Thank you, Orr Would U Rather B a Fish?, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, we learned that singer Melanie had died. We were not her ma, but we saw what they’d done to her song. We agreed to lay down, even though the rain was messing with the flames of our candles. We even supported her when she explored a brand new key, even if she insisted it had something to do with roller skates. What can we say? It was the sixties. Despite all of that, we never knew her last name. Did she even have a last name?
The Daily Me Staff
The Next Day He Was Taking A Shower…And Speechifying And Scoring Political Points With His Base
He…Uhh…May Want To Seek Help For That…
Former President Donald Trump was in Iowa a couple of days before the state’s caucuses to speechify and score political points with his base. The next day, he was in a New York courtroom to…speechify and score political points with his base.
The more things are strange, the more they stay the same.
SOURCE: The Legal Unintelligibler
The Only Thing That’s Safe Are Police Jobs
Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw showed up at a meeting of the budget committee at city hall last week to deliver a dark and dire warning about cutting the police budget. There is “no consistent correlation” between police spending and crime rates in Canada, a new study has found.
“A budget cut to policing in city hall’s proposed 2024 operating budget will create ‘unacepptable risk’ and imperil the service’s ability to ensure public safety, to offer community policing, and to proactively patrol the city,” the chief said, flanked by his entire senior leadership team. “I think a lot of people simply assume that more money for the police will mean safer communities,” said co-author Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, an associate professor in Sociology at the University of Toronto. “We’re demonstrating that’s not the case.”
SOURCE: 24 Hour News Mashups
Why Choke On Your Words When Choking On Nitrogen Is So Much Easier (And Finaller)?
Masks made by the subsidiary of a Quebec-based company will be used for executions in the United States. Alabama will put an inmate to death by nitrogen hypoxia, in which breathable air is replaced with nitrogen, a method that was previously only acceptable to use on pigs.
At last, the trucker convoy has been proven right that masks are dangerous!
SOURCE: Ottawa Stunned
I Dream Of Genocide
BEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE RULING: This is an antisemitic farce! South Africa has no standing to bring such charges, the Court has no jurisdiction over the state of Israel and, anyway, the State of Israel has a right to defend itself! We condemn this blatantly political attack on the state of Israel and will defend our actions to the end of time!
THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE RULING: We’re not ready to call it a genocide, but Israel should, maybe, slow down its war criming a bit and take more care not to kill as many civilians.
AFTER THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE RULING: No ceasefire? The Court is wise and just.
SOURCE: The Baghdad Post
Do All Right Wing Celebrities Aspire To Losing A Multi-billion Dollar Defamation Lawsuit?
Donald Trump Has So Much To Answer For!
Charlie Kirk
New York City councilman Yusuf Salaam, who once took part in the gruesome gang rape of a jogger in Central Park, is now furious that an NYPD officer dared to pull him over for having illegally tinted windows. Salaam wasn’t even arrested or given a ticket, but after getting away with gang rape he apparently thinks he deserves to be completely above the law.
What a disgusting pig.
SOURCE: Ending Trending Web Site
And I’ll Stick The People With The Bill
Sri Lanka passed a law that would order individuals and internet service providers to remove online posts deemed “prohibited statements.” The law also allows for the possibility of jailing citizens who do not comply with it.
American Republicans looked at the bill and drooled, “I’ll have what they’re having!”
SOURCE: The Smarmian
Wanna Make A Meal Of Incendiary Lies?
Tucker Right In!

Tucker Carlson has a message for Canada. And the message is: Boo!
Carlson brought his Great Replacement Road Show to Alberta, where it garnered support from such Canadian luminaries as Jordan “If My Words Offend You, Your Existence Offends Me” Peterson and Conrad “Yes, I’m Still Alive – Bilious Spite Is A Remarkable Panacea” Black. And of course, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, who wants to be Ron DeSantis without the baggage. Greg Abbott, then.
One of the many problems with Carlson trying to sell his Great Replacement Tonic (“The cure for hair loss, weight gain and economic displacement in a single bottle! Order now! Quantities limited!”) is that, being a much younger country, Canada doesn’t have as many entrenched white settler families as the United States. Most Canadians have immigrants in their immediate family, and they’re not dumb enough to protest themselves. In fact, the only Canadians who can plausibly claim to be victims of a great replacement are the country’s Indigenous peoples.
What do you think the odds are that Carlson is defending them?
SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism
It’s No Longer Hip To Be Mel Lastman Square
Who will save the furniture and electronics chain Bad Boy from bankruptcy?
SOURCE: The Financial Riposte
If It Weren’t For Double Standards, Republicans Would Have No Standards At All
Why don’t good people run for politics?
When Republicans run for office, they have their own rhetoric turned back on them as a form of ridicule. Ron DeSantis, for example, got told that, “He’s special. He’s unique, and he’s our little snowflake.”
When Democrats run for office, they get vile death threats. For instance, a man threatened “to come a ‘long, long, way’ to rattle [Nancy Pelosi’s] head with bullets and cut her head off.” Another man claimed a vigilante group spying on congresswoman Ilhan Omar and “your children” had obtained “all your addresses and handed them out to rapists.”
Oh, yeah. It’s easy to see why good people on both sides of the aisle would be discouraged from running for office.
SOURCE: Cleveland Wheeler Dealer