They say that in Vesampucceri, no one is above the law,
To which Dear Leader McDruhitmumpf says, “Oh, pshaw!”
Although he is venal and greedy and indulges every flaw,
He has an enormous appetite for power.
To become President, standards he will have to lower,
But many love his attitude, his swagger and his glower.
In his first term in office, he didn’t do what he wanted,
A failure which for four years had had him haunted,
So he doubled his efforts to destroy idiotocracy, undaunted.
This is how liberty dies:
At the hand of a conman running a corrupt enterprise.
Dear Leader McDruhitmumpf had the support of billionaires
Like Mark Aldayzuckerberg and Elon Threelonemuskateers.
With their support, he could take on all challengers.
For their investment what would they get in return?
The joy of watching regulators of their industries burn,
And regulations that inhibited their profiteering be overturned.
How can a populist cater to the needs of wealth,
To the ultimate harm of the commonwealth?
He does it, of course, by devious stealth.
This is how liberty dies:
Convinced it’s friends with people whom it actually despises.
Dear Leader needs an enemy of all that is decent –
An enduring one has always been the immigrant.
All he has to do is choose one whose suffering is recent.
“They’re not like us! They love liberty less!
They are destroying our cities and eating our pets!
The more of them we allow to enter Vesampucceri, the less safe it gets!”
There are always people that life tries to smother,
Who will turn around and blame another
(Dear Leader boasts of his love for the low information voter).
This is how liberty dies:
In an unending torrent of reprehensible lies.
One aspect of the plan that is absolutely crucial
Is to control the executive, legislature and judicial
Branches of government. Anything “official”
Must be approved by the Dear Leader,
Who doesn’t want guardrails, he wants a mind reader
Whom to his every whim and whimsy will defer.
He will appoint ideologues to the Extreme Court,
People who’ll reach for absurd arguments to support
The rulings to which he wants them to comport.
This is how liberty dies:
Wearing a democratic disguise.
Reduhblicans who refuse to tow the party line
Will come to their dismay to find
Themselves victims of smears malign.
Against them, vicious lies and insults will be hurled,
Really nasty stuff that would leave anybody’s toes curled,
Not to mention election challenges funded by the richest man in the world.
It’s enough to make even the most self-righteous blowhard
An abject, fearful, simpering coward,
With only a position at a right wing think tank to which to look forward.
This is how liberty dies:
Its supporters fade away before everybody’s eyes.
You cannot control a population
If you don’t control their system of education:
Facts help make people reject media indoctrination.
Start by underfunding schools.
Demand educators follow inhuman rules.
Replace the competent with ideological fools.
Ban books Reduhblicans resent.
Purge history and science your worldview doesn’t represent.
Control the past and you control the present.
This is how liberty dies:
Killed by those whose only hope is: “With that, do you want fries?”
Another group you need to make very nervous
Are members of the “independent” civil service:
You want them to serve you, to not serve us.
Vilify them, revile them, constantly vituperate;
Make civil servants an object of hate.
Accuse anybody who opposes you of belonging to the Deep State.
Firing a few will keep the rest in line.
Offer to buy out those appear prone to whine.
If you don’t pay? Don’t worry – they’ll turn out just fine.
This is how liberty dies:
Every day brings another horrid surprise.
Heads of departments need have no competence
As long as, to Dear Leader, they show proper deference.
With a compliant Sennet they will need no defence.
In fact, in a stunning display of guile,
All appointments, to their departments, must be hostile
The aims of good governance they will revile.
This is not a temporary lapse
The goal of the dictator is social society’s collapse –
How sweet it will be to achieve at last!
This is how liberty dies:
Using liberty’s tools to plot its demise.