Thank you, Allison Sekular, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, the Ford government decreed that people could drink alcohol in Seven-Elevens. Seven-Elevens are often found next to gas stations. What could possibly go wrong?
“Countries that limited alcohol sales saved lives.”
– Toronto Star
Oh. Well. There’s that…
The Daily Me Staff
Q: What’s Black And White And Dread All Over?
A: A Donald Trump Answer To A Journalist’s Question. Sorry You Asked?

Did you know that, until a number of years ago, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris was actually white? Yeah, it probably came as a surprise to her, as well, not to mention a shock to her father. At that point, she must have injected a drug that altered the melanin in her skin to make it look darker. Either that, or she applies shoe polish every morning before she leaves the house.
And you thought there would be nothing to learn from former President Donald Trump’s hour-long interview at the National Association of Black Journalists!
Did Trump really claim that Black jobs are “anybody that has a job?” You bet you did! Your lying eyes can see it all over the Internet! Does that mean that Black politicians should complain about all of the white European immigrants who are coming to America to steal Black jobs? Was Pinocchio made out of peppermint?
Throughout the interview, Trump was condescending or outright insulting to the Black women on the stage with him. Duh. If it wasn’t for racism, he would have no isms at all! Sure, he may not have won over any Black voters with his performance, but he sure made his base happy, and isn’t that what winning elections is all about?
SOURCE: Karl’s Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism
The Verbal Agreement Was As Binding As A Dom’s Handcuffs Made Out Of Tissue Paper – And, Sorry To Have To Say, Not Nearly As Entertaining
Conrad Black is suing his friend – former friend might be more accurate at this point – for selling a house on the Bridle Path and not splitting the revenues with him. Granted, the agreement to do so was merely verbal, but still, Black would be out half of $36.5 million if he didn’t do something about it, and that’s not nothing.
It was almost enough to make one feel sympathetic towards the narcissistic, politically neanderthal, poseur. Almost…
Because it turns out Black sold the house to Harold Peerenboom and leased it back from him in order to avoid claims from the Canada Revenue Service that he owed $15 million in unpaid taxes. Given those circumstances, sympathy donned dark glasses and bought a ticket for the first bus out of town.
SOURCE: The Quick and the Detwiler
Surprise: Marjorie Taylor Greene Tries To Be The Voice Of Reason In The Republic Party.
No Surprise: This Sorry Woman Fails Miserably.
According to prominent Trump supporters, the reason Kamala Harris did not choose Josh Shapiro as her running mate was because the Democratic Party is antisemitic.
“Oh, yeah,” sniffed Trump supporter Nick Fuentes (before he turned to the Krazy Kennedy side). “Democrats hate Jews even more than I do – and that’s saying something!”
“They are beyond antisemitic…they’re doubleplusbadantisemitic!” said Trump adviser Stephen Miller. “Of course, all that means is that they are finally catching up to where the American people have always been. Still, it feels like…vindication.”
“Okay, okay, let’s not get too excited by this development,” advised Trump groupie Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. “There are still a lot of Jews in the Democrat Party, and, even though a majority are Christian, they act like Jews didn’t hand Jesus over to the Romans for his crucifixion. This is a good start, but the Democrat Party has a long way to go if it wants to be truly antisemitic!”
SOURCE: The Podunk Mash & Enquirer
No Need To Say Sorry, Jordan: If The Experience Has Proven Anything, It’s That You Are Completely Incapable Of Learning Anything
“The court has rejected my appeal regarding the decision of the Ontario College of Psychologists to subject me to indefinite re-education.”
– Jordan Peterson on the Supreme Court of Canada ending his battle with professional regulators
SOURCE: No Comment Quotes
Is “Underthinks” Even A Word?
Sorry. Overthinking Is A Curse!
0 name) Why does Donald Trump call Kamala Harris “Kamabla?”
a) he is conflating her name with kambla, an annual buffalo race held in the southwestern Indian state of Karnataka, in an attempt to make an oblique insult about her weight
b) he is conflating her name with an insult for empty talk: “Kamala blah blah blah!”
c) he is confusing her for somebody who is Spanish: “Kamabla espanol?”
1 flew over the cuckoo politician’s nest) Am I overthinking this? I’m overthinking this, aren’t I?
a) oh, yeah. A petty man needs no reason to mispronounce the name of somebody he perceives as a rival
b) big time. With the senility kicking in, he just can’t keep track of everybody’s name, and he knows that people will assign it to some deft, twelve-dimensional chess match going on inside his head
c) Absolutely. Still, it makes a refreshing change from the mainstream media, which underthinks all things Trump
SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles
What Is “The Circular Reasoning Fallacy,” Alex? I Mean, Ken. Sorry. Force Of A Lifetime Habit…
Jeopardy categories I wish the show would use.
Zionist logical fallacies.
$100 If Israel doesn’t destroy Gaza, Hamas will destroy Israel, then the terrorists will come for you!
$200 Israel has a right to Gaza because the God of the Old Testament told Jews the land was theirs.
$300 All Palestinians are members of Hamas.
$400 One medical professional openly supported Hamas, so all of the hospitals in Gaza must be bombed into oblivion.
$500 All Jews support the state of Israel; if you do not support the state of Israel, you aren’t a real Jew.
$100 What is the Slippery Slope fallacy?
$200 What is the Appeal to Authority fallacy?
$300 What is the Ad Hominem fallacy?
$400 What is the Cherry Picking fallacy?
$500 What is the No True Scotsman fallacy?
SOURCE: Entertainment Right Now, Canada!