Blog Blah Blah

June 1: Is anybody out there? Hello? Hello?

April 30: Top 10 Reasons We Don't Need Commercial Media 10) They're biased towards the wealthy
9) They pander to people's worst instincts
8) They crush competition
7) They...they...oh, lord, what have we done?

April 22: So, like, I'm looking out my bedroom window, and nothing is happening. No war. No natural disaster. No politicians kissing babes. Shit, some people have all the luck...

April 16: What the fu - look, dumbass, I was trying to support your sorry blog. What's the thanks I get? MaryQuiteC at Radio Free Albumen Blog reports that Charlie 8Ball has been dissing me in BehindBlog. Fine. That's the last time I help any lamers like you!

April 14: I have no intention of putting up a top 10 list of anything. Lists are for lamers.

April 13: Charlie 8Ball at BehindBlog says that VVPuritan at VV's Vivisection Blog made up her article about Angie Panda (Black and White Blog)'s claim that she has inside information on the President's inability to sit still. I think Charlie is out of line, here. Look, VV has the right to her opinion, and, as for the whole hemorrhoids issue, well, I do find it hard to believe that Angie's dream is a true reflection of the President's condition, but you never know. You know?

April 11: The, uhh, New York Times had an article last month, you know, before it croaked, that the President has some sort of back condition. Maybe they're setting up some kind of Limbaugh-painkillers defense for his strange behaviour. Thoughts?

April 9: I don't understand. DavieBouyXT is shutting down Blog O' Destiny. Man, I worshipped that site - it was the inspiration for me to create my own blog. DavieBouyXT says that there's nothing left to say. Well, bullshit, man. It's a big, wide world out there with lots of stuff to write about! I - I - man, this sucks.

April 7: You know, Michael, nobody likes a sore winner. If you - no, you know what, I'm not even going to go there. It's not worth the (you) bytes.

April 6: Holy shit! Somebody actually bought a "Fair and Balanced" coffee mug for 22 cents on eBay! Nicely played!

April 5: Michael Panzaroti at is still going on about Dan Rather jumping on the President's Vietnam War record. Dude! Rather is long gone from the scene, and CBS itself folded up its cards and quite the game months ago. We won! Accept victory graciously and move on. Or, you know what, don't even be gracious about it, if that's where you're coming from. But, either way, move on!

April 4: A lot of office furniture and shit is being put up for sale on eBay. Anybody happen to notice if any of it has Fox logos on it? LOL I'd pay for a "Fair and Balanced" coffee mug...yeah, right. Like, 50 cents, maybe. ROFL

April 3: Anybody know what happened to Salon? One minute, I'm reading an article on the American fad for rice wine, the next I'm getting 404 errors all over the place. Don't - don't tell me they were corporate! Man, you just can't trust anybody these days. Well, except me, of course. :-)

April 2: My, oh, my. Did you see the rant on Bill O'Reilly's blog? Bunch of pathetic losers who should get out of the house more? From where I sit, you're the pathetic loser, Bill. Enjoy your next job - I'm sure Wal-Mart can always use another greeter!

April 1: Ha! Suckers! The commercial media has finally bitten the dust, and not a moment too soon! With the collapse of Fox News - which was okay, considering, but still too big for its own good - not to mention ours - no giants remain. The New York Times? Gone! CNN? History! AOL/Time Warner/Disney/Vivendi/Universal has bitten the dust! All the lumbering dinosaurs of a different media age have met their comet from the heavens and gone screaming into history's void.

Blogs rule!

May 30: Fox News just had a 20 minute segment speculating on why the President doesn't seem comfortable when he sits down. Like, HELLO! There's a whole wide world out there, people! Is this really the best that your multi-million dollar news department can come up with? That's pathetic!