Thank you, Ramachandra Levy, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Then, we realized that we were the only publication on the planet that didn’t have a best of the first decade of the 2000s list. Never mind that the decade actually ends at the end of 2010, not 2009; when our mothers asked us, “If everybody else is making meaningless end of arbitrary time periods lists, does that mean you have to as well?” we answered, “Hells, yeah!” (We, uhh, had a very informal relationship with our mothers when we were growing up.) So, here it is: the worst “best of the first decade of the 2000s” list: this one.
The Daily Me Staff
Deranged You Can Believe In

Do I have to connect the dots for you?
SOURCE: Politics For Dummies
It Was…A Mercy Killing
After a punishing few months on the critical list, the Public Option for health care reform has been pronounced dead by the Democratic Senatorial caucus. In the end, it was a shadow of its former self, so thin and weak that even its most ardent supporters wouldn’t have recognized it. Pubbo, as its friends called it, is survived by Expansion of Medicare to Those Between 55 and 65 and Regional Insurance Co-ops. In lieu of flowers, mourners are asked to donate to a universal public health care system.
SOURCE: Obits ‘R Us
Do You…Uhh…Shave With A Schick?
Write With A Bic?
Eat At Movenpick?
The Warren Homosexuals
Rick, oh, Rick,
When did you become such a prick?
You were the populist holy man
Who had a purpose-driven plan –
Was it nothing more than promotional shtick?
Rick, oh, Rick,
What business is it of yours what a man does with his dick?
Everybody, forget the fuzzy-eyed propaganda:
They’re proposing a law to kill gays in Uganda,
Legislators with whom Warren is thick.
Rick, oh, Rick,
Who are you to condemn gays as sick?
A loving god would have to bar
Killing people for who they are –
Was your public compassion just a trick?
Rick, oh, Rick,
Our sexuality we do not pick.
From your pulpit you can calmly whisper your defiance,
But this is a simple matter of science
Before you are silent on Draconian laws, you should really research the topic!
SOURCE: Poetry, Cornered
He Probably Heard It As The Fossil Fuel Of The Day Award
In the run-up to the Copenhagen Summit, a coalition of 450 environmental groups awarded Canada a Fossil of the Day award.
“We’re proud of Canada’s environmental record,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper responded, “and it’s an honour to get an award that recognizes our efforts.”
Nobody had the heart to explain to him that the award was for “doing the most to obstruct progress in the global climate-change talks.”
SOURCE: The Irrational
Right Over Anybody Who Doesn’t Believe In Your God!
Recipe for religious fundamentalism:
STEP ONE: Take a loving and compassionate god.
STEP TWO: Drain your god of all love and compassion.
STEP THREE: Fill your empty god with all of your personal fears and hatreds.
STEP FOUR: Let the theocratic good times roll!
SOURCE: Unicycle
Third Party On, Dudes!
There are more than 25,000 third party applications for the iPhone. What are some of the ones you may have missed?
iBoredom&Mayhem. A simulation of being on the ground in Iraq using real time GPS data and news feeds.
iCandy. Watch your favourite chocolate bars being slowly…sensually unwrapped. Then, become really frustrated that you can’t eat them. Sponsored – perhaps ill-advisedly – by Cadbury’s.
iEye. The camera in your phone focuses on your eye. Watch yourself watching yourself! You look fabulous, if you do say so yourself.
iSore. An old man shakes his fist and yells, “You kids get off my lawn!” over and over and over again.
SOURCE: Geekly News & World Report
It Makes More Sense If you Read It Out Loud
To stimulate the economy by creating jobs, President Obama has been talking about taking some of the money returned from TARP and using it to weatherize homes. Weatherization may be “ecologically correct,” but it isn’t a term that excites the pundits. What are they calling it?
Cash for caulkers.
And, there you have it. The American population is made up entirely of six year-olds.
SOURCE: Weekends!
So It Can Strangle Them Before They Become More Than Signs
“Business seeks sign world serious about tackling the globe’s warming”
– Toronto Star
SOURCE: Billy-Bob’s International House O’ Headlines
Hearing Polka Doesn’t Really Make The Song Better
Okay. I am down with just about every Internet fad there has been. Cats closing the lids of pianos on the hands of their owners? Adorable. Ratting out your teenage brother’s porn surfing habits on your Facebook page? That’s what Facebook was made for! Cats using handheld rocket grenade launchers on their next door neighbour’s doghouse? Priceless!
But, Bob Dylan performing a song on YouTube called “Must Be Santa” with a klezmer influence? (I know some people hear polka when they listen to it, but I hear klezmer.) That’s my limit, thanks.
SOURCE: Bill’s Bitter Pills
It’s Been A Bad Week For Backpacks With Canadian Flags On Them…
Where Canadians stand on the Afghan detainee transfer torture scandal:
the Afghan government did not torture detainees we handed over to them, and that’s damn decent of them considering that the detainees were the worst kind of terrorists
okay, many of the detainees we captured and handed over to the Afghan government were innocent of any wrong-doing, people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that’s okay because we know they weren’t tortured
there is no proof that detainees were tortured
okay, there is proof that detainees were tortured, but nobody in the government knew about it
okay, somebody in the government knew about the torture, but that is not reason enough to demand anybody’s resignation
YOU ARE HERE: anybody who insists on pursuing this issue is putting the lives of every one of our brave men and women fighting in Afghanistan at risk. They need to put politics aside for national security.
Peter McKay, your time in cabinet is rapidly coming to an end
the Prime Minister had nothing to do with the detainee transfer file. No, seriously, move along, people. Nothing to see here.
SOURCE: Politics For Dummies