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Puns We Love to Hate Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Weigh

This month, puns we Love to Hate wouldn’t have it any other weigh.
1. The cliff was good to the last drop…
2. Could you say the most comfortable place for a visual artist to live would be on Easel Street?
3. I wasn’t sure I wanted to change positions in preparation for sex, but turnabout is foreplay.
4. I’m pretty sure that Ciao, Bella! does not mean “Eat, major character of Twilight!”
5. The German woman who was very fussy about her clothing was dressed to the neins…

6. That inscrutable aboriginal tribe always did have a certain je ne sais Iroquois…
7. The winning gymnast who was cheating on her husband told him: “Stop medalling in my affairs!”
This month, puns we Love to Hate wouldn’t have it any other whey.
8. You could say that the woman who doesn’t want to put her money into a Savings and Loan has Trust issues…
9. When the online video format is finally superseded, it will have gone the way of all Flash…
10. When it saw how I used it in the sentence, the outraged noun insisted, “I’m not going to stand for that!”
11. The shy experimental filmmaker didn’t want to make a scene…
12. The Prime Minister considered the journalists waiting outside of Parliament the scrum of the Earth…
13. As he lay dying, the composer of Bolero watched his whole life unRavel…
14. When Friends went off the air, did we enter a post-Rachel society?
This month, puns we Love to Hate wouldn’t have it any other Weiwei.
15. Is walking a mile in another man’s shoes a transmigration of soles?
16. Sanka de Mayo – the official coffee of the Mexican army’s victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla!
17. My hatred of spiders goes back to the 1930s, but oh, you arachnid!
18. I like fishing with a net, but I don’t catch much. I guess I’m just a poor seiner…
19. Trying to talk sense to a Rand fanatic is a real Ayn in the ass!
20. The stuff he haughtily filled the holes in pavement with was the caulk of the walk…
21. The person who is run over by a train could be said to have died of freight…
This month, puns we Love to Hate wouldn’t have it any other method.
22. The architect couldn’t name the column – isn’t that Ionic?
23. A catalogue of where you can and can’t play a certain Australian musical instrument is a list of didgeridoos and don’ts…
24. You may want to criticize the mother/daughter musicians, but Judd not lest ye be Judded…
25. The creep who steals certain women’s lingerie is a garter snake…
26. The satanic soup with the mashed ingredients was puree evil…
27. Having a choice of anasthetics is an ether, or… proposition…
28. You think your ear hairs are growing too long? Don’t be cillia!
29. Is a cooker run on belief rather than electricity a conviction oven?
30. Actor Feore playing Lear in Act One is the Colm before the storm…
31. Does an Irishman in France’s capital city experience Gaelic Paree?

Puns We Love to Hate doesn’t mean to be insensitive this month, but…
1. I try to be aware of every eventuality in every possible scenario: you could say that I’m just in case sensitive…
2. The lady who let her lover comb her hair was a kempt woman…
3. When they turned Maple Leaf Gardens into a grocery store, it truly was the end of an arena…
4. The secretive breadmaker would only share his recipe on a knead to know basis…
5. If you think you’ve seen this painting of dancers before, you my be suffering from Degas vue…
6. You think that electromagnet is out to get you? Don’t be so solenoid!
7. You want to know how I feel about the writings of Voltaire? May I be Candide…?

8. The rare joke that doesn’t work is the exception that proves the fool…
9. Is a regular general communication in a company run by zombies a corporate newsplatter?
10. I hate it when people who love hard rains show their teem spirit!
11. I had so many cabinets to keep my weapons in that you could say I was armoired to the teeth…
12. The tuna on the kaiser happily thought to itself, “Man, am I on a roll!”
13. If there was a cheese version of Monopoly, would there be a card that read: “Do not pass asiago, do not collect $100?”
14. You want to blame Rob for unrest in the Middle East? Oh, that’s Lowe, even for you!
15. When you want to accuse a Roman senator of writing classical music, do you ask, “Etude, Brutus?”
16. I was so against that Hawaiian musical instrument that I joined the no ukes movement…
17. When she left the groom standing at the altar, you knew the bride really wanted to tie the not…
18. I don’t know if I can afford to dance through the field. It could be too much of a gambol…
19. Does the person with a method for resisting car ads have an auto immune system?
20. To help with your restlessness, you need to buy a new bed: to sleep, purchase to dream…
21. Would the Nissan used by they drug cartel be a vice Versa?
22. The gemologist didn’t lose his sanity: he just went loupey…
23. A man who leers at women should be called an ogleadite…
24. Is proposing a radical new way of thinking about basketball a slam gedanken experiment?
25. When Ground Control refused to let the astronaut have an EVA, she responded, “Houston, we have pissoff!”
26. When the appliance you store food in for future use insults you, would you consider it a freezer burn?
27. Battle not with birds, lest ye become a bird, and if you gaze into the ibis, the ibis gazes also into you…
28. When the eager elf starts to count Santa’s laughs, he shouts, “Tally hos!”
29. Can you enthusiastically name a Ninja weapon? Shurikin!
30. I would talk to Michael Eisner about attractive female comedians, but I don’t want him to get Kristen Wiigged out…
31. When you have to go to the bathroom, the situation is do or diuretic…

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