More Things You Miss Because You Don't Follow Me on Twitter

0. November is the month of #antiquotes
1. At one glance/I love you/With a thousand hearts. Mihri Hatun Hurry, my love/The other 999 people/Want their hearts back. Me
2. Most people's lives are a...reflection of their peer groups. Tony Robbins But, will my peers go to rehab for my alcoholism? Me
3. Do or do not. There is no try. Yoda What? Are dictionaries a tool of the Empire? Me
4. Civilization is limited only by its imagination. Napoleon We're doomed. Me
5. A good book is the purest essence of the human soul. Thomas Carlyle But, a bad book can be loads of fun. Me
6. Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes of playing a poor hand well. R. L. Stevenson But, I'm playing chess! Me
7. To win without risk is to triumph without glory. Pierre Corneille I can do without the glory as long as I've won. Me
8. Self-trust is the first secret of success. Ralph Waldo Emerson I'm still not lending myself $29 til next payday! Me
9. Do not fear pressure, for pressure is what turns stones into diamonds. Unknown And, fruit into mush. Me
10. Ridicule is the first and last argument of fools. Unknown Oh, yeah? Well...well...pfffft! Me
11. Do not go gentle into that good night. Dylan Thomas Bring pastries. Me
12. Life is a journey, not a destination. Anonymous Until, you find yourself stuck in Wawa without a map. Me
13. Without danger you cannot get beyond danger. George Herbert Without shrimp you cannot get beyond shellfish. Me
14. Presence is more than just being there. Malcolm S. Forbes But, then again, so is absence. Me
15. A true friend is one soul in two bodies. Aristotle Overweight people must never be lonely. Me
16. We cease to act big when we belittle. Arthur Tugman Nyah nyah - I know you are, but what am I? Me
17. Bela Lugosi's dead. Bauhaus Naah, he's just restin'! Beautiful plumage. Me
18. No man is a hero to his valet. Georg Hegel What's a valet? For that matter, what's a hero? Me
19. I got soul, but I'm not a soldier. The Killers But, do you solder? Me
20. Severe truth is expressed with some bitterness. Thoreau If you insist on being honest, use breath mints. Me
21. Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. William James Even if it is just an act? Me
22. Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it. Colin Powell Others suck up to bosses for it. Me
23. Playing safe is only playing. Chuck Olson But, if the Dodgers are paying you $2 mil to slide into second, go for it. Me
24. Take heed: you do not find what you do not seek. English Proverb Why so many people seek crabgrass is beyond me. Me
25. An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. Ralph Waldo Emerson In theory... Me
26. Failure is impossible. Susan B. Anthony Have a moist towelette on hand just in case. Me
27. At age 50, every man has the face he deserves. George Orwell But, does the world deserve to have my face in it? Me
28. The buck stops with the guy who signs the checks! Rupert Murdoch Except when it comes to cellphones. Me
29. Telling lies does not work in advertising. Tim Bell Unless they're real whoppers. Me
30. Represent Him in your work! Dani Johnson Him? You mean Kareem Abdul Jabbar? Me

This month: Twitter descriptions you might want not want to follow.
1. Crockpot crackpot
2. Blogger always looking for more to read (ignore the part where I say I'm too swamped to accept any more books!).
3. This is me not going there.
4. Norwegian by birth, Panamanian by colouring, Alsacian by choice.
5. I'm boring, so, yeah.
6. I followback...through the wires and right into your computer screen! #teamcreepy
7. Awesome feed of awesome awesomeness. Why would I bother following YOU?
8. I tweet in ancient Egyptian cuneiform.
9. Author of the prizewinning novel Time Constipation, due out seven years from now.
10. Are you man enough to be my woman? #genderconfused
11. Freedom isn't free! Go shopping! Then try to pay off your debt!
12. I've seen better days, but who hasn't?
13. Speling and grammar perfectionist I am
14. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but fame will never hurt me...
15. Boots. Keyboards. Electronic nirvana. Tomatoes. French fries. Hungry...
16. I created the universe in six days. I've been slacking off ever since. Please don't blame me for your problems.
17. i am not a you in the market for aluminum siding?
18. I love women, EXCEPT MY SCHEMING BITCH WHORE OF AN EX-WIFE! I followback
19. The whitest negro in Norway, negro!
20. Why bother saying anything about myself? You'll find out the truth soon enough...
21. GOD! GOD! GOD! GOD! GOD! GOD! GOD! Oh, and family, too, I guess...
22. Do you guys' know where your apo's'trophe's' 'a'r'e'?
23. Defenestrater. Taxidermist. Human. And, nobody can prove otherwise! 24. In 1984, I became skeptical of skepticism, and I haven't been the same since...
25. To retweet is not to endorse - I haven't endorsed anybody since Nixon!
27. I heart: Buffy. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. LOLcats. Just a small town girl livin' in her small town world.
28. I decided I would put off the novel until I had gone to Europe and had a lover. Worst. Decision. Ever.
29. You don't know how important a shoulder can be until it's gone...
30. #lovesme #lovesmenot #griffindorbootblack #friendofents #entsnotants #toomanycharact
31. Independent thinker. FOX RULES! "There are no contradictions." (Buddha)