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The Daily Me Staff
Is There Any Way To Avoid The Politicization Of Politics?
Transcript of a discussion between President elect Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
OBAMA: You understand that the politicization of intelligence has to stop, right? I have important decisions to make about foreign affairs, and I need the most accurate information I can get.
GATES: Absolutely.
OBAMA: So, what can you tell me about the situation in Afghanistan?
GATES: What do you want to know?
OBAMA: Umm…is it getting better or getting worse?
GATES: Which would you prefer?
OBAMA: It’s not what I would prefer – it’s the reality of the situation.
GATES: Of course.
OBAMA: Okay.
GATES: Only, which reality of the situation would you prefer?
OBAMA: I’m sorry?
GATES: Do you want the positive reality or the negative reality?
OBAMA: I don’t want either! I want the real reality!
GATES: I…I’m sorry, Mister President, but if you want useful intelligence you’re going to have to work with me on this…
SOURCE: The Smoking Gut
Joe Biden Doesn’t Make Bill Kristol’s Heart (Such As It Is) Go Pit-a-pat

I’m sorry – which politician has a reputation for putting their foot in their mouth when they speak?
SOURCE: Politics for Dummies
At Times Like These, You Have To Ask Yourself: What Would Jesus Do…To Taunt His Enemies?
“I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric.” Phrases such as “bring them on or dead or alive indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace”.
– President George W. Bush
SOURCE: No Comment Quotes
It’s All Fun And Games Until Somebody Loses To The IMF
American Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has for the first time admitted that $25 billion of the government’s bailout money has been earmarked for horse and buggy manufacturers.
“They, uhh, they are too big to, you know, fail,” claimed Paulson, who is beginning to sound more and more like Lurch every day, “and, well, you know. Right.”
In a move that should have caught nobody by surprise, manufacturers of illuminated manuscripts have announced that they will be seeking bailout money as well.
SOURCE: The Financial Riposte
Rush (Limbaugh) To Judgment
LEFTY HIPP-STARR: Is the Obama administration a failure?
ANA-MARIE COX: The left-wing blogosphere certainly thinks so.
HIPP-STARR: In what way?
COX: You know, they’ve studied his breathing patterns and, let’s be honest, the big gulps of oxygen that he regularly takes, especially when playing basketball, seem…selfish and…and out of touch with Americans who are having trouble making breaths meet.
HIPP-STARR: Is this judgment mitigated at all by the fact that he doesn’t actually take office for another two months?
COX: In policy terms, possibly. I mean, who knows what he’s going to do, really? But, in public relations terms? Look, if we didn’t speculate on how Obama’s administration was going to screw things up, what would progressives have to talk about?
SOURCE: The Lefty Hipp-Starr Show
Blame It On Lima
While he was in Lima, Peru for the G20 summit, Prime Minister Stephen Harper made some extraordinary statements that, unfortunately, he has not lived up to. We have put them in a simple chart for comparison.
That Was Then | This Is Now |
Harper agreed with other world leaders that government spending was necessary to stave off world economic collapse. | His proposal for dealing with the crisis contained spending and tax cuts, but no new spending to stimulate economic growth. |
Harper acknowledged the need for deficit spending in order to deal with the financial crisis. | He proposed a series of modest measures that would not put the government into deficit. |
Even before he left, Harper said that he wanted to work with the other parties in a less rancourous Parliament. | His economic package included eliminating election subsidies for political parties, which wouldn’t have much of an affect on the federal budget, but would devastate his opponents’ ability to raise funds to fight elections. |
It seems clear that the Prime Minister drank something potent in Peru, and is now Doctor Jeckyll and Mister Harper. You have to wonder, though, given his history, which he thinks is the good Harper and which the bad.
SOURCE: Toronto Startle
When You Have A Hammer, Everything Looks Like An Al Qaeda Plot To Nail The West
ANCHOR REX VENEER: Welcome to our ongoing coverage of the coordinated attack on public buildings in Mumbai, India. Joining me to make sense of the horror is expert terrorism analyst and Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi fetishist Pridgeon Stoutamyer.
PRIDGEON STOUTAMYER: Happy to be here, Rex.
VENEER: Now, could we say –
STOUTAMYER: By which, I mean, of course, that what happened was terrible. I’m not happy about that, or about the fact that it gave you a reason to have me on the show. Not happy at all. I was…uhh…just making introductory small talk.
VENEER: Of course. Now, could we say that al Qaeda was behind the attacks in Mumbai?
STOUTAMYER: It seems unlikely. These attacks involved pitched gun battles with police and the taking of hostages, neither of which are al Qaeda tactics.
VENEER: Could al Qaeda be changing its tactics?
STOUTAMYER: Again, it’s possible, but it seems unlikely.
VENEER: Are you sure there could be no al Qaeda involvement?
STOUTAMYER: It appears that a new group, calling themselves the Deccan Mujahideen are claiming responsibility for the attacks.
VENEER: Are they allied with al Qaeda?
VENEER: Could they have, I don’t know, met al Qaeda in a bar, got drunk and had a one night stand with it?
VENEER: Could the Deccan Mujahideen have traded nude pictures of Britney Spears over the Internet with al Qaeda?
STOUTAMYER: Certainly not.
VENEER: That clears that up, then. The link between the deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai and the al Qaeda terrorist network has yet to be verified.
SOURCE: Deadline News Network