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It’s Astonishing How Surprised People’s Faces Can Be When Leopards Come To Eat Them!

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And All You Have To Do Is Forget Everything Donald Trump Promised You’d Get If You Voted For Him

Charlie Kirk

If I was a smart leftist I would go all in on trying to create a schism between MAGA and TechWorld.

We must resist this.

It’s an op.

Our coalition will naturally have differing opinions. Together we beat the Democrats in November.

And now together we will save America.

Uhh – Have You Ever Met MAGA‽

Mark Kimsey

Amen. Folks need to be engaged, respectful, and in search of facts, in order to make informed and meaningful change. Flame throwing vitriol, with half baked truths will lose the day for us.

Shortest Presidency On Record – He Didn’t Even Make It To Inauguration Day!

Elon Musk

The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B.

Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.

You Think We Go Around Fucking Ourselves In Our Faces All The Time?
Dude, You Need To Get Out More!


He’s more Canadian than he is American

If You’re So Concerned About Student Debt, You Could Always Support Forgiving It. Right? Right? * CRICKETS *

The Columbia Bugle

Tucker Carlson Calling Out The H-1B And Other Visa Scams

“Who gets hurt? Well, among others, the college graduates who took on huge amounts of student loan debt only to be dumped into a system where their foreign replacements get preference over them.”

But Republicans Can’t Win With The 23 People Who Would Be Left!
(PRO TIP: That Doesn’t Include You.)

Elon Musk

The “contemptible fools” I’m referring to are those in the Republican Party who are hateful, unrepentant racists.

They will absolutely be the downfall of the Republican Party if they are not removed.

We’re Long Past The “Shock Of Finding Gambling In The Establishment” Stage…

Bannon’s WarRoom

Bannon: @ElonMusk, you’re calling the MAGA movement racist? How dare you. The coalition is building – Black and Hispanic families, and now you want to play the racism card? You think we’re going to tolerate that? We’re not. And I don’t care how big a check you wrote.

Have You Spoken To Steve Bannon Lately? I Think He Would Appreciate What You Have To Say…


Replying to @stillgray

You’re fat, brown, and not even American. KEEP AMERICA WHITE

It’s A Good Thing Steve Bannon Says You’re Not Racist, Or I Would Have Sworn That You Were Racist

Catgirl Kulak (Anarchonomicon)

Replying to @eyeslasho

Total removal of browns.

The desecration of all monuments to tolerance.

MLK’s body dug up and his head placed on a pike in the Washington mall, and all who try to remove it shot.

Wrong! White Men EXPECT Special Treatment, So They Shouldn’t Have To Ask For It

Leonardo Jonie

White men are not asking for special treatment. They’re asking for a fair fight.

The White man is currently chained up while third world usurpers beat him & mock him for being too weak to fight back.

He’s at his breaking point & epithets of “racist” won’t bind him much longer.

Musk, Maybe, But Where Would The Donald Be Without Their Love?

Alex Cole

The MAGA base is slowly realizing that Trump and Musk don’t need them now that the election is over.

On The Bright Side, At Least Tweets Don’t Go On For Five Hours

David Pepper

Yes, telling Americans of Indian descent to return to India, profane name-calling, censoring opposing views and saying you now sympathize with an assassin will definitely rival Lincoln-Douglas as one of our nation’s finest debates.

The Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party Loves Surprises (You Should See Them At Birthdays!)

Mehdi Hasan

So many South Asian Republicans are totally fine with their party’s racism against Black people and Mexicans but suddenly discover they don’t like it when that racism is (inevitably) aimed at them, too.

But On The Campaign, Donald Trump Promised That Everybody Could Play!
That, Umm, That Sounded Woke, Didn’t It? Was That Woke? Dammit!

Elon Musk

Replying to @MarioNawfal

No, we need more like double that number yesterday!

The number of people who are super talented engineers AND super-motivated in the USA is far too low.

Think of this like a pro sports team: if you want your TEAM to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent wherever they may be. That enables the whole TEAM to win.

Cuts To Social Security And Medicare Should Do It


There’s a very clear, “you already voted, we don’t need you anymore energy” about this, but MAGA probably needs more abuse before they truly comprehend they’re as screwed as the restofus.

But They Won’t Even Start Destroying The Things They Hate For Another Three Weeks!

Craig Boyajian

Yes, there are policy disagreements, but the real issue is that, when your entire purpose is to destroy things you hate, and then you succeed, the only thing left is to destroy each other.

Are You Equating America’s Interests With Your Interests?
That Wasn’t What You Were Elected For

Elon Musk

It comes down to this: do you want America to WIN or do you want America to LOSE.

If you force the world’s best talent to play for the other side, America will LOSE.

End of story.

Come on, Man! MAGAts Are Not Stupid
Well, I Mean, Yes, Okay, Most Of Them Were Educated At Bagohammers College, But What I’m Saying Is That Even Stupid People Know Whom They Hate (Not To Mention When They’ve Been Betrayed)


The low grade racism is bot activity and maybe even being boosted by H-1B mills.

Vivek gets standing ovations at events. Hameet is propped up. Kash is kind. And not in a token way. REAL LOVE.

I know MAGA and nobody real talks in the vulgar way seen these last 48-72 hours.