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How Not To Blog (The First of Likely Many)

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You know, starting a blog in the midst of a depression is starting to look like a bad idea.

When you’re depressed, it’s hard to get motivated to write. Depression also plays havoc with my sleep, making me often feel tired and achy, which makes it hard to concentrate on anything creative for any length of time; where ideas usually flow readily, coming as needed under normal circumstances, when I’m depressed they come slowly, in dribs and drabs, if at all. When this happens, I usually give up after a few minutes and do something writing related that doesn’t require creativity (entering articles into Word Press, for example…)

As a result, I’ve started two novels that I haven’t contributed anything to in months. The only reason I have been able to keep posting to Les pages aux Folles is because I can do short bursts of focused writing (the fact that I hate to break the 20 year plus streak is a powerful motivator, too).

The bottom line is that I will post to the blog when I am able, but I probably won’t be able to adhere to a schedule.

The good news is that having gone through this at different periods of my life, I know that the depression will eventually fade. At that point, expect a torrent of posts. Until then, thanks for your patience.

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