Les Pages aux Folles

Getting rave reviews? Don’t believe your lionize...

Welcome to Les Pages aux Folles, a collection of satirical writings and comedic doodles. The most recently written articles can be found in the New section; two or three (or sometimes four or five) will appear each Sunday. Collections of older material (currently numbering 48: 39 books of prose and nine of cartoons) appear in the Archive.

Ira Nayman

WARNING: This Web site contains words, images or concepts that may be offensive to some.
While reading, please be sure that your inner child is otherwise engaged.


This Week's New Columns

March 30, 2025

The Daily Me - Doris "Hoppy" Daye

When it was pointed out that white South Africans make up only seven per cent of the population but own half the country's land, Putzer responded, "When I was born, we made up only five per cent of the population and owned 60 per cent of the country's land! Talk about oppression!"

Deconstructing the Administrative State Takes Building [ARNS]

It took me three days to realize that the woman hadn't answered the question.

Headlines Suffer From Headline Fatigue

For You, Maybe
The Whale Was Probably Thinking, What Does A Poor Sea Mammal Have To Do To Get Some Privacy Around Here‽

Fate of Immigrants Up In Air [ARNS]

"Ooh, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, please," enthused El Salvador President Nayib Bukelelesong. "Six million Vesampucceri dollars will buy a lot of gold bathroom fixtures - absolutely necessary, I am told, if I want your President McDruhitmumpf to come on a state visit. Ooh, and when we put the prisoners you send us to work in the prison's monogrammed hankie production facility, their incarceration will practically pay for itself! Talk about a win-win situation!"

The Swamp Hasn't Been Drained, It Has Just Moved To TwitterX

TRANSLATION: It's Only A Matter Of Time Before Republicans Ban The Nefarious Bee Gees Song "Stayin' Alive"

The Greatest Trick [ARNS]

THE DEVIL: Giant battles little guy? Oddsmakers say don't bet against the giant? Little guy gets off a lucky shot and wins? I lost a lot of shekels that day, lemme tell you! Been used as a metaphor for one-sided battles for centuries? Surely, you must have heard of it (and I'm not calling you Shirley!).

For Your Navigating Pleasure, The Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Les Pages aux Folles extra features

Les Pages aux Folles is morphing into a hybrid fiction site/author's page. How can you tell? It now has a bio page! If you are interested in how I got to this point, go to: Ira Nayman: A Life to Laugh At. Enjoy.

If that isn't authory enough for you, below, you will find links to excerpts from my novels. This may, I don't know, hard to tell, but it's possible spur some readers to want to dip their mind toes (you're welcome for that image) into some of my more narrative fiction. If you go to my page of links to where you can buy my books page, you will find links to all of my novels, most of the anthologies in which I have had shorts stories published, and even the issues of Amazing Stories and Amazing Selects that I worked on as editor. There is much to enjoy here. Have fun.

Welcome to the Multiverse and other absurdities
Excerpts from my novels, published and not so much

Welcome to My Multiverse and yet more absurdities
A couple of unpublished short stories and a sampling of my screenwriting work

I Don't Know Art, But I Know What I Write
A selection of some of my non-fiction, including my Masters thesis, PhD dissertation and articles for Creative Screenwriting magazine.

blog tours
Before the database...became difficult, I had started hosting blog tours for other authors. This is a place where you can get to know them and hear about their latest work.

Les Pages aux Folles Collections

Book Thirty-nine
If the Basis of Good Government is an Informed Electorate, I’m Ready to Move to Another Planet

Book Thirty-eight
The Daily You? No! The Daily Me!

Book Thirty-seven
Headlines Shred Limes

Book Thirty-six
Welcome to the Insurrection (We're Not Sorry About the Inconvenience)

Book Thirty-five
You and What Universe?/That's When Everything Went Cow-shaped

Book Thirty-four
Reality's Stenographers

Book Thirty-three
Angels of Our Bitter Nature

Book Thirty-two
E Deplorables Unum

Book Thirty-one
The Tale That Dogs the Wag

Book Thirty
ARNS and the Man

Book Twenty-nine
Nonsense Nouvelles

Book Twenty-eight
Futures in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear

Book Twenty-seven
A Poke in the Eye of Reality and Three "Knyucks"

Blackout Funnies:
How Much More Blackout Could It Be? None. None More Blackout

Book Twenty-six
The Daily Me: We Didn't Make It...For You!

Book Twenty-five
What the Hell Were You Thinking? Good Advice for People Who Make Bad Decisions

Book Twenty-four
The Honourable Sir Nathan Ordinal Norman Sequitur Fights the Good Fight Against the Minions of Ignorance

Delicate Negotiations: Round Five:
Round Five: Enter The Lawyers!

Book Twenty-three
The Daily Me: How Bleak the World Must Have Been Without Instant Communications!

Book Twenty-two
The Alternate Reality News Service's Guide to Love, Sex and Robots

Delicate Negotiations: Round Four:
It's Only Words, But Words Are All I Have, To Make the Blackout Go Away

Book Twenty-one
The Street Finds its own Uses for Mutant Technologies

Book Twenty
An Article Here, An Article There and Pretty Soon You're Talking About Real Text

Book Nineteen
The Daily Me: More Reality Than You Can Shake a Penguin Engine At!

Delicate Negotiations: Round Three:
Grannies and Shemales (Just Don't Mention the Goat Head)

Book Eighteen
Luna for the Lunies!

Book Seventeen
The Pundit Without Honour and Other Reasons Not to Get Out of Bed in the Morning

Book Sixteen
The Daily Me - Now in Convenient Pill Form!

Delicate Negotiations: Round Two:
A Female Character in a Male Cartoonist's World

Book Fifteen
What Were Once Miracles are Now Children's Toys

Book Fourteen
Everybody's Got An Opinion (Unfortunately)

Book Thirteen
The Personal is Journalistic

Delicate Negotiations: Round One:
The Quiet Melancholy

My Toronto: Book Two
God's Menstruation

Book Twelve
That's What They Want You To Think...Or, Is It?

Book Eleven
Your Daily Dose of Crustacean Serendipity

Book Ten
Alternate Reality Ain't What It Used To Be

My Toronto: Book One
A Fate Too Absurd To Bear

Book Nine
No Public Figure Too Big, No Personal Foible Too Small

Book Eight
It's Always About You, Isn't It?

Book Seven
Life, Death and Other Ways of Passing the Time

Book Six
News You Can Abuse

Book Five
New Millenium, Same Old Story

Book Four
Satire for the Hard of Thinking

Book Three
Orchestrated Chaos

Book Two
Politics: A Musical Comedy

Book One
Zen and the Art of International Politics

All material on this Web site is (c) copyright by Ira Nayman. For more on this fascinating subject, go to the Les Pages aux Folles Legal page.