The final installment of the Multiverse Refugees Trilogy shows humanity at its best, its worst, and its goofiest.
![Book Cover: The Ugly Truth: The Multiverse Refugees Trilogy: [INSERT THIRD REPETITION WITH VARIATION OF PIE JOKE HERE]](
Also in the trilogy:

Good Intentions

The sixth novel in Ira Nayman’s
Multiverse series (aka the Transdimensional Authority series). But also the First Pie in the Face of the Multiverse Refugees Trilogy (which will make sense when you read it!)
At the end of You Can’t Kill the Multiverse (But You Can Mess With its Head), Doctor Alhambra, the chief scientist of the Transdimensional Authority, set up an alarm to warn him if a universe is succumbing to the universe-killing machine that is at the heart of the story. But how would the Transdimensional Authority respond if that alarm went off?
In Good Intentions, the first book in the Multiverse Refugees Trilogy, but also the sixth Transdimensional Authority novel, we find out. In the process we not only meet the most unusual refugees in fiction (probably), learn what Noomi Rapier’s brother does (and with whom), revisit Dingle Dell, and finally discover what happened to chapter seventeen of The Multiverse is a Nice Place to Visit But I Wouldn’t Want to Live There.
The seventh novel in Ira Nayman’s
Multiverse series (aka the Transdimensional Authority series). But also the Second Pi in the Face of the Multiverse Refugees Trilogy.
Two years after the discovery that Earth Prime 4-6-4-0-8-9 dash Omega is in imminent danger of collapse, the Transdimensional Authority has helped hundreds-of-millions… well, millions… okay, a lot of aliens immigrate to Earth Prime. How’s that working out?
Rodney Pendleton, the first alien to make the move, is now a tech millionaire (hover technology is wildly popular – who knew?). Wainwright Walsh, lead singer for The Occidental Tourists (ask your parents… or, maybe your grandparents), puts together an all-star band to raise funds for a foundation to help the aliens adjust to their new home.
But all is not beat yas and scream on Earth Prime. An investigation into the first murder of an alien being leads to an anti-alien protest group, revealing a dark, speciesist strain of human emotion. And a different investigation into the disappearance of aliens in Latin America reveals a dark, greedy strain of human emotion.
It turns out, some problems cannot be solved by the swift, unexpected application of pie!
The eighth novel in Ira Nayman’s
Multiverse series (aka the Transdimensional Authority series). But also the <INSERT THIRD REPETITION WITH VARIATION OF PIE JOKE HERE> of the Multiverse Refugees Trilogy
Emigrating to a new universe can be hard. People in the new universe eat for sustenance (rather than get their energy directly from sunlight). Eww! They use umbrellas to protect them from the rain (rather than pianos and anvils and safes and orangutans – oh, my! – falling from the sky). Their gods do not reward them in the afterlife for how funny they were while they were alive – as if any other qualities in life matter!
Fleeing a dying universe is not for the faint of gall bladder!
The Ugly Truth: <INSERT THIRD REPETITION WITH VARIATION OF PIE JOKE HERE> is the final volume in Ira Nayman’s appropriately described Multiverse Refugees trilogy. In it, musicians are hoist on their own poetic petard, pies fly and four foot tall blue aliens with no hair and exaggeratedly round features who wear exquisite three piece suits find amusing new ways to die.
As they say on Earth Prime 4-6-4-0-8-9 dash Omega, “May the Audi Enz laugh upon you all the days of your life!”
The Ugly Truth, was published on 17th June 2022.
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