Thanks for your patience, dear readers. I can now happily report that bookization is complete. There are four new collections on the web site.
1. Welcome to the Insurrection (We’re Not Sorry For the Inconvenience) is the 12th collection of Alternate Reality News Service Articles. Although this volume has been in print for over a year, the=is is the first time it has been collected in one place on Les Pages aux Folles.
2. Headlines Shred Limes is a collection of articles with real headlines from real newspapers with a snarky headline added by a fake journalist. (That would be me.) It’s hard to believe that such a simple concept could fill an entire book. Believe.
3. The Daily Me, a compendium of short news items from online sources which I have come to realize, over the years, acts as a parody of the internet itself, is the subject of The Daily You? No! The Daily Me! If Nicholas Negroponte could only see his little baby now…
4. Finally, we have If the Basis of Good Government is an Informed Electorate, I’m Ready to Move to Another Planet. This volume collects all of the articles that didn’t fit into the previous collections. It contains a lot of interesting articles (including seven in which I write about my father Alzheimer’s); definitely worth looking at.
As usual with bookization, the new section will look a bit…sparce until I’ve had a couple of months to fill it. But this is the life cycle of the web site. This is the way.
Thank you for your patience.