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Samuel L. Jackson Turned Down the Offer to Read “Go the Headlines to Sleep!”

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Oh, The Muppets Christmas Carol Wasn’t THAT Bad…

Cutthroat culture
It’s one of the most controversial films of the ’90s. But 30 years later, does it still have the power to shock?”

Toronto Star

I Used To Think It Was Somebody Who Believed In Communal Ownership Of Property
Then, I Went To A Capitalist Indoctrination Camp
Now, I Know It’s Anybody Who Thinks Taxing The Rich Is A Good Idea
Thanks, Capitalist Indoctrination Camp!

“Who is the communist?”

Toronto Star

Communist Carrots

“What are the root causes?”

Toronto Star

It Sure Ain’t Responsible For My Hubby’s Weak Sex Drive…Or, Is It?

“Is climate change to blame for this early heat wave?”

Toronto Star

Too Late – The Brink Has Gazed Into America

“America has been here before, can it again turn back from the brink?”

Toronto Star

Absolutely! It Makes Driving Over The Bodies In The Street Sooooooooo Much Easier!

“Is this plug-in Jeep the perfect vehicle to own in the city?”

Toronto Star

Live In More City?

“How can I get hubby interested in more sex?”

Toronto Star

N…No. Fluffy Is Very Happy – Well, Okay, Somewhat Happy With…With…With – More Treats? You – You Want More Treats, Fluffster? Coming Right Up!

“Are We Pampering Our Pets Too Much?”

New York Times

Yes. It Will Be Less Likely To Choose The Lobster

“Will attempted assassination change the U.S.?

Toronto Star

They Want To Contact Those Most Likely To Be Haunted By The Ghosts First

These people died violently. Why are authorities keeping their names secret?”

Toronto Star

She…May Have A Different Definition Of “Friends” Than You Do…

“Do I stay friends with the woman he cheated with?”

Toronto Star

They Remind Us Too Much Of Our Basement After A Heavy Rainfall

“Why is enjoying the Islands so hard?”

Toronto Star

Sorry – The Company Didn’t Budget For It

“What about democracy?”

Toronto Star

It Would Mean Speeding Up Their Own Work, And They Would Have To Have Longer Than Normal Consideration Times For At Least Two Months To Make Way For Consideration Of The Question

“Why won’t council speed up TTC work?”

Toronto Star

The Guy Who Forgot He Had Krazy Glue In His Pocket When He Sat Down

“Who will be sticking around?”

Toronto Star

Run As An Independent

“What is the best way to react to party snub?”

Toronto Star

Only A Politics Reporter Could Ask Such An Absurd Question

“Should the arts remain apolitical?”

Toronto Star

How Soon Is Now?

“When is the right time?”

Toronto Star

I Would Say The City’s Dignity, But That Was Sold Off A Long Time Ago

“Extension needed, but at what cost?”

Toronto Star

What Are Developers? Crab Creatures?

“Is Ford for people or developers?”

Toronto Star

It Can’t Be Any Worse Than Continuing To Score Own Goals

“Should Liberals ‘pull the goalie’?

Toronto Star

You Worried They’re Cutting It With – Uggh – Skim Milk?

“Should we trust corner stores to sell liquor?”

Toronto Star

Get A Dog

“I live, work outdoors. How can I find love?”

Toronto Star

Will You Be There To Clean Up The Mess When Our Spleens Explode?

“Can We Be Less Selective With Our Moral Outrage?”

New York Times

Serial Killers And Door To Door Used Floss Salesmen

“Who moves to be near an airport?”

Toronto Star

Did Increased Executive Pay?
(When You Answer, Please Try To Keep Your Sputtered Outrage To A Minimum – Life Is Too Short)

“Will pay gains bake in higher prices for us all?”

Toronto Star

Because They’re Homicidal Maniacs!
Don’t Look At Me Like That – You Know Exactly Who I’m Talking About!

“Why can’t we talk about the Israel-Hamas conflict?”

Toronto Star

Adults Fight Back – Duh!

“Why was a child strip searched?”

Toronto Star

They Could Try, But I’m Pretty Sure Kamala Harris Is Busy

“Can Liberals follow Democrats’ success?”

Toronto Star

If It Is, He’s Using It To Leaven His Policy Cake
You Know, The One That Tastes Like Bitter Grievance And Strawberry?
Yeah, I’m Not Looking Forward To Eating It, Either…

“Is Poilievre’s playbook crumbling before his eyes?”

Toronto Star

Why Would I Want To Strangle The Language? I’m Not Violent, And Anyway, What Has The Language Ever Done To Me To Deser – Oh, Wait. That’s Not Exactly What The Word “Grasp” Means, Is It?

“Are youth losing grasp of English language?”

Toronto Star