Les Pages Aux Folles: From Headlines to Bedhead?
From Headlines to Bedhead?
Teddy Is A Shill For Big Oil!
"Is Mr. Bean right that EVs are not all that?"
- Toronto Star
Making Sun Tzu The Chair
"What makes a meeting successful?"
- Toronto Star
Cheap Beer?
Oh, Wait...
"The byelection as harbinger
Insiders say Doug Ford threw himself into two losing campaigns. What happens next?"
- Toronto Star
Is That What The Cool Kids Are Calling "Greed" These Days?
"Is 'financialization’ to blame for Canada’s housing crisis?"
- Toronto Star
Might As Well: They’ll Be Paying For It Either Way
"Will Canadian buy the PM’s agenda?"
- Toronto Star
Don’t Go To Bed With Hand Grenades Under Your Pillows
"How do you maintain a marriage in a time of war?"
- Toronto Star
They Thought It Was A Personal Attack
"Why did it take council 16 years to ban blowers?"
- Toronto Star
Networks Will Be Limited To Three Minutes Of Ads Between Innings
"How will pitch clock operate in the post-season?"
- Toronto Star
Only To Women
"Is incel ideology terrorism?"
- Toronto Star
If You Billet, They Will Come
"Canada lures tech workers from U.S.
New program draws 10,000 applicants - but will they come?"
- Toronto Star
You...Don’t Appreciate How Humanitarianism Works, Do You?
"Why invite refugees without accommodation?"
- Toronto Star
Die At The Age Of 32
"What would Canadians do with a 60-hour day?"
- Toronto Star
The X-Men Has A New Writer
"Rogue feels much more high-tech. Why is that?"
- Toronto Star
It’s Probably Better Than Continuing To Wear A Hazmat Suit To Family Dinners
"Can I cut ties with my toxic brother?"
- Toronto Star
Of Course
Children Exist To Validate Their Parents’ Choices
"Is my daughter making a mistake?"
- Toronto Star
If You Are Referring To Decades Of Denying Global Climate Change, Then Yes
"Wildfire set on purpose?"
- Toronto Sun
I Always Saw Him As More Of A Cross Between A Doberman And A Chihuahua
"Is Poilievre a pit bull or a golden retriever?"
- Toronto Star
In The Provincial Government’s Budget...
In An Alternate Universe
"Where is Toronto’s housing funding?"
- Toronto Star
Do You Want The Scientific Name Of The Bacteria, Or Its Common Name?
- Toronto Sun
They Can Promise The Moon
They Can Deliver Mooning Their Constituents
The new mayor faces hot-button issues such as the Gardiner rebuild, renaming Dundas Street, and the province’s plans for Ontario Place. What have candidates promised and what can they deliver?"
- Toronto Star
San Jose, California
Some People Just Can’t Catch A Break!
"'Where am I going to stay next?'"
- Toronto Star
If You Have To Ask...
"What type of housing is planned for the Greenbelt?"
- Toronto Star
Do You See Me Giving You The Side-eye For Just Asking The Question?
"Is lying a breach of trust?"
- Toronto Star
Do You Want To See Cops Go To The Bathroom?
"Why is there an off button on body cameras?"
- Toronto Star
The Beginning Of Next Summer?
"Is there a better place to end summer?"
- Toronto Star
Doubtful - Nobody Ever Listens To That Clown!
"Will Ford heed his own advice?"
- Toronto Star
Somebody Would Need Gills To Live In Them
"What if condos were water developments?"
- Toronto Star
When The Child’s Ass Falls Off, Then Yes
- Toronto Sun
...Or The Highway?
"How about making the DVP one way?"
- Toronto Star
Your Child Will Thank You When They Graduate From University
"Am I mean for not buying Swift tickets?"
- Toronto Star
They Were Too Busy Meeting Donors To Look
"Housing minister, premier didn’t check changes?"
- Toronto Star
I Can’t Speak For Anybody Else
I Sure Know I Wasn’t Listening!
"'Wait! Are they listening to us?’"
- Toronto Star
A Bcdk Lcm, Nom Plma-rps Bpmk At Tmucvr Al Tcwk Dkcdzk
Can 'coded language’ help avoid federal ban?"
- Toronto Star
Bring Back Public Floggings -
They Worked For Medieval Office Managers
"How bosses are dealing with the 'lazy girl job’ viral trend
The appeal of the bare-minimum work style is obvious for employees. How can managers navigate it?"
- Toronto Star
Sure, If You Want Him To Vandalize...YOUR FACE!
"Should I report teen’s vandalism?"
- Toronto Star
If He Knows What’s Good For...HIS FACE!
"Will Clark follow his own advice?"
- Toronto Star
Don’t Look At...THEIR FACE!
No, Wait, That’s Actually The Best Way
This Punchline...May Have Run Its Course
"How do I avoid seeing my senior friend naked?"
- Toronto Star