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The Daily Me – Erla Ósk Arnardóttir Lilliendahl

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Thank you, Erla Ósk Arnardóttir Lilliendahl, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Hey, Erla Ósk Arnardóttir Lilliendahl, have you ever read Smilla’s Sense of Snow? We haven’t, but we heard it was pretty good. By which we mean that some anonymous reviewers on said it didn’t suck. We had a hard time believing that – how interesting can snow be? Maybe you need funny accents in your name to truly appreciate snow. Or books about snow. Or anonymous reviews on about books about snow. Frankly, snow…snow confuses us.

The Daily Me Staff

Diebold, Die!

Although he only received two per cent of the vote, Democratic Presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich has paid for a recount in the New Hampshire primary. He is concerned that there is something fishy in the discrepancy between hand counted ballots (which favoured Barack Obama) and computer counted ballots (which favoured Hillary Clinton).

Well, I should hope so! If Clinton has mastered the art of digital ballot tampering, it will mean that the playing field on voter fraud has been leveled and the Democrats can finally compete with the Republicans on their own turf!

SOURCE: The Postington Wash


All The News That Fits Our Spin To Print

6 inch without anchovies) Why did the New York Times wait a year before publishing the news that the Bush administration had been eavesdropping on American citizens without getting a warrant, as required by FISA?

a) the editors kept getting distracted by LOLcats and forgetting to publish the story
b) they assumed that the NSA found out about their article because it had tapped communications between their writers and editors and, since every illegal thing the Bush administration does becomes public sooner or later, all they had to do was wait
c) damn the left wing bias of the media!

SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles


Cat Got Your Talking In Tongues?

Karl Rove, talking about why Barack Obama didn’t win in New Hampshire, wrote in the Wall Street Journal that “His trash talking was an unattractive carryover from his days playing pickup basketball at Harvard.” Some Democrats have complained that this is a thinly veiled reference to the fact that OH, MY GOD, OBAMA IS BLACK! ROVE WAS RIGHT! WHY DIDN’T SOMEBODY POINT THIS OUT SOONER? GOOD LORD, MAN, THIS IS VITAL INFORMATION THAT SHOULDN’T BE KEPT FROM VOTERS!

Somebody really needs to get a life.

SOURCE: Big Alex’ Domesday Countdown Page


Stupid (Noun): 1. Voter

Change (noun): 1. making or becoming different: alteration, variation, or modification, or the result of this; 2. exchange or replacement: an exchange, substitution, or replacement of something or somebody; 3. variance from routine: a variance from a routine or pattern, especially a welcome one; 4. coins: coins collectively, especially coins of a small denomination; 5. fresh set of something: a different, clean, or fresh set of something, especially clothes; 6. transition from something: a shift from one state, stage, or phase to another; 7. the theme of the 2008 American Presidential election; 8. a meaningless buzzword candidates use during elections to make the electorate believe they have nothing to do with the current mess, usually without any details about how they would fix current problems (most often because they have no intention of doing so).

SOURCE: Michelle’s Obscure Pedantry Page


Wow. Is It Time To Build A Legacy On The Backs Of The Palestinians Already?

“Bush hopes to revive Middle East peace process”

Globe and Mail headline

SOURCE: Billy-Bob’s International House O’ Headlines


Then, He Was Distracted By A Shiny Holocaust Museum And Forgot All About It

“Bush calls on Israel to end Palestinian occupation
President’s bluntness comes hours after first West Bank visit”

Globe and Mail headline

SOURCE: Billy-Bob’s International House O’ Headlines


Canadarms And The Man

The Canadarm programme has been sold to Alliant Techstystems. The programme, pride of Canadian propellerheads everywhere, had received $108 million from the Canadian government for help in designing and testing.

Although not as well known today, the Canadarm is a technological marvel that was celebrated in the 1980s for its ability to pick the pockets of Canadian taxpayers without disturbing them in any way.

SOURCE: Glob and Maul


Diving Into The Shallow End Of The Deeper Questions

What happens to your lifestyle when you are no longer living? Does it return to the great tapestry of lifestyles, to be used by somebody just developing? Or, like the soul, does it follow you to whatever your next stop on your journey through the universe is? (If your lifestyle involved butterfly tattoos and Celine Dion music, would you really want it to follow you through the afterlife?)

SOURCE: Unicycle


This Headline Refuses To Cross The Picket Line

So, umm, yeah, primaries. That Mike Huckabee – he’s quite a loon, isn’t he? He…he…uhh, yeah, he’s crazy. Maybe not as crazy as Giuliani, with all his cross-dressing and mentioning 9/11 when he wants his wife to pass him the ketchup. You know, when they’re having dinner. Umm…yeah. And, on the Democratic side, there was Hillary Clinton’s big emotional moment. All 2.473 seconds of it. Must have been a slow news day. And, speaking of a slow news day, I haven’t talked about my dog Roger lately, have I? Dogs – they can be pretty crazy, too. And…and…

Have I mentioned how much I sympathize with the striking writers and hope they resolve this thing so they can get back to work soon? PLEASE?

SOURCE: Late Tonight with David Lenoman


Which Makes A Welcome Change From All Of Those Politicians Who Intend To Remain Ignorant

“Bhutto’s son ‘intends to learn’”

Toronto Star headline

SOURCE: Billy-Bob’s International House O’ Headlines


Mukasey, Mukado

Attorney General Michael Mukasey has named Mister Muggles, a six year-old chimpanzee, to head an investigation into the destruction of hundreds of hours of tapes that allegedly prove that the CIA tortured terrorism suspects. “Mister Muggles has a vocabulary of 87 words and has been prepping for this for several hours,” Mukasey claimed. “I think you’ll be amazed by the fairness of his investigation.”

Fox’ Brit Hume stated that the appointment indicated that the White House was serious about getting to the bottom of the missing tapes.

SOURCE: Disassociated Press


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