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Deplorables Aren’t Violent – They Just Wish Anybody Who Disagrees With Them Would Die a Horrible Death

Cover 39

Consciencelessness Raising = Bar Lowering

Former President Donald Trump has perfected what could be called “mindful mindlessness.” This is the zen practice of spewing ideas that you are aware are nonsense with complete and utter confidence. It may not sound like a worthy path to enlightenment, but Trump mindful mindlessnessed his way to the Presidency, and a possible permanent dictatorship (the Grand Jury is still out on that one), so it’s hard to deny the practice’s power.

Many Republicans, hoping to gain support among those who follow Trump, attempt to duplicate his mindful mindlessness. Few succeed. In most cases, they cannot keep a note of skepticism out of their voices, an undercurrent of, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m saying this. Please love me!”

In rare cases, there are Republicans who actually believe the verbal sewage they spew; unfortunately, this feature is not equipped to deal with psychosis.

The Trumpian acolytes who appear to have best learned his teachings on mindful mindlessness are the Make America Groan-worthy Again Republicans. MAGA Republicans like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Americans shooting up churches, synagogues, laundromats and other places of worship have been primarily right-wing. But these are just facts; according to Greene, it’s actually Democrats who are killing Republicans. Sooooooooooo, when somebody on the right goes in a murder spree, it’s actually in self-defence.

Mindful mindlessness is a powerful form of consciencelessness.

It Was A Merciless Killing

Aaah. The casual lies. The wink and a nod (not to be confused with the elf legal firm) references to white supremacists. The gormless (whatever gorm is, he doesn’t have a scintilla – out of which you could make a fur coat, but it wouldn’t protect you from the weather – of it) way he hints at violence towards his enemies.

If the Make America Greed-driven Again Republicans are serious in their efforts to practice mindful mindlessness, they should closely watch the master in action. And have their aides take notes.

In this particular case, former President Donald Trump was zen mastering against Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. Now, you and I may think of McConnell as a malicious turtle because of his anti-democratic Senate manipulations, but Trump sees him as a repellent reptile because he voted for legislation sponsored by Democrats.

Trump didn’t just come out and tell his followers to kill McConnell; that’s not how mob bosses work. By accusing the Minority Leader of having a – sorry, did I say mob boss? I meant Republican Party leader. It’s easy to confuse the two these days – by accusing the Minority Leader of having a death wish, he is coyly suggesting that his followers would be doing McConnell a favour by offing him.

Mindful mindlessness finds clarity in obscurity.

Cry Me A Lake

For a case study in how not to practice mindful mindlessness, one need only look at Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake. From a distance. Bring binoculars. Or, better yet, a telescope. And several cans of disinfectant.

When Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was attacked with a hammer by a man who was not at all affected by the violent rhetoric coming from right-wing politicians and media – no, not at all – not in the least – why would you even think that? Because it is clearly untrue – most Republican politicians were wisely silent. Sure, they had base motives for the silence, but at least it was a somewhat respectful response.

Not Lake, who clearly thought the incident was an opportunity to imagine that she was performing at open mike night at the local Titters Comedy Club. She won’t be headlining there any time soon: the joke fell so flat, you could use it to get blood stains out of your favourite sweater.

Undaunted (Lake keeps all of her daunt in a blind trust whose eye-plucking she personally supervises), when she lost the race for governor, Lake claimed massive voter fraud and refused to concede. Sure, some of her Make America Gun-violent Again (as if it had ever stopped!) Republican supporters declared the Arizona state legislature a fact-free zone and verbally harassed legislators for two hours. But in the end, the legislature certified Democrat Katie Hobbs as the winner.

Mindful mindlessness is a powerful tool for personal shrinkage and political growth, but it is difficult to master. Trump has taken decades to perfect his technique; why do Kari-come-latelies think they can become adept in it in a matter of months?

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