The Daily Me - Erica Entwhistle

Thank you, Erica Entwhistle, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Then, we heard about a recent survey that showed that seven out of 10 Americans did not like their jobs. Only seven? That estimate seems low. We so understand where they're coming from! We've had it up to here with temps who bitch about how they can't juggle three part-time jobs and sleep - the new economy isn't killing them: their own laziness is! And, don't even get us started about interns who moan that they're giving away all of their talent without even a hint of a promise of a trace of a possibility that they will get work out of it when their terms are over! We tell you, it's malcontents like that who are poisoning America's workplaces!

The Daily Me Staff

Memento Morsi

In a case of Arab spring forward, Arab fall back, there was dancing in the streets of Cairo as Egypt's military leaders suspended the country's constitution and ousted its democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi.

"This is democracy in action," exulted used rug salesman Tariq Fatiq. "This is the will of the people being expressed by a military coup. We couldn't be happier tha - wait. What? The will of the people? Military coup? How exactly does that work, again?"

SOURCE: The Baghdad Post


Non-existent Books For Increasingly Non-existent Readers

This Book Does Not Exist
by an author you will never get to hear of now
0 pages available to the public
Penguin Random House

The Big Six publishers are now the Big Five with the completion of the merger between Penguin and Random House. How will this affect what books are available to readers? As you would be able to read in This Book Does Not Exist if there was still a publisher willing to put it out, you should expect more reissues of Dickens and Austen and less books by authors you will never get to hear of now.


SOURCE: Unread Book News


Guess He Won't Be Getting His Sociology Degree Any Time Soon

The Supreme Court has determined that racism in America is dead, and that, therefore, laws guaranteeing the voting rights of minorities are no longer necessary.

Five seconds after the ruling, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, South Carolina and Virginia exulted that they could now pass or implement voter restriction laws without federal oversight.

Five seconds after the exultation, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, stated, "Oops. Looks like we were wrong about the prevalence of racism. Our bad. Well, the federal government can always pass new legislation banning discriminatory state voter a decade or two from now...and, then we'll see what happens..."

SOURCE: The Postington Wash


Inappropriate, Illegal - You're Talking Two Completely Different Things!

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said that Justin Trudeau taking a speaking fee from a charity was inappropriate.

He must not have studied architecture when he was at university, or Harper would have recognized the glass house that he was living in.

SOURCE: The Quick and the Detwiler


When Are We Going To See The Headline: "The Darker Side Of Flexible Management"?

"The darker side of flexible labour" - Globe and Mail

"Spending likely to slow as middle-class income stagnates" - Globe and Mail

SOURCE: Billy-Bob's International House O' Headlines


Damned If You Donut

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have come under criticism for not seizing guns from deserted homes in flood-ravaged High River, Alberta, after one was used on a killing rampage that left seven people dead and 12 injured.

"I'm very disappointed in the actions of he RCMP in this matter," Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated. "There may have been some complaints, but public safety should always come before political expedience."

The RCMP responded with a statement that read: "Damned if you do..."

SOURCE: Alternate Reality News Service


Democracy - Such A Muslim Botherhood!

According to Syria's dictator Bashar al-Assad, "The Muslim Brotherhood's experiment fell quickly because it is wrong, and what is a wrong principle will definitely fail."

Syria's dictator! The one who is massacring his own people! Is lecturing a democratically elected government on what is right and wrong!

The Absurd Ironyometer is reconsidering its stand not to invest in arms manufacturers, because, frankly, Pudding Pops Inc. and silver no longer look sufficient to provide it with a comfortable retirement.

SOURCE: Big Alex' Domesday Countdown Page


Okay, Here's The Thing: If He Hadn't Signed DOMA Into Law In The First Place, There Would Have Been Nothing For The Supreme Court To Victoriously Strike Down
Then, What Would We Have To Celebrate Now?

"Today's decisions are a great step forward for #MarriageEquality. Grateful to all who fought tirelessly for this day." - former President Bill Clinton on the Supreme Court decision striking down parts of the Defense of Marriage Act

SOURCE: Ending Trending Web Site


His Free Market Orientation Was Very Successful At Getting The Blood Out Of The Prison Walls

"Egyptians would be lucky if their new ruling generals turn out to be in the mold of Chile's Augusto Pinochet, who took over power amid chaos but hired free-market reformers and midwifed a transition to democracy." - Wall Street Journal editorial

SOURCE: No Comment Quotes


Uncle Tim Pulls A Boner - Metaphorically Speaking

Roman Catholic Cardinal Timothy F. Dolan has repeatedly called allegations that he shifted millions of dollars out of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's bank account when he was the Archbishop there in order to keep the money from being available to pay damages to children physically abused by priests malarkey. "Malarkey! Malarkey! Malarkey!" he said. Repeatedly.

How, then, does he respond to the release of letters he wrote to the Vatican where he asks for permission to transfer $57 million into a cemetery trust fund, explaining to the Pope that, "I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability?"

"They...they're just words," Cardinal Dolan said in a press conference. "Words. On a piece of paper. In a language that most people in this country can't even read! Who are you going to believe? Words? Or your cute, cuddly uncle Tim who stands before you in all humility and - stop having those thoughts at once or you're going straight to hell! - and asks for your continued faith in him?"

SOURCE: Cleveland Wheeler Dealer
