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The Daily Me Staff
Headline Writing Goes To Hell

SOURCE: Billy-Bob’s International House O’ Headlines
Hear That Crackling? It’s The Sound Of Another Illusion Being Destroyed
As part of his response to the immigration issue, President Bush recommended that the United States start a “guest worker” programme. And, here, I thought we had long ago abolished slavery.
SOURCE: The Quick and the Detwiler
Bring Your Binoculars To Board Meetings
The Yellow-bellied Radio Executive (aviansus ridiculum). Lives mostly in boardrooms and CRTC hearings, although it has been spotted at chichi cocktail parties. Its distinctive mating call, “Lower CanCon rules! Lower CanCon rules!”, can be heard above the din of the much more populous Red-faced Cultural Worker (canadensest suckeranium). The Yellow-bellied Radio Executive feeds off the cultural scraps of related foreign, especially American, species.
SOURCE: Capital Critters
It Isn’t Real Until The American President Consensusizes
Environment Minister Rona Ambrose claimed that she had spoken to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who told her that “if an international consensus emerges, which is what all of us are fighting for right now at the table, Canada will take on new commitments” to protect the environment. Now, you might think that 163 countries signing the Kyoto Accord would constitute an “international consensus” – that’s why Ambrose is Environment Minister and you’re not.
SOURCE: Festerin’ Report
Hummer Bummer
The H1 – the original Humvee – is being discontinued. How do owners of these monstrosities on four wheels feel about this?
“I remember being at a dull dinner party when I spied her at the other end of the room. It was love at first sight! I will admit that she looked a little crude, but there was something about her dark lines that promised adventure. And, boy did she deliver! She’s taken me for a ride that I could never have imagined and hope never ends!”
– Glen Fidditch, 48
“It is amazing. I do not believe that I would ever part with it. Not that there would be much of a market, as I have customized my Hummer. Oh, yes. There is now room for an iron lung, which is good because that is the only way I can travel.”
– E. H. Harriman, 137
“Not making them anymore? Well, shit! I’m gonna buy me seven more! That way, anybody will think twice before interfering with the smooth operation of my…business. Yeah. That’s it. The smooth operation of my legitimate business!”
– R. J., 22
SOURCE: Glob and Maul
Arch Support The Troops
Facing a serious recruiting shortfall, the American army has decided to make some changes in the way it handles recruits. For instance, it has updated its old marching drill song:
I don’t know, but I been told
[I don’t know, but I been told]
Big legged woman ain’t got no soul
[Big legged woman ain’t got no soul]
I been told, but I don’t know
[I been told, but I don’t know]
Soul of a woman was created below
[Soul of a woman was created below]
Sound off
[Sound off]
One two
[One two]
Dazed and confused
[Dazed and confused]
Not bad – only 40 or so years late. Here’s an idea: how about changing the motto “An Army of One” to Green Day’s “I Walk Alone?” Not only would that interest today’s generation of young people, but, given the way the government has cut back on funds for veterans, it would let them know what to expect after they have served.
SOURCE: Cleveland Wheeler Dealer
When Does A Government For Life Hold Mid-term Elections?
Iraq finally has a government! Yay! It’s been only…five…months since the country had an election, but, you know, Shiite happens. Can you imagine what things would have been like if the United States had had to wait five months for our government to take office? Okay, okay, get that stupid grin off your face – things probably wouldn’t have been that good!
After a two hour delay – apparently, there was some debate about the distribution of American MREs to the Parliamentarians – oooh, tasty MREs! – Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki swore that he would restore peace and social order…to Baghdad. Baghdad! Again, that’s like the President saying he would concentrate on helping the central states and leave states like New York and California to fend for themselves.
SOURCE: The Day To Day Show, with Jon Tudor
I’m Ready To Jump Out Of My 40th Floor Window Out Of Sheer Giddy Happiness
Markets lose 80% of value
Great time to buy
– Globe and Mail
SOURCE: Billy-Bob’s International House O’ Headlines
Remember: There’s No “L” In Awful…No, Wait…
According to General Michael Hayden, President Bush’s nominee for the post of CIA head and former head of the NSA (whose classified motto is: “You got a complaint, we’re happy to listen”), “the White House Counsel, the Attorney-General, the Department of Justice’s lawyers and my own lawyers at the NSA ruled this to be a lawful use of the President’s authority.” Okay, so, we’re supposed to be comforted by the fact that the wiretapping of American phone conversations without warrant has been approved by a bunch of lawyers?
I’m moving to the bottom of the ocean. At least the sharks there don’t pretend they’re protecting your security when they gobble you up.
SOURCE: The Day To Day Show, with Jon Tudor
Politics Is About Tough Choices
infinity + Seinfeld) Who is the most “vicious,” buffoonish,” “irresponsible” and damaging to Canadian politics?
a) Gwyn Morgan, the Conservative nominee for the position of head of a new federal appointments commission, who has said things like, “The vast majority of violent, lawless immigrants come from countries where the culture is dominated by violence and lawlessness. Jamaica has one of the world’s highest crime rates driven mainly by the violence between gangs competing for dominance in the Caribbean drug trade. Why do we expect different behaviour in Toronto, Ontario than in Kingston, Jamaica?”
b) members of the government operations and estimates committee who felt that somebody who could make such a statement didn’t deserve to hold a public position, no matter how successful he had been as a CEO
c) Prime Minister Harper, who, not having succeeded at getting a Conservative partisan to head a supposedly non-partisan committee, said he wouldn’t try again, even though government accountability was one of his most cherished election platform planks
SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles