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When it Comes to Puns on Twitter, It’s a Fine Whine Between Love and Hate

Puns We Love to Hate has some words to share with you, too, buddy!
1. I have always tried in my life to avoid blowing a ram’s horn. Shofar, so good…
2. Did the cowboy who captained the Spanish armada wear a ten galleon hat?
3. Poems that come out against the seven deadly sins are vice verses…
4. The retired university professor who drank too much understood that in vino emeritus…
5. Bollywood actors are an all star caste…
6. I like to pay ohmage to my favourite physicist…
7. She was sure the volunteer gardener had Gingivitis, but she was raised never to look a gift hoer in the mouth…
8. Could a lack of villains be considered a Dearth of Vaders?
9. How LePew makes money on the Internet: his content is protected by a Pepe wall…
10. When the band opened with a number about corporate corruption, the crowd shouted, “The Fixx is in!”
11. The angry preacher told his errant son: “Don’t make me take out my Bible belt!”
12. Don’t mind the face I make when we plan our family vacation to Disneyland – it’s just my Mickey moue…
13. I tried to hear what the crow in the distance was saying, but it was a lost caws…
14. When The Rock gives corporate presentations, does he use bulletheadedpoint slides?
15. You say you don’t like it when Parliament’s term is arbitrarily cut short? Get with the prorogueramme!
16. When Agent Peggy orders a meal off the menu, is she dining a la Carter?
17. Are you brave enough to buy gold? You know what they say: No ingots, no glory!
18. When it comes to showing your love for actress Fawcett, how Farrah are you willing to go?
19. I suppose people who sell landed estates have to mind their manors…
20. The guy who refused to write poetry about the rules of boxing was the no holds bard…
21. Afraid you don’t have enough alcohol for your guests to have seconds? Don’t fear the repour…
22. When she saw how much food was piled on his plate at the Hawaiian banquet, Gossett’s wife said, “Lou, oww!”
23. My grandmother’s favourite Mediterranean dish: bubbe ghanouj…
24. You might not think it would be starting something, but pulling up a guy’s underwear is the thin edge of the wedgie…
25. When god advised his son on the ins and outs of going to the prom, he said, “Fiat tux!” And it was good…
26. Is a cartoon representation of Leslie Caron acting in her most famous role an Emo Gigi?
27. The newspaper pundit defended her work by saying: “Hey! I just column as I see ’em!”
28. I tried to read epic fantasy, but I’ll admit that it was only a Tolkien gesture…
29. When one of the ithyphallic male companions of Dionysus caught a 24 hour cold, he had a Satyr day/night fever…
30. The tourist attraction dedicated to the inventor of radio is Marconi Island…
31. When she lost her memory, my favourite Bewitched character was a Tabitha rasa…

Puns We Love to Hate is back for another round of language abuse!
1. A dirge for a dead skydiver is a RIP chord…
2. You shouldn’t steal that dog because you know that crime doesn’t shar pei!
3. When Michael’s acting career is over, it will truly be the end of a Cera…
4. I was sick of being angry all the time, so I gave up aggression for truculent…
5. I was worried about the appropriateness of the seat in my den, but sofa, so good…
6. When he got satirical, many people felt poet Ogden was a pain in the Nash…
7. Do you think glaziers ever apologize for all of the pane that they’ve caused?
8. Comedian Mort was an old Sahl…
9. Did you hear about the book designer who committed suicide by throwing himself off a glyph?
10. Dr. Doolittle wanted to hear what the dead crow had to say, but it was a lost caws…
11. There have been so many political sex scandals lately that I would vote for the first past the four poster bed…
12. The apprentice newspaper editorial writer had to be taught the tricks of the tirade…
13. I don’t have any dirt on Hepburn’s personal life, Audrey enough…
14. The demon who ate the soul of the small town mayor smacked its lips and said, “Mmm, that is a tasty burgher!”
15. Those not in academia should be warned that et al does not mean that Al had a meal (or was a meal)…
16. I wouldn’t say Bismarck was a conformist, exactly, but her sure knew how to Otto the line…
17. If the lead actor of Sleepy Hollow was unattractive, would his character be called Icky Bod Crane?
18. Joe couldn’t afford a new car, but by the time his wife found out about it it was already a Fiat accomplis…
19. When the government rechecked the Western star’s tax records, he was known as Audit Murphy…
20. Mary wanted hemorrhagic, John preferred Ischemic. You know what they say: different strokes…
21. The sad avian gourmet said: “Egrets, I’ve had a few…”
22. The guy who lost it every time he ate Boston soup was a clam chowderhead…
23. Would stories about good times with Pooh’s pal be reminiscences of days of Eeyore?

24. If Trevor Noah’s broadcast focused on Chicago politicians, it would have to be renamed The Daley Show

25. A clone of Darrin’s boss on Bewitched would be a Larry Imitate…
26. The farmer with 1,000 hens was deep – you could say he had a lot of layers…
27. When the cat indicated that it wanted to lie where it could look out the window, its owner replied: Don’t by silly!”
28. You can put off drinking the beer in that glass, but you’ll have to get around to it schooner or later…
29. When Snoopy fought his foe on Mars, was he battling the red barren?
30. If the French Revolutionary tricoteuse worked on a harbour tug, would she have been known as Madame Labarge?
31. The rock star who didn’t like the second single was B Side himself with anger…

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