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Cover Up, Or You’ll Catch Your Death!

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Rena Riffel rules!
If you can’t get the seats close to the stage at the circus, will you cry the tiers of a clown?
The venal penal administrator had renal failure.
Did I say you could do that? Stop it! Stop it right now!
My favourite rock guitarist/atomic particle: Nick Meson…
Sleep when you want, but don’t come crying to me when your lips fall off…
I’m not ready to die! I want to know how my life turns out…
I wanted to sing, but the trill is gone…
If Jesus refused an offer from Don Vito Corleone, would he be sleeping with the loaves and fishes?
Rock and Rall!
And, remember: there are only 338,300 shopping days until the new Millennium!
A son bad at business sat on the hot seat because he wanted a taste of his late father’s estate…
As they say on the Veldt: no gnus is good – ah, but you’re probably way ahead of me on this one…
Don’t accept the pathetic hand fate has dealt you! Grab life by the ears and headbutt it!
Will the last one left alive please put out the Enlightenment?
You have to believe that life is good…enough…
The deli manager is his own wurst enemy…
Down with up!
Warrior warlords are never worrywarts…
Would a politician who argued in favour of short affairs be taking a one night stand?
It’s not easy being Lorne Greene…
Political satire at slapstick comedy prices…
When one defibrillator just isn’t enough…
Are people who sell war spin in your grave doctors?
Do you realize that half of 808 State is 404 City?
I hate to be the one to say this, but, frankly, all this talk of how our society is aging is getting old…
Is a man who owns a pair of buildings in a slum a lessor of two evils?
Christmas is over! You can come out now! The Holy Ghost is clear!
Sleep never tasted so good…
Everybody wants to get to heaven, but nobody wants to drive…
Despite being underage, who couldn’t love porn star/faith healer Traci Lourdes?
Is it just a coincidence that the word for a part of a flower is the same as the word for a woman’s private parts?
Voila! The vile violet viola turned violent…
Easy come, easy mackerel…
I used to play Shinto shinny…
You know what they say: when you have a pair of pliers, everything looks like a fingernail…
Can somebody who has no public life have a secret life?
My favourite actor/diacritical punctuation mark: Tilde Swinton…
Of course good fences make good neighbours! When your neighbour drives you insane, you have your choice of posts to drive through his heart!
Impending doom really focuses the mimed…
And I thought, “Oh, my! I’m a living Gap ad!”
You say the actor named Campbell wants to keep her private life private? The Neve of some people!
Rococo to go…
Is a song about finding an oasis in the desert an eau to joy?
And, remember: you can’t eat a Karate chop…
Reality keeps piling up and I don’t have my Minivac!
You don’t like Jewish food? Kishke my ass!
I don’t want to kill time, but every now and then I’m tempted to slap it silly…
It’s not easy, being Tom Green…
Is he a bad tightrope walker because he eats an unbalanced diet, or…?
Patriotism is the last refuge of the advertiser…
Because one defibrillator just isn’t enough…
A trillion here, a trillion there and before long it adds up to – oh, god, I don’t wanna know what it adds up to!
Why didn’t you tell me my mouth was open?
In computer programming, the applet doesn’t fall far from the logic tree…
I’d like some fried crazy with a side order of nuttiness – and, oh, can I get that to go?
Make sure you have your Ducks Unlimited in a row…
Despite the fact that Tom makes a lot of bad decisions about alcohol, he seems to have a Horseshoe Tavern up his ass…
If Corey Hart enjoyed sticking his finger in a light socket, would he sing “Love Hertz?”
A one more for the road two timing three strikes and you’re out fourth estate fifth columnist – and proud of it!
The street has its own uses for lemon meringue…
Is cleaning up coal powered electricity production plants an emission impossible?

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