Thank you, Trina Albumen for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Then, we threw darts at our computer screens to determine what to include.
Enjoy,Have You Now Or Have You Ever Been Employed By Saddam Hussein?
The House UnAmerican Activities Committee? Wusses! What we need is a good old-fashioned Inquisition! Get with the programme, people! WE HAVE ENEMIES! THEY'RE IN IRAQ! THEY'RE IN FRANCE! THEY COULD BE IN JOHN KERRY'S UNDERPANTS! If you're planning on voting for an a**hole with such a spotty military record - I mean, did he burn his medals, his ribbons, other people's medals, his underpants, or what? - you might as well just hand Osama bin laden a victory. I mean, the question isn't how many people close to Kerry worked for Saddam Hussein - the question is how many people close to Kerry didn't work for Saddam Hussein! A vote for Kerry is a vote for - aaaaargh! Aaaagh! Uuuuugh! - give me a moment while I get my glycerin pills...
SOURCE: The O’Meilly Factor
Iraq versus Vietnam - A Progress Checklist
YOU ARE HERE: "This is not a quagmire."
SOURCE: Big Alex' Domesday Countdown Page
And You Thought Internet Time Was Something
Former Gosselin Communications executive Gilles-Andre Gosselin, explaining how he charged the federal government for 10,112 hours of work in 2002 demanded, "Is there a law that says people are not allowed to work seven days a week?" When one of the members of the parliamentary committee investigating the Liberal sponsorship scandal pointed out that that was more than the number of hours in a year, Gosselin responded, "Is there a law that says people are not allowed to slow down time to get more work done?"
SOURCE: Toronto Stunned
If the Federal Liberals Are the New Conservatives, Who Are the New Liberals?
After calling Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper "scary," and urging Conservatives to vote for the best candidate in their riding, not necessarily for the party, former Progressive Conservative Prime Minister Joe Clark gets gang-banged by the media. They love him...they love him not. They love him...they should grow up, maybe?
SOURCE: Wryerson Journalism Review
Perhaps They Should Put a Tariff on the Wood Between Their Ears
A North American Free Trade Agreement dispute panel has ruled - again - that Canadian softwood lumber exports were hurting American mills. This is a significant step forward in the long-standing dispute. It means that the US has only 27 more illegal moves to make against Canadian wood before this issue will finally be resolved. None of us may be alive to see the day, but at least the trees that aren't cut down will...
SOURCE: Financial Riposte
You Deserve To Keep All Of The Money You've Slaved To Earn!
So, Dalton McGuinty's Liberal government would like to tax lottery winnings? We have a simple solution - don't pick up your money! That will deny the Ontario provincial government millions of - wait! Where are you going? Don't go looking for porn! Hear us ou - HEAR US OUT!
SOURCE: National Coalition of Anti-tax Loonies Home Page
Prosecutors in the Michael Jackson child sex case have seized underwear purportedly worn by the former music star. They expect the underwear to fetch between $1,000 and $5,000 on eBay. "Why didn't any of my financial advisers think of that?" Jackson mused to himself.
SOURCE: Traders Weekly
A new virus, DadBlastIt, started infecting computers last week. It is believed to have parked itself on millions of hard drives running MicroMush NT&A, 2000 and 2002 Office Sweet software. The playful virus starts b6y adding numb3er4s to words at r3a8ndo9m. Th3en, it word7s chan5ges or9der of in se8nten8ces the. The7n, it your ha2r4d nast7y and shuts do1wn tu88888rns dri
SOURCE: Computers Byte Magazine