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The Daily Me Staff
He Does Appear To Have John Cusack’s Hair…
Oh, my god! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! John Cusack was in town to promote his new movie, War, Inc. Yes, he was! John Cusack! And, he’s such a smart activist! When he said, “Fuck Fox News,” well! I don’t actually watch Fox News, but I would consider starting to watch it just so I could stop watching it for him.
John Cusack is so political! Cute…and political!

The discussion after the screening of War, Inc. John Cusak is the tall,
boyishly handsome dark blob in the middle. I think the guy on the
right is a…writer, or…something…
I must admit, I didn’t get War, Inc. , but, then, the War in Iraq isn’t my thing. To be honest, I didn’t get Grosse Pointe Blank, either. Or, Being John Malkovich. The Boy kept telling me that they were comedies, but they were no Scary Movie, if you want my opinion. (Hey! – this is my Web page, so you’re getting my opinion irregardless!) And, you couldn’t pay me enough money to watch 1408 – I had to shut my eyes during the trailer!
Why is it that the cutest actors star in the strangest movies?
SOURCE: Jennifer’s Brain Blorts
A Marriage Of Inconvenient Truths
How governments talk to each other:
QUEBEC: We can’t win a referendum on separating from Canada. So, from now on, we’ll just act as though we’re already separate and let historians worry about the niceties.
OTTAWA: We’d love to give Quebec more powers, lots more powers, really, but the Conservatives are a poor little minority government. Not much we can do as a minority. Imagine what could happen, however, if we had a majority…
QUEBEC: Ooooh… Tell me more…!
SOURCE: This 22 Minutes Feels Like An Hour
I Guess REAL Cooking In The Kitchen Gets REAL Boring REAL Fast
“REAL Women back film tax measures”
– Globe and Mail headline
SOURCE: Billy-Bob’s International House O’ Headlines
One List That Swallows Its Own Tail
Nine lists that were totally unnecessary:
9. God’s greatest hits: the nine goriest smitings in the Old Testament.
8. The 27 best ways to make your boss look bad and hog all the glory for bailing him out.
7. 51 spleens that are more beautiful than yours.
6. The 237 easiest ways to lose weight, gain IQ points and build that dream home using nothing but toothpicks and a 3/4 inch screwdriver.
5. The top nine most beautiful celebrity botox injections.
4. The 27 greatest rock and roll albums produced by left-handers.
3. Are you a crab or a cuttlefish? – 51 ways to tell.
2. 237 reasons for why everything that has gone wrong with your life is your own fault, and what you can do about it (but probably won’t).
1. Top nine lists that were totally unnecessary.
SOURCE: Late Tonight with David Lenoman
Maybe If His Parents Had Grounded Him More When He Was A Kid…
For today’s Moron of the Moment, I can’t think of a more deserving person than Giovanni Bisignani – I hope I’m pronouncing that wrong – Chief Executive of the International Air Transport Association. Mister Bisignani said that Canada should eliminate foreign ownership regulations for our airlines because they were killing the industry.
Well, wouldn’t you know it, a couple of days later American Airlines canceled 460 flights, then canceled 1,000 more the next day. Oasis Hong Kong Airlines went into liquidation that day, canceling all of its flights. It was following in the air lanes of Aloha Airgroup, ATA Airlines and Skybus Airlines, all of which went bankrupt this month.
Giovanni Bisignani, sir, you are a soaring Moron of the Moment.
SOURCE: C-DIK – Big Dick Radio
Like She Would Let Us
Forgetting Sarah Silverman. Like we could.
SOURCE: Imaginary Movie Database
And, Here I Thought It Was Just A Slow News Week
Pissed off that Barack Obama had the nerve to talk about the bitterness some people in Pennsylvania feel over how the government has treated them? You bet I am! Look at my mouth – that’s heavy duty self-righteously angry foam on my lips! Why? Those bitter people are my constituency, buster! If politicians recognize and start dealing with the concerns of all the bitter people in the country, who is going to listen to me?
Bastard’s got a lot of nerve, you ask me.
SOURCE: The O’Meilly Factor
That Would Let Me Out…And About Three Quarters Of Canadians
Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre argued that actor/director Sarah Polley should not be allowed to criticize government policies – such as the proposed legislation that would give the Conservatives the power to withhold tax credits from films they deem offensive – because four years earlier she had signed an anti-Stephen Harper petition.
So, if we understand him correctly, the only people allowed to criticize the Conservative government are people who agree with it. Nice work if you can get it.
SOURCE: aye Weakly
Because He Says He Is, And He Spent Five Years In A Vietnamese Hellhole, Buster, So Who The Hell Are You To Question Him?!
Q: How do you know Republican Presidential candidate John McCain is serious about ending the influence big money has on politics?
A: The Public Action Committee he started to deal with campaign finance reform has been well funded thanks to contributions from American Airlines, Microsoft, Citibank, Bear Stearns, Halliburton, Imperial Oil, Shell Group, [YOUR CORPORATION HERE]…
SOURCE: Politics For Dummies
Wrong On So Many Levels (At Least Six Million I Can Think Of Off The Top Of My Head)
Max Mosley, long-time head of Formula One auto racing’s international body, is being pressured to resign after video footage of him in a “Nazi sex dungeon” surfaced. At first, the son of notorious British fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley threatened to sue The News of the World, the newspaper (broadly defined) for breaking the story.
When that didn’t work, he changed his tactics. In a play for sympathy, he released a statement that read, in part: “Do you know how hard it is to get one’s wife to put on Swastikas and speak with a German accent before sexual congress? It’s really sad when one person’s idea of foreplay is not supported by their spouse! And, anyway, I was just trying to connect with my father by recreating his glory days. Do I deserve such nasty publicity just for trying to be a dutiful son?”
SOURCE: Daily Semaphore