Impertinent Minds Are Aching To Know

Why are so many of the politicians who are currently complaining that Canadian courts are overriding the country's legislature - as they have on the issue of same sex marriage - the same people who complain that the Liberal Party has a stranglehold on power in Ottawa? Perhaps if they offered a more effective opposition...

While we're on the subject, many politicians who are demanding MPs follow the will of their constituents on the issue of same sex marriages were, several months ago, slamming the government for listening to their constituents on the issue of the Iraq war. Do they think the electorate is stupid, or forgetful or...or...what was the question, again?

If it's so important for us to seize the day, why doesn't the day come with handles?

When did "The Book" stop referring to the Bible and start referring to TV Guide? Why?

If California Governor Gray Davis can be recalled for incurring a deficit of $40 billion, why isn't US President George W. Bush being recalled for incurring a projected deficit of $3 trillion? Can Bush be recalled 75 times? Wouldn't that be as total a recall as one could imagine?

The Toronto police couldn't help him. The OPP couldn't help him. Elections Ontario couldn't help him. Could somebody please buy Tom Jacobek - the rabid attack poodle of Toronto's mayoral race - a clue? Please?

How come you can't buy virgins at a Virgin megastore?

When the lights go out, can you get stuck in a mood elevator?

Is a hegemon like a Digimon? If so, can I use the hegemon card as my concealed card? Or, is it just that academics are afraid that if they use the term "American empire," they'll wake up and find that Britain is still in charge of the world?

Part of the reason Paul Martin is considered to be a shoo-in to be the next leader of the federal Liberal Party, and, thus, the next Prime Minister, is that he has Bay Street's approval. Why? I wouldn't trust Bay Street with a veto of my choice of shampoo; why should it get a veto on the country's choice of Prime Minister?

If hardcore sex goes mainstream, will chastity be the next taboo?

There is a show called Train 48 Outtake Special. How do you get an outtake on an improvised show? Does it happen when somebody gets their line right?

Since Israel's policy of marginalizing Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has led to his being more popular with his people, shouldn't they admit that the policy has failed and move on to something else? Baking him a nice cake, for instance? Or, maybe, showing up at his compound with flowers and chocolate?

A couple of days after President Bush slyly alluded, yet again, to links between Iraq and Al Qaeda, putting blame on Saddam Hussein for the terrorist attack on New York and Washington, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, "I've not seen any indication that would lead me to believe that I could say that." Now, which bad boy do you think's gonna win that wrasslin' match? And, while we're on the subject, how come Rumsfeld is surprised that 70 per cent of Americans believe there is a link? Doesn't he listen to what his Commander-in-Chief says? (Oh, and, hey, one final question: I know Rumsfeld's a lawyer, but don't you think a simple "No" would have sufficed?)

When did sampling stop referring to music and start referring to DNA? Technological nostalgia - it sure is something, ain't it?

Hey, once the Cold War ended did anybody ever apologize for not dropping an atomic bomb and starting World War III? I mean, think of all the people who built bomb shelters in the 1950s - don't they deserve to get their money back? And, what about all the people who lived in fear of nuclear annihilation all those years? Who's going to pay for their therapy? All those billions and billions of dollars spent developing weapons that eventually became obsolete and were replaced by increasingly more expensive weapons, money that could have been spent on schools or health care or sending Wayne Newton to the moon - really, don't people deserve at least an apology? (Whaddya mean who would give the apology? Just who's asking the questions, here?)

I would like some answers. Wouldn't you?