved with megachurches.

Mean Wiles

Deplorables are endlessly innovative. Who else would claim that vegetarian hamburgers are a plot by Satan to steal the souls of the righteous?

Rick Wiles, senior pastor at the Flowing Streams Church (would that be a Golden Flowing Stream? Perhaps he could get his good friend Donald Trump to advise his parishioners on that subject) uses all the right scientific buzzwords to make the case. Environmentalist. DNA. Where. But then he has to go and spoil it with a conspiracy so farfetched, even Russian trolls respond to it with, “Oh, I’m not retweeting that – that’s just nuts!”

To be clear: there is no evidence to suggest that eating vegetarian hamburgers will make it impossible for somebody to be born again. There is some evidence to suggest that people on a strictly vegetarian diet don’t want to be born ever again, but that is a completely different issue.

Honestly, vegetables were created by Gord, too. Vegetables are part of the environment. Only three year-olds throwing temper tantrums because they don’t want to eat their vegetables deny that.

Draw your own conclusions.

Is That Religious Persecution In The Air? Look, A Lively!

You know when somebody starts a comment with “This is going to be very controversial, but…” what they’re really saying is: “I’m about to poke somebody in the eye with a big, sharp stick. Don’t ask me to take responsibility for the blood on the carpet!”

Religion is just a matter of interpretation, really.

Conservative Christian activist Scott Lively is not talking about taking away women’s right to vote. He would just prefer it if they had never gotten it in the first place. And, that they not exercise it. If they are unreasonable about such matters, they would leave him no choice but to take away their right to vote. Reluctantly. And, he would feel bad about it, too. So, please, female three-quarter persons, don’t force his hand, because you would hate to see him get all mopey.

Does Lively bear false witness? Do false witnesses poop in the woods? Wyoming granted women the right to vote in 1869, almost 50 years before the “Soviet Bolshevik Revolution” that started in 1917. Unless the Bolshie bastards had a time machine, they couldn’t have been responsible for American women getting the vote. But if they did have a time machine, why wouldn’t they just go back and stop the American Revolution from happening?

They’re sneaky bastards, those Commies. Who can say why they do what they do? Other than an American Christian activist, I mean…

Passion City Church Over Reason

You know those things you’re not supposed to say in polite company? There is no polite company in the basket of deplorables, just varying degrees of awfulness, making it possible to say those things that really oughtn’t to be said.

Pretty much guaranteeing they will be said, really.

Like this quote from Louie Giglio, Pastor of the Passion City Megachurch. The funny (if we can use that term without choking) thing is that he and black activists probably agree on the idea that polite white American society was built on slavery. Where he sees this as a “blessing,” however, they would see it as an, “Oh my Gord! Oh, my Gord! Make it stop! Please, Gord, make it stop!”

This world that black people made possible, would it, by any chance, involve a golden calf?

Would Pastor Giglio make the same claim about the Holocaust? It was bad, but since it paved the way for post-WWII prosperity, it was a “white blessing.” Of course he wouldn’t. He would probably say, “Hey! Some of my best friends are Jewish.”

As if that ever made anything better!

Who Was That Unmasked Man?
Unfortunately, We All Know…

People in the basket of deplorables are just like you and me. They want to grab a coffee from the nearest Dunkin’ Donuts. They don’t want their honesty to be questioned. They believe wearing masks is not about stopping the spread of a deadly pandemic, but an attack on personal freedom.

Yep. Just ordinary folks, here.

Pastor Greg Locke of the Global Vision Bible Church had what you and I might call “an emotional meltdown,” but what people in the basket of deplorables call “Tuesday.” Why? Because he was asked to wear a mask at a Dunkin’ Donuts.

Hmm… Killing is off the table. But kicking teeth down throats? That is apparently an act of the righteous. Or, should I say, right-eous? Things get messy when you mix religion and politics.

I believe it was in Covidicus-19 1 that the good Gord said, “And woe betide the man, or woman, or mongoose, or ferret, or Dweezil Zappa that weareth cloth over nose and mouth, for such raiment offendeth Gord. Do not giveth up thy freedom so lightly, lest I smite ye with a great smiting of smitingness!”

I…may be misremembering that a bit, but you get the idea…

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