My favourite comic strip character/American national monument: the Andy Cappitol building…
I decided to be a chef rather than a soldier, because the penne is mightier than the sword…
My favourite family sitcom set in civil court: Saved By the Libel…
Pat’s pets are the pits when they shake off the pots she puts on their heads!
My favourite American film director/psycho-sexual psychiatric complex: George Oedipal…
You say you like borscht? Well, if that don’t beet all!
When Madonna started her photography career, she was Leica virgin…
How can you determine which Pokemon has the worst cold? Look for peek achoo…
By all means, get the most expensive vessel to hold your ashes after you’re cremated – you’ve urned it!
Why aren’t you interested in going to the islands southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and the North American mainland, east of Central America, and north of South America? You say you’ve Caribbean there, done that?
I could tell you what to call the rooster on top of the barn, but I don’t like to take his name in vane…
Don’t be abrupt – we have all the brupts we need…
Chasing somebody over the tops of RVs is trailer parkour…
I don’t want to spend a lot of time talking about a ridge or shoal of rock or coral lying beneath the surface of a natural body of water, so I’ll make this reef…
When your D&D character dies, you often want to carpe DM…
When working through dinner, I like to order CRT ALT DELI…
The sheep who started dealing meth to keep his family together and financially stable was the plot of the hit TV series Breaking Baa…
When he hit the ground, the man whose wings melted when he got too close to the sun and fell back to earth could be called Ickarus…
I wanted to win the ball game, but I bocced the throw…
The pastry chef who wanted to make changes to the desserts his restaurant offered was into torte reform…
When it came time to police their own, the Bishops were guilty as synod…
Where are we having breakfast? IHOP, I hope…
At Versailles, they kept lower class rebels in transparent cages because they liked to be served peasant under glass…
Whites replacing black historical figures are always on the lookout for a sub Rosa Parks…
Comparing Iron Man’s egotism to the selflesness of the other Avengers really puts him into Tony Stark relief…
The magazine for trees that build bridges: Poplar Mechanics…
When Max Headroom accepted my invitation to dinner, I put out the welcome Mat Frewer…
The crows were having a difficult time convincing the ravens that they had common caws…
Les Pages aux Folles: keeping track of the myriad ways people divide themselves is exhausting work, but somebody has to do it…
“The Look of Love” sung by Elsie the cow was mooed music…
My favourite humorous moment by a cast member of Guardians of the Galaxy: the Chris Pratt fall…
If old sneakers go to heaven when they die, may god have mercy on their soles…
The creator of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf? was a strange writer, Albee it a good one…
My favourite Greek tragedy/Marvel Cinematic Universe movie: Antigone-Man…
RE: Your Ire. Sire, what riles the slimer are all of your mailers!
His lovers should have spoken in blank verse, but Shakespeare always was a sucker for a rhyming Capulet…
His movie was so full of special effects, you could be forgiven if you thought the soldier’s name was CGI Joe…
You say you don’t like that organic compound with a distinct smell and taste that evaporates easily, is flammable, and dissolves in water? Fine. You don’t have to. Still, don’t take that acetone with me!
The frame on which the seven year-old’s coffin was placed was a big deal, but small bier…
My favourite Beethoven symphony/MuchMusic VJ: Eroica M…
The woman who had soured on the concept of true love was always looking for an anti-dote…
My favourite Hollywood director/folk dance characterized by a fast upbeat tempo, accompanied by tambourine: Quentin Tarantella…
Does the supporting documentation for the oldie mouldy film from the seventies make it cheese with archives?
My favourite Clash song about a respectful greeting: “Should I Namaste, Or Should I Go?”
When Charles Darwin tried to explain the rudiments of evolution, Ebenezer Scrooge stated, “Amoeba? Humbug!”