The Basket of Deplorables is Sure Its Cough is Nothing...

There's A Special Place In Hell For People Who Talk Cavalierly About Special Places In Hell For Other People

Empathy is the ability to walk a kilometre in another person's mukluks, to intuitively feel what other people feel. The opposite of empathy is Republican.

Look it up in the dictionary. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Senator John - what? You looked it up in the dictionary, and the opposite of empathy is actually apathy? That...that's...resourceful of you. But did you look it up in a dictionary in the Basket of Deplorables?

I thought not.

Ahem. As I was saying, Senator John Kennedy had a glorious opportunity to display his Republican when asked about future rounds of stimulus payments to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. And, boy, did he put his mukluk in his mouth!

It would appear that he thinks poor people, who would benefit most from the next round of economic stimulus, are going to hell. Do you think he ever described the first couple of rounds of stimulus funding, which gave money to wealthy corporations that needed it the least, as: "It's like a $5,000 a plate fundraiser around here?" Do you think he ever says, "Well, people in heaven want Grey Poupon, too?"

Have you ever met the Basket of Deplorables‽

CA, ACA, DACA - For Republicans, It's All Caca

Did you know that having a health problem means you live badly? If you get hit by a car walking to your Pilates class, you've obviously not lived properly. If you have a gene that activates ALS, you clearly aren't taking responsibility for your health.

You may think that the whole point of a health insurance system was for the healthy to subsidize the sick, on the assumption that the healthy will one day be sick and need to draw from the system themselves. You may think that getting rid of the Affordable Care Act and making people pay for health care they cannot afford is not an act of "replacement" so much as "reversion to the former status quo." You may believe that health care should be a basic civil right.

Thank goodness we have Alabama Representative Mo Brooks to set you straight. He may not have worded it very diplomatically, but, considering where he resides, he was being a regular Norbert Schweitzer (Albert's younger, more self-centred brother)!

The Subject Who Is Truly Loyal To The Chief Magistrate Will Neither Advise Nor Submit To Arbery Measures

It is well known that, for a woman to become a Fox News on-air personality, she has to have the appearance of somebody who has just come from a casting call for the lead for Legally Blond, and have legs that look like stilts when they are bared for the camera. Why would the standard for male Fox contributors be that they have to look like the creatures from Attack on Titan when they smile? So almost human. So very, very creepy.

Brian Kilmeade (aka: Exhibit A), a host on Fox and Friends, was talking to his only friend, well, the only one who matters to him, President Donald Trump, about the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery. Arbery was killed as he was "jogging while black." (From the way the Fox host framed the murder, you can be forgiven for thinking the victim was white; Kilmeade can't.)

A white former police officer and his son waited by their pickup truck for Arbery to jog by and shot him dead. They were immediately (defined as: months later) arrested by the officer's former colleagues in the police department who were following the evidence (meaning: after a video of the killing surfaced that showed very clearly that it wasn't self-defence).

In the Basket of Deplorables, this is not a racial situation until somebody starts complaining about the treatment of the white killers.

Mister Christie, You Make Good Kookies

Have you ever noticed how quick some politicians are (we won't name their party affiliation, but it rhymes with dreckuglicon) to sacrifice other people's lives for something as abstract as the economy?

You and I may have thought that nothing would destroy a family faster than if its breadwinner died a painful, agonizing death. Fortunately, we have Chris Christie to show us the error of our ways, to show us that, in fact, nothing destroys a family faster than having the breadwinner stay at home.

We've all watched bad family sitcoms; we know how that works.

You can be forgiven if you think that Christie was being less than forthright in saying he wanted to save every life he could considering that in the very next breath he said, in essence, "Why bother?" But, what do I know? I don't have his experience threading the middle...