Thank you, Harry Whodunnit, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Then – wait. Wait just a minute. You mean to say that “binders full of women” isn’t a Mormon form of marriage? Really? Whoa – was our moral outrage misplaced!
The Daily Me Staff
Just Another Sad Pass
At Being A Bad Ass
The Trauma of Not Killing Osama
Because the Oval Office they do seek,
The right must paint the President as weak
On foreign policy.
Republicans argue it was a great error
To not more forcefully prosecute the war on terror
Just as it was getting juicy.
You’d think his foreign policy they would be applaudin’
Since the President was the man who gave the order that got bin Laden.
The right says, instead of defending the Libyan Embassy
The President was giving a big, fat apology
For America to the world.
Somebody with shame might embarrassed be,
For making political hay out of a tragedy
Even as it unfurled.
Foreign affairs may no longer be a field that he will plod in,
But Mitt Romney is not the politician who got bin Laden.
The President, the opposition argues, has no plan
To save Israel from evil Iran.
Instead of initiating an attack, he just keeps talking.
It appears to be a goal of the right,
A regional war to ignite,
Although, given recent history, you’d think that they’d be balking.
The holy land may be the place to find (votes and) god in,
But that does not change the fact that the President was the one who got bin Laden.
SOURCE: Poetry, Cornered
He Undoubtedly Loved His Dog (Although He Had It Put Down Because He Didn’t Trust Its Religion)

European countries seem to have a better grasp of what it means to be truly insane – I can only assume that this is because they have had many more centuries to perfect the crazy than we have.
Case in point: Radovan Karadzic, on trial for war crimes at The Hague for his part in the war in what was once known as Yugoslavia. The man who is alleged to have said, “They have to know that there are 20,000 armed Serbs around Sarajevo. They will disappear. Sarajevo will be a black cauldron, where 300,000 Muslims will die. It will be a real bloodbath,” now wants us to believe that he actually is a friend of humanity because he once had a Muslim barber?
Either he’s delusional, or he thinks we are.
SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism
Good Public Policy?
Don’t Bet On It!
odds that criminal and gang activity will increase after the opening of a casino in downtown Toronto: even
odds that it will cost governments will more than they believe they will: five to four
odds that governments will not get the revenue from the casino that they hope they will: four to one
odds that the Oxford Properties Group will get the land it needs to build a park between its casino and hotel: a kafloozillion to one
odds that after it builds its casino and hotel, it will say, “We tried to include a public park in our construction, really, we did, but we just couldn’t get the land. Oh, well. Time to move on to more important things, like counting our money:” even
odds that cash-starved governments will allow a casino to be built despite the potential problems: temporarily taken off the betting board because of suspiciously high betting levels
SOURCE: The Matrixxx
It’s Times Like This That The Magic Underpants Could Really Come In Handy
Mitt Romney, claims that he will add $5 trillion to military spending, cut taxes by $2 trillion and neither raise taxes on the middle class nor balloon the deficit. Studies have shown that this is not possible, even if all of the tax loopholes and exemptions that he claims he will close are closed. Not to worry, Romney says: he has six studies of his own that prove that his numbers do add up.
The problem is that none of the works he quotes are actually economic studies. Three are blog posts, two of which were written by Republicans. One was a letter to the editor of a local newspaper written by his brother-in-law. One appears to be something somebody scribbled on the back of an envelop. And, one is actually an essay explaining how close study of the Bible conclusively proves that Fred Flintstone really did live alongside dinosaurs.
“I…I have six studies that prove my economic plan will work as I say it will,” Romney insisted. “Let’s not quibble over the details!”
SOURCE: Cleveland Wheeler Dealer
The War Against Journalistic Terror Begins At Home…Preferably A Rest Home
“She [debate moderator Candy Crowley] committed an act of journalistic terror or malpractice last night. If there were any journalist standards, what she did last night would have been the equivalent of blowing up her career like a suicide bomber. But there aren’t any journalist standards anymore.”
Rush Limbaugh lecturing somebody on journalistic standards? Seriously? That’s like the elephant man lecturing you on your bad posture. That’s like Judas lecturing you on how important it is to stand by your friends in their time of greatest need. That’s like the Pentagon lecturing a family of four on how to create and stick to a budget. That’s like SOMEBODY LECTURING OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT NOT DOING SOMETHING HE CONSTANTLY DOES!
Sorry for the emphasis, there. With the world as crazy as it is these days, there’s no guarantee that readers will appreciate sarcasm.
SOURCE: Bill’s Bitter Pills
Ask And Ye Shall Be Deceived

DETENTION DIARY: Happiness Is A Warm Gummi Bear
Pete took me out to an isolated area outside the city, where he set up some empty bottles on the ground. He gave me a pistol, explained “you wanna squeeze the trigger gently, like you were petting a stoat” and watched in mounting frustration as I wasted several rounds hitting trees in the nearby woods.
“Yeah, uh, that’ll be great if we’re ever in a battle with ents,” Pete said through clenched teeth. “But, if we’re gonna take back the government, you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that.”
“Take back the government?” I asked, squinting at a bottle of Barren’s Burp Red.
“Yeah,” Pete replied.
“From who?” I asked, pulling the trigger and hitting the dirt five feet in front of a bottle of Amsterdam Pale Vermouth.
“From the people who took it away from us,” Pete said, angrily taking the gun out of my hand and firing off six shots (and shattering six bottles).
You can’t argue with logic like that. Especially when the man employing it is holding a gun, a gun which he clearly knows how to use.
When he was 12, Pete lost his paper route to a black kid (although, the fact that he “mostly threw the papers in the ravine behind our high school – why should I bust my ass for some stupid rag that nobody in their right mind would ever read?”). Decades later, he still held a grudge. Not only that, but his grudge had expanded to include Jews, Ethiopians, shriners, people who put hearts over the letter “i” instead of dots and politicians.
We sat in the back of his truck, passing a bottle back and forth between us, as he told me these things. Eventually, he said, “First, they come for our guns.”
“Then, what?” I asked.
“Then, they come for us!” he answered, disgusted. “What the hell do you think?”
I was vaguely disappointed by the fact that the chain of things the government came for wasn’t longer and more elegant. “Of course. Of course,” I quickly added, hoping to mollify Pete.
“Let’s get out of here,” Pete said, throwing the bottle into the air and shattering it with a single shot, the remaining liquid spraying all over. Now, that was elegant.
“Shouldn’t I practice more?” I asked.
“Naah,” he said, climbing out of the back of the truck. “Waste of bullets. But, I’m sure we can find another use for you…”
SOURCE: Harpo’s