So, I used to go to a lot of science fiction conventions. It was a thing. Don’t ask.
One of the things I loved about them was all of the costumes people would wear. I have an informal list of “Ways to Know You’ve Made it as a Writer” in my head, and one of them is that somebody is so taken by one of your characters that they cosplay them. I don’t have to know the origins of the costume (and frequently, I don’t) to appreciate the love that goes into buying or making it and wearing it to a convention.
These photos were never meant to be exclusively for my won enjoyment; I always wanted to share them. So, I created a Flickr account as an avenue to make them public. With the current crop of cosplay photos which I just updated, I’m just shy of 4,000 photos. The first photos were uploaded in 2011, soon after I started going to conventions. I was surprised t discover that I hadn’t posted anything to Flickr since 2019, but not that surprised: COVID has really curtailed my con-going.
Last week, a friend arranged a reading panel at Fan Expo in Toronto: three other writers and myself were given five minutes to read to a (pretty full, I have to admit) room. Before the reading, I had a couple of free hours, so I took some photos. You can find the photos here: Photos are arranged in albums, each representing a different event. The link goes to the 2024 Fan Expo album. If you would like to see all of the images, click on the “Back to albums list” link in the top left corner of the page.