Appy Now?

Symphony In App Minor

Terrifying mobile app Haunting Melissa has heralded in a new way to experience chills"3
"In the mood for hAPPiness"3

"Samy app has signed on 3,000 merchants"1
"Phone boasts 70,000 apps"1
"Apps bloom into industry now worth $25-billion
Players in quickly growing field scramble to figure out best ways to attract users and turn a profit"2

Teenager's startup gets big funding boost"1
"Mississauga firm pumped about gas payment app"1
"Toronto tech firm's app a Turkish delight"1
"Facebook taps Canada to test talk app"2

"Author moves into app world"1
"App Writers Find Riches Are Elusive"4
"Apple CEO earns $4.17 million despite inept app"1

"Vaccination cards get an App-date"1
"Jet-lag prevention? There's an app for that, too"2
"Trail is interactive with phone apps"1

"Facebook in talks to buy Waze
Deal with driving-app firm would let social media giant gather more data about users' behaviour"2
"Google buys map-app developer Waze"2

"SHOPPING (there's an app for that) "3
"Apps not big for holiday shoppers
Most Canadians won't use smartphones to buy presents, study finds"1

"Checking for melanoma? Trust a doctor, not an app"2
"App gives patients a voice
Software helps people with speech disabilities express themselves"1
"How to set your run on cruise control
A new app for Apple iOS devices guides your pace by subtly increasing or decreasing the speed on your playlist"2

"Could an app tell us where we fit in? "1
"A perfect app for the time-pressed narcissist"2

"Teens use app to sext"3
"Snapchat app lets users practice safe sext...sort of"2
"New app helps Icelanders avoid kissing their cousins"1
"Is that Chubby app in your pocket?"3

"To have and to tweet
Plugged-in couples are crowdsourcing wedding photos with Twitter, Instagram apps"1

"Craigslist Cantata: Is this musical theatre's next great app?"2
"Twitter launches music service
New tool, both online and in an app, links music fans and artists"1
"Part of what these apps do is fan engagement"1
"Samsung's Jay-Z app an epic #Fail"1

"Free app organizes tasks for group work"2
"Where Apps Meet Work, Data May Be at Risk"4
"A thumbnail guide to free job-hunting apps"2

"Tearing down walls, building bridges
Quietly, a host of start-ups are creating a niche industry, writes Omar El Akkad. The latest trend is bridge-builders: apps that let users escape the confines of the walled garden of a single company's technology to connect to different systems"2

"App aims to save your appetite"1
"Fingerling potatoes with salmon raise profile of apps"5
"An app that will put the cherry on top of your summer"2

"Home: New app also allows Facebook to collaborate with smartphone makers"1
"Apps That Track Cellphones"4
"Smartphone can prevent dumb moves
Keep the festive cheer, unwanted texts offline with these apps"1
"On iPhone, Many Apps By Google"4
"Phone apps distract birds"2

"Mobile Apps Drive Rapid Change in Searches"4
"New app for credit unions allows more versatility"1
"App helps retrieve clipboard items"2
"New app keeps Siri on her toes"1

"Free app helps Venezuelans find scarce food staples"1
"Apps the new salespeople in U.S. stores"6
"App developers getting access to federal information"2

"Yahoo: Many of the acquisitions have focused on mobile apps"2
"Facebook adds video to photo-sharing app Instagram"2
"Blackberry BBM to be a free app"1
"Twitter unveils mobile video app"2

"Scramble to get on iPad good list
Game developers vie for projected massive app purchases"3
Popular Google app returns to iPhone, iPad"3

"Google cuts the clutter with new version of Maps app"1
"App finds WIFI sites for your road trips"2
"Car apps focus on cutting the stress of driving"2
"Another cab app checks in"1

"Apps to help you choose a pet (and care for it)"1
"Free app keeps tabs to keep you on time"2
"A touch of safety with the click of an app"1
"App helps parents monitor kids' internet use"3

"When in doubt, ask the crowd
Need help choosing dish soap, restaurants, cars, mortgages? Leave it to an app to decide"2

"Gadgets for a good night's sleep
Apps, ambient music can replace pills and white-noise machines"1

"App's got your back"3
"First the app and then the world"1
"There's not always an app for that"2

"An app to see the invisible"2
"An App That Lets You See It, Then You Don't"4

1. Toronto Star
2. Globe and Mail
3. Toronto Sun
4. New York Times
5. metro
6. 24 Hours