Thank you, Centrifugal Force is a Lie!, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, we went swimming in our building, and it doesn’t have an indoor pool! We guess that’s what we get for taking a basement apartment. Don’t get us wrong: we’re not radical environmentalists or anything. Global warming leading to extreme weather and rising sea levels? Meh. We just think we’re too old to evolve gills!
The Daily Me Staff
Accusations Of Israel Pursuing Genocide? Oh, That’s Smotrich!

Darn the international community for being such a buzzkill! When friends dare you to jump off the roof of a three story building, who is there to tell you it’s a bad idea and that you shouldn’t listen to them? Right: the international community!
They never allow anybody to have any fun!
Or so Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich would have you believe. Starving to death two million civilians is justified and moral (and wouldn’t you love to be in his mind to discover how he rationalizes that – it could be like entering an Eli Roth movie, but with less compassion), but dangit the goldurn busybodies in the international community just won’t let Israel do it!
And did he really justify the mass extermination by referencing Hamas’ ongoing holding of hostages? Seriously: did Smotrich not get the memo? From Prime Minister Netanyahu on down, the word is that the carnage in Gaza will continue until Hamas is eradicated. The return of the hostages would be nice, a bit of icing on the turd, but it is not the goal. Smotrich, old buddy, do you have a current resume on file?
Guess Israel will have to kill all the Palestinians in Gaza the old-fashioned way: with bombs and bullets. Thanks a lot, international community!
SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism
Please Forgive Donald: All He’s Had To Eat Today Are 27 Hamberders, And His Blood Sugar Levels Are Through The Roof!
Democratic presumptive presidential candidate Kamala Harris is leaning into Charli XCX (who allows friends to call her Charli XVI…right before they stop being her friends) saying, “Kamala is Brat,” a reference to the pop star’s sixth album. Harris’ campaign has changed the background of many of its web pages to lime green to reference the cover of the album.
Of course, former president Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, couldn’t allow this to go unchallenged. On Truth Antisocial, he wrote: “Kamalabamala says she is borat? Really? Well, let me tell you something: I’m more borat than she could ever be!!! I’M ALL THE BORAT IN THE WORLD!!!!! AL THE BORAT IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!! Kamalanabla is lucky to have any borat in her at all, and if she does, and i’m not saying she does, its because i gave it to her!!!!!!!!!!!”
When he tells you who he is…
SOURCE: USA Whenever
If You Run Your War On TwitterX’ Advertisers The Same Way You Run Your Businesses, You May As Well Figure Out Where The Closest Food Bank To Where You Live Is Now
Elon Musk
We tried being nice for 2 years and got nothing but empty words.
Now, it is war.
SOURCE: Ending Trending Web Site
“Outrageous Student Demands For Living Wage Drive Employers To Use AI, As Well As Driving Increase In Anti-immigrant Sentiment”
– National Post
Foreign workers are increasingly taking jobs in restaurants and retail stores, making it harder for young Canadians to find entry-level jobs. How do different newspapers cover the story?
“Employers refuse to pay living wage to students, prefer to hire cheap foreign workers”
– Toronto Star
“Canadian students make unreasonable wage demands of potential employers, who choose to hire cheap foreign workers instead”
– Toronto Sun
“AI taking jobs away from students and foreign workers, much to the relief of employers”
– Globe and Mail
SOURCE: Wryerson X University Corporate Named University Journalism Review
“I’ll Give You A Hint: Joy Is Not A Bargaining Position, So Stop It! Stop It Right Now!”
Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, has renewed calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.
In response, Israel bombed a school in Khan Younis that was believed to be sheltering refugees from its relentless war, killing at least 80.
“That’s our negotiating position,” gloated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “I can’t wait to see how you bargain with that!”
SOURCE: The Arad Post
The Bulldozers That Came To Relieve The Building Of Its Second Story Begged To Differ
Residents have been evacuated from a building near Kensington Market after its front facade began leaning out toward the street and sidewalk. All utilities have been shut off and the road in the area has been closed.
“This is not a health hazard,” the landlord of the building stated. “It’s a tourism opportunity. The leaning two-storey building of Kensington – it has a ring to it, don’t you think?”
His Passing Marked The Passing Of The Warm Fuzzy Feelings Of A Generation Of French Film Fans
You may have noticed your heart skip a beat yesterday; if you are particularly sensitive, you may even have felt sad for no immediately obvious reason. It was because French actor Alain Delon died of cancer at the age of 88.
SOURCE: Obits ‘R Us
Seems Like A Long Way To Go To Keep One Man Out Of Jail
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said he told his British and French counterparts that if Iran attacks Israel, Israel expects its allies not just to help it defend itself, but to join in attacking Iran.
“We haven’t had a world war in 80 years,” Katz said. “Isn’t supporting your ambitions what friends are for?”
SOURCE: The Baghdad Post
“They Love Us! They Really Love Us!
…What Submissions We Didn’t Reference In The Final Report?”
submitted to Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow
We’re great, we’re great, we’re great
Under the strictest of guidelines we operate
Always on time, we’re never late
We’re great, we’re great, we’re great
We’re great, we’re great, we’re great, and fine
We don’t resort to violence to keep perps in line
And we’re always respectful when protesters whine
We’re great, we’re great, we’re great, and fine
We’re great, we’re great, we’re great
Though structures of injustice we perpetuate
Citizens’ rights we never violate
(When somebody’s watching)
We’re great, we’re great, we’re great!
SOURCE: The Smoking Gut