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The Daily Me – Lesby Thrace

Thank you, Lesby Thrace, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Then, we thought that it was very nice that nobody important did anything newsworthy on Christmas day, giving newspapers an opportunity to not publish any editions and give their staffs a day off. The important people were probably all calculating which presents to return on Boxing Day…

The Daily Me Staff

Too Much Gossip?
Let Us Spray…

@curiouscuria OMG! did u here what da pope said about gossip in rome? oh, snap! we been served!!!!!!

@vittoriopraetorio He should not have said that publicly. It was an internal matter – no need for public embarrassment.

@nicereligionshameaboutthehat wanna talk about embarrassment? Have u seen how the pope eats? was he raised ina barn?

@curiouscuria LOL hes from spain – do they even hav barns in spain?

@relateableprelate This is a serious matter. Public infighting in Rome will lead to further disaffections from the Church. We can’t afford t

@curiouscuria end our messages properly? ROFL but u gotta admit teh way he shovels it in IS funny

@relateableprelate OK Reluctant LOL. Now, can we talk about his judgmental attitude towards those of us who work with him? It is not very Ch

SOURCE: Ending Trending Web Site


Resistance Is F…irst And Foremost An Obsolete Word In The Dictionary

How Propaganda Works

AD: Stephen Harper…respect for families…tax cuts…strong leadership…

RESPONSE AFTER FIRST LISTENING: Oh, please! You’re slashing programmes to pay for those tax cuts, and, anyway, most of that money will be going to the richest Canadians, those who need it the least! Same thing with your great gift to Canadian families – income splitting!

AD: Stephen Harper…respect for families…tax cuts…strong leadership…

RESPONSE AFTER THIRD LISTENING: Yeah, yeah! Tell that to vets and welfare recipients whose benefits are being cut! And, hey, if you’re so big on helping families, why don’t you do more for single mothers?

AD: Stephen Harper…respect for families…tax cuts…strong leadership…

RESPONSE AFTER TWELFTH LISTENING: Yeah, well…mumble mumble…not fairly distributed…mumble, mumble, cost in services…okay, maybe helping the family, a little…

AD: Stephen Harper…respect for families…tax cuts…strong leadership…


AD: Stephen Harper…respect for families…tax cuts…strong leadership…

RESPONSE AFTER FORTY-NINTH LISTENING: Stephen Harper…respect for families…tax cuts…strong leadership…

SOURCE: Politics for Dummies


Mister Putin, Tear Down This Currency!

Long lineups before stores even open. Ridiculously inflated prices which force many consumers to take on unsustainable debt. Riots as people fight for an ever dwindling supply of goods.

Come to lovely, scenic Russia, where every day is Black Friday.

SOURCE: Safe Xtreme Vacations


That’s What You Get For Doing Things On The Cheap

The Ontario Liberals paid a company $10,000 to wipe gas plant data files from computers in former premier Dalton McGuinty’s office. What a slap in the face to the province’s taxpayers! If they had paid another $5,000, the company would have showed them how to make the erasures look like an accident, and nobody would have been the wiser.

Liberals don’t even respect voters enough to lie to us properly!

SOURCE: Toronto Stunned


Political Consulting Is Not A Fit Occupation For A Grown Manning

Former Reform Party leader Preston Manning now regrets advising members of Alberta’s Wildrose Party to unite with the Conservatives at a meeting the day before eight members of the party, including leader Danielle Smith, did just that.

“People actually listen to what I have to say?” Manning goggled in wonder. “Who knew?”

SOURCE: Glob and Maul


If Information Is The Lifeblood Of Democracy, This Country Needs A Transfusion

The Canada Revenue Agency has destroyed all text message records of its employees and has disabled future logging of such messages. The Liberals spent $10,000 in taxpayers’ money to have the spouse of Dalton McGuinty’s former deputy chief of staff erase government computers in the premier’s office, Ontario Provincial Police allege.

“I’m extremely concerned,” said Margrit Eichler, president of Scientists for the Right to Know. “Now we probably will not be able to reconstruct how [the federal government] arrived at these decisions [to audit pro-environment charities] and who was involved.”

New Democratic House leader Gilles Bisson said details of the search warrant application are “pretty damning” and called on [Premier Kathleen] Wynne to back up her talk about having an “open and transparent government” by letting [Peter] Faist and [Laura] Miller testify.”

SOURCE: 24 Hour News Mashups


Sony Pictures Thanks You For Your Patriotism

Okay, I’ll admit that The Interview isn’t a very good movie. The humour is sophomoric, the violence can get graphic and the simplistic politics border on propaganda. Still, I urge you to see this movie. Why?

Freedom requires sacrifice.

SOURCE: Imaginary Movie Database


The NDP Is Ambivalent About Taxes, But Will Resort To Lectures To Effect Social Goals
Can You Blame Canadians For Preferring The Liberals And Conservatives?

People say that there is no difference between the Liberals and the Conservatives. They couldn’t be more wrong.

The Liberals use tax increases to effect social goals (by, for instance, raising taxes on cigarettes to discourage smoking). The Conservatives, on the other hand, use tax cuts to effect social goals (by, for example, splitting income taxes between spouses to encourage people to marry and have families).

Completely different.

SOURCE: The Quick and the Detwiler


Let A Thousand Pointless Internet Debates Bloom!

Leopold Bloom, the main character in James Joyce’s Ulysses, has been voted the “greatest literary fiction character of all time” by voters on the Snobby Readers Web site.

The choice was not without controversy. “Molly Bloom was just as interesting as Leopold,” wrote catnapper27. “But, she didn’t even make it onto the list! Typical chauvinism of male writers, readers, list makers and bra salesmen.” When she was asked why she included bra salesmen on her list, catnapper27 explained that she had gone bra shopping an hour before posting and ouch.

schlaghoffer27 argued that the omission of John Galt, a major character in Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged, was anti-capitalist. An immediate outraged response, citing everything from the character’s shallowness to Rand’s leaden prose style, led to schlaghoffer27 voluntarily removing the post, although it can be found on Objectivist Web sites.

Sentimental favourite Tyrone Slothrop (Gravity’s Rainbow) came in second, while the only female character to make it into the top 10, Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) was ninth.

SOURCE: Unread Book News


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