Your time delay capsule of comedy goodness…
Noel cowered…
The hypothetical hypocrite has a hypotenuse hypothesis…
Harvey Keitel doesn’t have to justify his existence…to you!
Canadian Literary Conundrum: Is Mavis really Gallant?
Have you seen the film about the man who goes back in time to witness his own death at the ballet? It’s called La Jete…
Over four years on the Web and still no Flash animation!
You just have to make do for the time being what it is…
Of all the walls in all the world, she had to walk into mine!
What did the au courant accordionist’s accounting accomplice accomplish?
Voted Best Satirical Web Site With 12 Unique Readers Or Less by the Imaginary Net Critics Association (INCA) for three years running!
I’m too old for this? Shit!
All is Vanity Fair in love and war…
My favourite female actor/healthy food: Rebecca Romijn-Lettuce…
The obvious bovine bloviated obliviously…
I hit the books for several hours the other day, but I didn’t feel any smarter…my hand hurt like a son of a gun, though…
I don’t mean to suggest that he’s technologically illiterate, but he thinks a sub-woofer is a dog on a U-Boat!
The first verse was terse or worse…
I know you love legs, but don’t be such a knee jerk…
You think I’m scattered? Well, what’s wrong with being scattered? If I were more focused, I would be Kingsley Amis…
Just how cozy was Fan Tutte?
Are bottles of Aloe Vera balms for the pore?
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me 237 times and shame on…shame…it’s a crying shame…
I’d love to help, but I have Tetris shin…
Could Bill Gates be considered a babe magnate?
I come fully quip equipped…
The Canuck Kodiak shot Kodak film from his kayak…
Okay, who wants to eat at Mickey Double Dees? Anyone? Anyone…?
The Web site that’s got your back…any time you want me to return it, just let me know…
Well, don’t that just curl your irons – but, I mean that in a good way…
Ready or not, here I coma…
Excess success is no excuse…
Nobody is neutral about Mammoth Hunters – with readers, it’s Auel or nothing …
Thanks to each deserter, the United States has an Army of one…less…
The man who wants to fix the printer he messed up is a toner atoner…
“Of that which cannot be said, one must say everything of which one can think, loud and at great length…” (Ludwig Wittgenstein’s mom)
Darling, save the last scans for me…
Oh, I know you think your drinking is amusing, but you’ll rue your wry rye eye…
What part of “Saying ‘what part of something do you not understand?’ isn’t clever any more” do you not understand?
I hate to break it to you, but you’re the 500,000th millionth visitor…
It happens paradigm after paradigm…
A word of advice: no politician is remembered for the character assassination he didn’t engage in…
My favourite musician/curve generated by the intersection of a plane and a circular cone: Harry Conic…
Terrorizing the comfortable and comforting the terrorized since 2001…
Harry Conic! It’s Harry…Harry Co – yeah, I know, that was a lot of set-up for not much of a punchline…
I’m planning a double bill of 2005 Oscar contenders: Cash and Le Carre…
The bloviating aviator observed oblivion…
Based on a true story that never happened…
She’s not a trophy wife – she’s a marital upgrade…
Have you heard of the infamous rag trade spy: Schmatte Hari?
Eventually, all knowledge is useless…
Look. Harry Conic – he just isn’t that funny. But, don’t I get brownie points for at least trying to make him sound funny?
Gnarls Barkley is no Patsy Cline…
I already have my cranky pants on, thank you very much…
Couldn’t we, like, pretend it’s Mardis Gras? I mean, what am I going to do with all these beads…?
My favourite female actor/tropical disease: Halle Beri Beri…
For that matter, Gnarls Barkley is no Charles Barkley, either…
Is the band that specializes in performing songs about substances that dissociate into free ions when dissolved (or molten) the Electrolyte Orchestra?
Eradicating pornography? I wouldn’t bet the raunch on it…
If children are the hope of the future, I’m going to reassess my plans to live forever…