Thank you, Anna Logue, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Then, we thought we would never live to see the day, but it appears that we are finally living in a world without Borders. Of course, people are still killing each other at an unconscionable rate. And, if we're being honest, greed and stupidity are still the main drivers of human behaviour. But, at least, now, we have one less outlet where we can read all about it!
The Daily Me Staff
Investors Won't Be Willing To Accept This Uncertainty Indefinitely, You Know
Richard Nixon took the United States off the gold standard in 1971. Eleven far right governors want to go back to the gold standard in 2011. WHEN ARE THE REPUBLICANS GOING TO MAKE UP THEIR MINDS?
SOURCE: Bill's Bitter Pills
The Murdoch Mysteries: How He Got Away With It For So Long
What is media mogul Rupert Murdoch's response to allegations that his employees conducted immoral and/or illegal behaviour? It depends on when you ask him:
has not done anything illegal.
News of the World has not done anything illegal, but one of its reporters may have been involved with illegal wiretapping.
It would appear that several News of the World employees were involved with illegal wiretapping and bribing officials to get people's medical records, but none of the senior staff knew about it.
I am shutting down News of the World because too many people in the organization were involved in illegal activities. But, this was not happening at my other newspapers.
YOU ARE HERE: Some illegal activity may have taken place at my other newspapers, but it was committed by individuals and was not widespread.
Illegal activity may have been widespread at my British newspapers, but it did not occur at any of my other British media.
Illegal activity may have been widespread throughout my British media, but it did not occur at any of my other European media holdings.
Illegal activity may have been widespread throughout my European media holdings, but it did not occur at any of my American media outlets.
Okay, illegal activity may have been widespread throughout my media empire, but I knew nothing about it.
Oh, shit.
SOURCE: Politics For Dummies
Cordray? He Was Great On The Daily Show, But What Does He Know About Consumer Protection?
Despite the fact that she was the driving force behind its creation, President Obama has not chosen Elizabeth Warren to head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, nominating Richard Cordray instead.
"We know that he will be almost equally unacceptable to the Republicans," the President allowed, "but, hopefully they won't draw out the nomination for as long - at least that will allow us to get on to other matters that much sooner."
SOURCE: The Postington Wash
You Don't Get What You Pay For
Welcome to the Club Nada home page. As you will see, we pride ourselves on giving you no service for outrageous fees. At the moment, we have five levels of membership:
Lead ($9.99 a month): the basic membership allows you to peek past our pay wall, where you will find that we haven't provided you with any content, original or otherwise, just a single blank page which is updated sporadically.
Silver ($19.99 a month): the second level of membership that gives you access to half a dozen blank pages, each of which has been tagged for ease of searching. As an added service, creators of the Web site will laugh uproariously behind your back at no extra charge.
Gold ($49.99 a month): the third level of membership gives you access to over 30 blank pages! That is a per-page saving of almost...umm...well, it's a lot! As a bonus for signing up, you get exclusive access (well, exclusive relative to the cheap bastards who paid less for access to the site) to an audio recording of the creators of the Web site laughing at you.
Platinum ($129.99 a month): the fourth level of membership gives you access to all but a handful of the blank pages on our site - almost half! At this level, updates of new blank pages occur on an almost daily basis. In addition, you will get access to our totally awesome site search engine, which offers dozens of ways to sift through our non-existent content! Not only this, but the Platinum member will have access to a low-resolution video of the creators of the Web site laughing at you.
Unobtainium ($1,099 a month): the fifth and final level of membership gives you access to all of the blank pages on the Web site, which is always growing (come back at least twice daily for new non-material). Those who buy the Unobtainium package will have the ability to completely customize the Web site by choosing from a wide selection of fonts to display non-existent text, and a range of sizes to display non-existent photos. As a signing bonus, you will get access to a full colour video of the creators of the site laughing at you, in letterbox or full screen, pan and scan formats and, coming soon, 3-D!
By all means, choose the level of membership that best reflects your ability to pay. Do keep in mind, though, that social status is best reflected in how much you are willing to pay for something totally useless that you don't need.
SOURCE: Club Nada
Plans That Keep Republicans Up At Night
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has offered the President a plan that he hopes will break the government logjam over the debt ceiling. Democratic leaders would, under the plan, publicly flog Republican leaders on national television; but the Republicans would remain strong and send the President a bill that states that they heroically refuse to raise the debt ceiling by a single penny. The President would veto that bill, which would mean that the debt ceiling would be raised, allowing everybody to claim victory and, as a secondary consideration, staving off a new Depression.
When asked if he thought that Tea Party Republicans would believe that this wasn't a complete capitulation to the Democrats, McConnell responded, "Well, you know, they believed in death panels, so they'll believe just about anything we tell them."
SOURCE: Disassociated Press