Worried about imports of cheap foreign cars? Please! Spare me your Saab story…
My favourite actor/dictator: Lon Nol Chaney…
Les Pages aux Folles: the better letter getter…
Every racist knows that two Wongs don’t make a white…
Satire: the art of darkness…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
The doctor who gives free rhinoplasty is practicing pro bono proboscis…
My favourite actor/physical phenomenon: Quark Gable…
The mean queen demeans the serene scene…
The better fetter go-getter…
Is weight on a dock pier pressure?
More odd than awed…
Oh, you know neo-Nazis: if you’re not part of the Final Solution, you’re part of the pogrom…
This is the mothership…is your head warm? Are you wearing a scarf and mittens? Over…
Nobody likes a tone Def Leppard…
Can you add homonym to ad hominem?
So much bandwidth, so little time…
Amnesia? Fuggedeaboudit!
How does Marcel Marceau get help when he’s really stuck in a box?
Ensorcel. Now, there’s a word you don’t have to know the definition of to enjoy saying. Ensorcel. En…sor…cel… See? It just trips off the tongue…
Does somebody who likes picking fights in more than one country have duel citizenship?
Oh, yeah. Bury your fork deep, pal. Bury it deep…
None of this is fun – now take your pill!
Why does everybody want to build a better mousetrap? All you end up with is more dead mice…
You think you’re smart because you know the difference between GST, GNP and GPA? How about the difference between DDT, VDT amd ADT?
The world is too serious to take seriously…
The long sarong doesn’t belong to the wrong thong throng…
Writing so clever it almost makes sense…
Feeling no pain, no gain…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
My definition of confusion: Frank Black and Meg White singing “Ebony and Ivory…”
Think free or die ensalved…
Could a really gullible person be considered an “all truist?”
Flotsam and jetsam from the flim flam man from Flin Flon…
Buzz: Authors’s Festival, Horoscopes, Horror Parade, TV Tonight; Books: bestsellers, Poetry, Mao…
Not your average load bearing wall…
Political satire like mama used to make…
It isn’t comic opera until you’ve heard the piccolo solo…
Marriage is the ultimate altared state…
Canada is not an underdeveloped nation! We would never settle for Banting and second Best!
The better Irish setter bedwetter…
New words about artificial breasts: silicoinage…
Don’t destroy the continuity!
When I grow up, I want to be Sarah Silverman…
I like my buttered toast with culture jam…
If it’s so unthinkable, why are there so many tanks devoted to it?
It’s official: I don’t like Van Halen…
Are Sean Lennon and Dweezil Zappa children of a lesser guitar god?
Imax, therefore I yam…
It’s logical, and yet it makes sense…
Stop the stop the insanity insanity!
Where pointless polemics go to die…
I don’t want to sound ungracious, but I could take Art Buchwald in a fair fight…
Why just turn phrases when you can twist them into pretzels?
The fun never ends. Until you die. Then it really ends. Probably…
I want Olga on the Volga and Hester in a Vespa…
I don’t mean to bite the hand that feeds me, it’s just that sometimes it looks soooo delicious…
Trying to keep your attention from wandering from hither to yawn…
Making the connection between WW I and the WWW…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
Kant…or won’t?
What do you think of Gwen Stefani’s new single, “Houellebecq Girl?”
The Mischa Auer is upon us!
Why be angry at an indefinite article for its inability to commit?
Having your first child: ennui for three…
Why is it that when I want to unwind, I usually unravel instead?
I long ago stopped wondering what it all means – now, I would be happy to understand what any little piece of it means…
You’ve got to like the way The Way is going…
Everybody seems to be practicing playing the piano. Etude, Brutus?
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
This week we preview the latest reality programme out of Korea: Seoul Survivor…
The mellow fellow who bellowed was Elvis Costello…
Whenever confronted by a difficult problem, I always ask myself: what would Theda Bara do?
Les Pages aux Folles: where scrofula is not just another word for piano…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…
It’s not repetition, it’s self-reference…