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The Daily Me Staff
Honesty In Movement Building
Tired of the fact that pro-Palestinian rallies have all the best chants? Why not try one of these at your next pro-Israel action?
“Hey hey! Ho ho!
Palestinians have got to go!
Ho ho! Hey hey!
Drive all the bastards away!”
“From the river to the sea
Israel will be free
To commit atrocities
If you want to survive, you better flee!”
“You’re evil if you’re not on our side.
Viva Viva genocide!”
SOURCE: The Arad Post
Oh, But We Do Know How Capitalism Works
That’s The Problem
Bell Canada Enterprises has announced that it is laying off 4,800 people across Canada. The reason cited is a series of regulatory decisions that force it to sell cheaper bulk internet access to smaller competitors.
“What is the point of gaining a dominant market position,” complained BCE CEO Mirko Bibic, “if you can’t exploit it?”
When it was pointed out that the company also said that it would be increasing its quarterly dividend to 99.75 cents per share from 96.75 cents per share, Bibic sneered, “You really don’t understand how capitalism works, do you?
SOURCE: Wall Street Infernal
The Bark Of The Switch They Use To Beat Women Is As Bad As Their Law’s Bite

As everybody knows, the gates to hell are guarded by a three-headed Republican. Today, they just happen to be Missouri state senators arguing against an amendment to an anti-choice law allowing exceptions for rape and incest.
If, as Sandy “Craw Craw” Crawford argues, God doesn’t make mistakes, isn’t abortion part of his plan? Oh, you believe it exists to give people the ability to choose between good and evil? If that is so, wouldn’t legislating against it take away people’s ability to make that choice for themselves?
Nothing helps a person who has been through a traumatic event heal as much as a constant reminder of the trauma, according to Rick “Baby Brat” Brattin. In hell, psychology is used as an instrument of torture. Of course, the only difference between the infernal realm and a totalitarian state is the level of brimstone and self-righteousness.
Brattin’s bark is the loudest. You can tell by the way he compares the self-evident evil of Hitler to the, to him, self-evident evil of abortion. You would have thought a representative of a modern totalitarian regime would recognize game, but the smoke in hell tends to obscure historic analogies.
Umm…can one year-olds even get pregnant? Maybe Bill “Eagle Talons” Eigel thinks that they can get vouchers for abortions that they can cash in when they start menstruating over a decade later? Or maybe he believes in an evil inverse of immaculate conception. Messy onset? The fact that no one year-old has ever been recorded as being pregnant in the history of ever would not deter him in this belief; only one messiah was born that way. That we know of.
SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism
Does Mirko Bibic Know About This‽
A difficult commercial environment caused Indigo’s profits to drop by 70 per cent in the third quarter of 2023. But CEO Heather Reisman has a plan to turn things around.
“I’ll use my connections to have our business competitors charged with an antisemitic hate crime,” she said. “If nothing else, that will confuse the shit out of them!”
SOURCE: The Financial Riposte
All Aboard The Clown Carlson
27 to 4) Tucker Carlson vows that if the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl and validate the attention Taylor Swift is getting for going to their games, “I’m going to kill myself.” How do you respond to this?
a) promises, promises…
b) I’ll believe it when I can pry a gun from his cold, dead fingers…
c) I stopped believing anything he said a long time ago, but I want to believe this…I so desperately want to believe this
d) please don’t make me choose – can’t I have all of the above?
e) other
14 to 11) If the Chiefs do win, how will Carlson go back on his word?
a) he will argue, “You didn’t take that seriously, did you? I’m not a reporter, I’m an entertainer. I thought that lawsuit against Fox when I was there settled that.”
b) he will claim, “I never said that. It was a hoax. What? There’s video? Feh! That was a deep dish fake! I would never kill myself while there were still libs in the world to pwn!”
c) he will announce, “I’m already dead. You just don’t know it yet.”
SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles
Republicans Won’t Make This Their 2024 Campaign Theme Song, But They May Play It At Rallies
Grift Away
Day after day I owe more cash
Yet I look for a light on my bottom line
You know that’s a game where I hate to crash
I’m bein’ killed by fines, ain’t it a crime?
Oh, give me the cash, boys, and free me from debt
I wanna get good in a bank reset and grift away
Oh, give me the cash, boys, and free me from debt
I wanna get good in a bank reset and grift away
Startin’ to think time’s not on my side
I don’t like the things other people do
Some I can’t shout over, bully or bribe
Now I’m countin’ on you, to help pay my dues
Oh, give me the cash, boys, and free me from debt
I wanna get good in a bank reset and grift away
Oh, give me the cash, boys, and free me from debt
I wanna get good in a bank reset and grift away
And when I’m insolvent
You know a cash infusion can move me
And when I owe a ton of rent
Small donors come through to soothe me
Thanks for the lifeline you’ve given me
I want you to know I believe in your bucks
The dollars and moolah and other money
You’ve helped me have luck, and not give a fuck
Oh, give me the cash, boys, and free me from debt
I wanna get good in a bank reset and grift away
SOURCE: Poetry, Cornered