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Defining Moments

As a service to our readers, we offer the following glossary of terms that did not appear on the Les Pages aux Folles Web Site:

Ad infinite…hmm (noun): a pop-up advertisement on a Web page that, when closed, triggers another pop-up ad, that, when closed, triggers another pop-up ad, and so on, forcing the user to reboot the computer to end the deluge.

Avatard (noun): person who is uncomfortable in somebody else’s skin. EXAMPLE: I don’t know why Aaron keeps playing a level 81 Mystical Mage of Majesty in Worlds of Wowcraft when he can barely cast a level 12 Furious Furball of Ferociousness spell – he’s such an avatard!

Burbleflek (verb): to practice the art of the burbleflekmeister.

Burbleflekmeister (noun): a master burblefleker.

Deundisenfriend (verb): to go back and forth on whether or not you want somebody as a friend on Facebook. EXAMPLE: I’ve deundisenfriended Randy so many times, Facebook automatically changes our status every six hours.

Egg trains of Shuggoth 12b, the (noun): perhaps the most disgusting method of intercity travel in the known universe.

Emerge (verb): to blend two characters in online environments into one. EXAMPLE: When I was playing Princess of Persia: The Mudpack of Time and I put some characteristics from my Jezebel the Chaste character together with those of Matt, the blind piccolo-playing ninja, I emerged victorious.

Executante (noun): a senior executive who calls a meeting to show off a new technical skill. EXAMPLE: The CEO played the executante the other day when he met with his VPs to show them how much he enjoys email.

Facebook time off (verb phrase): to social network while you are supposed to be finishing a major project at work.

Internet kill switch (noun phrase): a device that allows you to cut off your digital nose to spite your virtual face.

iPadding your resume (verb phrase): preparing to look for new employment because you played with your iPad too much at the job that, until recently, you had.

Kreutzman Quotient, The (noun phrase): the ratio of personal emails you receive in your inbox in a given period to the number of impersonal emails (mailing lists, friends requests from people you don’t know, et al) you receive. Consensus among Jungian media theorists is that a KQ of anything under .23786 practically begs that the owner reassess his life priorities.

Nerd herd (noun): attendees at a science fiction convention.

Parallelogramme (noun): a telegramme from a parallel universe. EXAMPLE: I received a parallelogramme from myself in another dimension wishing I was there. I hate when I do that!

Patriotism (noun): my country, right and wrong.

Privacy (noun; archaic): something to do with not making details of one’s personal life public?

Renshwitzlinche (verb): to antagonize a fumbnumbular by straching its chatarhesus. Renshwitzlinche is usually used only in the past tense, since anybody attempting it rarely does it for very long.

Shifthead (noun): a person who continues to use all caps in his communication no matter how often you ask him not to. EXAMPLE: I WRITE THIS WAY FOR EMPHASIS. THAT’S NO REASON TO CALL ME A SHIFTHEAD!

Smarting Up (verb phrase): a condition in which the culture grows more intelligent thanks to a change in the media. OPPOSITE: dumbing down. EXAMPLE: We have never come across one, but we live in hope.

Snard (noun): snarky bastard. Originally referred to celebrity bloggers, but has broadened to include any blogger whose main method of communication is to put down others in a manner the blogger considers “clever.”

Terrorritories (noun): countries that have been designated as helping people we don’t like.

Twiter’s Block (noun): An inability to express any idea in words in less than 140 characters. EXAMPLE: Sorry I haven’t tweeted in a while – man, all my simple ideas seem to be coming out like War and Freaking Peace or something! Anybody know of any good methods of overcoming twiter’s block?

Wargasm (noun): the reason some people play Fogg Of Battle XVII: This Time, It’s Personnel! for 37 straight hours. (Do I have to spell it out for y – okay, yes, you’re right, that is what glossaries are for: that’s how long it takes them to get off on the game!)

Washin’ Roulette (noun): A gamble that you can keep working without concern for your personal hygiene. EXAMPLE: CHRISSY: GAAACK! What’s that smell? JANET: That’s just Jack. He’s been coding for four days and this morning he played a round of washin’ roulette. CHRISSY: Ewww! Smells like we’re all losers of that game!

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