The Daily Me - Ponderosa Manicotti-Newman

Thank you, Ponderosa Manicotti-Newman, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, owing to a bout of what the doctor called "stomach flu" (but we really know was food poisoning), we left a bit of our stomach lining on the corner of Yonge and Sheppard, along with some acids and a bit of an apple we foolishly tried to eat before we left for the hospital.

No need to thank us - we were just doing our bit to make Toronto a world class city.

The Daily Me Staff

Aegean Before Beauty

The State Department called on Greece and Turkey to deescalate tensions in the Aegean Sea over Cyprus. This came as a surprise to many people in Washington, who thought: "There's still somebody working in the State Department?"

SOURCE: Jimmy Kippel - Live! (On Tape Delay)


He'll Get His Stunt Man To Kick Our Asses if We Don't?

Rachel Weisz, who is married to Daniel Craig, who currently plays James Bond on film, says that the spy created by Ian Fleming should not be played by a woman. And, we should definitely pay attention to her opinion on the matter because...because...because...


SOURCE: Entertainment Right Now


How About A Peace Sign So We Can Move On To What's Really Important - Paying Too Much For Warmed Over Broadway Productions

According to data collected by the city of Toronto, spending at King Street businesses has increased since a stretch of the street was designated to prioritize streetcar travel. Despite complaints by business owners in the area, the city claims spending in the area rose 21 per cent between October and December, 2017, a trend in line with seasonal spending patterns in previous years.

Will the next ice sculpture outside Al Carbone's establishment be crossed fingers?



Think Of The (Unborn) Children!

Details of the affair between President Donald Trump and Karen McDougal have been made public. During the nine month affair, which started in 2006, the entrepreneur showed the former Playboy Playmate of the Year his wife's bedroom in Trump Tower and brought her to his private bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Because: classy.

But, how do the evangelical Christians who support Trump feel about this?

"He. Is. A...a...a goo - goo - good man!" the Reverend Oral Righteous said through gritted teeth. "Doing God's work. If he...he...he strays...well, - is - is -"

When he broke off the front of his desk because he was clenching it too hard, the Reverend Righteous declared the interview over.

SOURCE: Cleveland Wheeler Dealer



I'll Bet You Didn't Know Local Food Gathering Required Swords And Spears - Passing On Such Knowledge Is Why Museums Are So Important To Civilization!

So, I dragged The Boy to see Magnus Nilsson, the creator of the restaurant Faviken, at the Royal Ontario Museum. Whenever I told The Boy how excited I was that we were going to see a famous Swedish chef, he replied, "Kevoortny bloortney haaaaaiiiieeeee!" I'm beginning to wonder about The Boy's self-preservation instincts...

I was inspired by Chef Nilsson's story about locally sourced food. So, the next day I gathered twigs and berries that had grown in my garden and made a sort of...stewy thing out of it. The Boy went out to get a pizza. His self-preservation instincts may be better than I give him credit for...

SOURCE: Jennifer's Brain Blorts


It's Marginally More Tasteful Than Crime Scene Photos...

The Republicans, up to and including President Trump, have decried the Parkland, Florida shooter as "mentally unstable. And, you know, crazy people - wadday gonna do? Amirite?"

What the Republican Congress did was at the beginning of last year pass a bill nullifying a rule designed to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental illness, a bill that Trump signed two weeks later. Considering that photographs have been released of the President signing bills requiring cities to label toxic waste as "fresh water" and questioning the scientific consensus on gravity, some critics of the administration have wondered why this particular photo has never been publicly released.

Not to worry. The photograph of President Trump signing the bill easing limits on gun purchases by the mentally ill will be on the front of the White House's Christmas Card to the NRA.

SOURCE: Deadline News Network


While I Hate To Agree With Anything Doug Ford Says...

Yesterday's man is reaching for tomorrow today.

On the day Patrick Brown was kicked out of the Ontario Progressive Conservative caucus because of allegations of sexual misconduct, Brown announced that he was cleared of any wrongdoing and was entering the Ontario PC's leadership race. Okay, reentering, actually, but why quibble?

Not everybody in the party was dismayed by this decision. "This is going to make it a real race!" exulted candidate Doug Ford. "I mean, did you think it was possible that anybody would be running that would make me look like a more viable candidate by comparison?"

SOURCE: Toronto Startle


Family Members Insist Brando Never Had A Pryor Engagement

Richard Pryor's daughter Jennifer Lee has denied allegations made by Quincy Jones that her father had sex with Marlon Brando.

Marlon Brando's son, Miko, has said that his father didn't have sex with Richard Pryor more.

And, this is important news because...because...because...


SOURCE: Imaginary Movie Database


When We Can't Be Arsed To Do Great Things, Mediocrity Follows

"We no longer sail on this new sea because we don't care about the new knowledge to be gained, or any new rights to be won, for we will make certain they will not be used for the progress of all people... We choose not to go back into space in this or any other decade and do any other things, not because they are hard, but because they are expensive; because that goal will only serve to organize and measure the best energies of our scientists - hunh! - because that challenge is one we are willing to postpone, one we are unwilling to accept, and one we intend to let the private sector win or lose as it will..." - part of the speech of President Trump explaining why he wants NASA to stop cooperating with the International Space Station and be privatized by 2025

SOURCE: Scientific Canadian
