Thank you, keepcalmandpanicon, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, the news was like a punch to the gut. We held back the tears as best we could, but some came anyway. Our world was shaken to the core, and we didn’t know how we would be able to cope. We knew we had to accept the truth, but it was too hard: the McRib was never coming back. We took some us time to pamp –
You’re not concerned about that? You think there are more important things to be devastated about? What could possibly be more important than the McRib?
The Daily Me Staff
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS Before Election Day: Harris Ran An Almost Flawless Campaign
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS After Election Day: Harris Ran A Deeply Flawed Campaign
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS: Democrats ran a terrible campaign.
REALITY: The Republican candidate lied all the time about everything.
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS: True. Still, Democrats ran a terrible campaign.
REALITY: A lot of voters paid attention to the right-wing echo chamber that echoed and, in many cases, amplified the lies.
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS: Sure. But Democrats ran a terrible campaign.
REALITY: Tens of millions of dollars in dark money poured into battleground states to promote the Republicans. Elon Musk openly bought votes by running his lottery/not a lottery.
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS: Okay. Right. But you can’t deny that Democrats ran a terrible campaign.
REALITY: Republicans engaged in their usual gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics.
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS: No doubt. Yet Democrats ran a terrible campaign.
REALITY: Republicans openly appealed to racists. Kamala Harris is black.
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS: There may be some truth to that, but Democrats ran a terrible campaign.
REALITY: Republicans also openly appealed to misogynists. Kamala Harris is a woman.
DEMOCRATIC PUNDITS: I cannot deny that, but you cannot deny that Democrats ran a terrible campaign.
REALITY: I give up!
SOURCE: Politics For Dummies
Apocalypse Pretty

SOURCE: The Amazing Chocolate Yummies Blog
When is a pledge to select three quarters of incoming medical students from a stream of applicants from Black, Indigenous or other minority groups not a pledge to select three quarters of incoming medical students from a stream of applicants from Black, Indigenous or other minority groups?
When it’s aspirational.
When is a polytechnic not a university?
It is possible for an institution to have more than one aspiration at a time, you know.
SOURCE: The Chronicle of Lower Education
I Always Thought That If Post-modernism Had Taught Us Anything, It Was That Coke Infinity (“To Sodasfaction – And Beyond!”) Goes Well With The McRib
But I Only Have A PhD, So What Do I Know?
Arab soccer fans chased a Jewish man down a street and beat him mercilessly after a game in Amsterdam featuring the Israeli Maccabi Tel Aviv team. This is obviously a horrific instance of antisemitism.
We should not be dissuaded from this conclusion just because many people, including the man who shot the video of the hateful attack, claim that it is actually Jewish fans beating up an Arab. If post-modernism taught us anything, it is that no one view should be privileged over any other!
SOURCE: The Arad Post
Americans Elected A Narcissistic Felon And Rapist Who, On Reality, Wages Constant War?
Oh, Yeah, There Can Be No Denying It, This IS Who We Are!
America is a country that hates immigrants,
Even though they are most of our recent descendants –
You would think we would recognize their pain.
If we were empathetic, we would comfort them;
Instead, we chose a government that will deport them
So that we can Make America White Again.
By the actions of a few bad apples, our critics do us tar,
But this is not who we are.
Doctors are afraid “the state will arrest us
If we don’t let miscarrying women risk dying of sepsis
To prove that they need our care.”
Meanwhile, a juvenile masculine voice
Tells women: “Your body, my choice.”
And America takes on a Handmaid’s Tale air.
We think we’re good, but we’ve set a low bar
To convince ourselves this is not who we are.
You can expect a visit from the sheriffs
If your business doesn’t pay for Trump’s tariffs.
Mass thinking on this issue has been shoddy.
Trump voters thought tariffs were paid by other countries?
Boy, you really are a bunch of numpties!
Who’d cut off their heads just to spite their bodies!
At your service industry job, don’t expect much in the tip jar;
It’s just a token so that we can feel good that this is not who we are.
For those who don’t want to keep hope alive
There’s always Project 2025
And its radical right-wing agenda.
The EPA, the ACA and public education will all be gone
To pay for a tax cut for those who don’t need one.
I can hear them laugh as they sip cocktails in their summer haciendas.
To appreciate the madness, it helps to view it from afar.
There’s no use to deny it: this is who we are.
SOURCE: Poetry, Cornered
Some People Actually Do Get The Government They Pay For
4sight) Elon Musk (yes, that Elon Musk) joined a call between president-elect Donald Trump and Ukraine President Volodomyr Zelenskyy. What did the two men talk about?
a) they traded gardening tips
b) how safe Teslas are – I mean, they hardly ever catch fire and burn all of their passengers to death!
c) they traded dating horror stories (you know how chatty boys get at slumber parties!)
3D – so almost lifelike) At one point, Musk spoke directly to Zelenskyy. What gave Musk the authority to conduct international diplomacy?
a) for his new cabinet, Trump has appointed Musk the Secretary of Kiss My Ass, I’m Rich and I Can Do Whatever I Want
b) he monitors the conversations of world leaders through Starlink, so he knows more about international relations than anybody not named Boeschloss
c) we live in the worst timeline
SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles